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As you made your way into the school building, you were quickly greeted by Randy.  He was standing at the front doors into the school, and William was with him.  When Randy spotted you, he threw his hands out like Frankenstein's monster, and decided that now was the perfect time to make a reference to a genre that you hated.

"It's alive," he screeched.

William quickly smacked him upside the head, and you smiled at him gratefully.

"What?!  What did I do," Randy exclaimed.

"They just had a near death experience, don't you think you should be a little thoughtful," William chastised.

"Well, am I wrong?  They are alive!"

William shook his head, and whacked Randy once more.  You giggled, and Randy glared at his attacker.  You made your way past the boys and into the school.  You had a class to get to on the other side of the building, and like hell you were going to be late.  And you were accounting for the fact that teachers were most likely going to stop you and interrogate you about last night.

Classes were fairly simple, and luckily, teachers were taking things pretty easy in 'the wake of the great tragedy.'  They were especially nice to you, considering the fact that you had lost one of your only three friends, and because you were pretty messed up from the experience, even with your lack of involvement.  You just smacked the wall a few times for creepy phone dude, and you managed to make it out alive.  So it could've been far worse.

Once lunch time rolled around, you were wondering if you should just go home.  Your grandmother probably wouldn't mind.  She had even implored you to stay home.  You figured a distraction would be nice, rather than get stuck in a room, only the dark memories to keep you company.  But right now, those thoughts seemed far more appealing than everyone constantly asking if you were okay.  And this time, you didn't have Casey around to tell them that you couldn't talk, and to tell them off and swear them off if they pressed any further.

"Hey (y/n)," you heard William greet.  "How're you holding up?"

'If one more person asks me that, I'm going to flip my shit,' you wrote.

"Fair enough.  Do you wanna have lunch with me and my friends?  I know you usually had lunch with Casey."

You shrugged, and nodded.  William began to lead you outside, towards the front of the school.  By a decorative fountain (that seemed fancier than the school's budget should allow), there was short cement walls keeping some dirt, trees, and flowers from crumbling to the ground.   Sitting on and around these walls was a small group of people, and you immediately recognized Stuart and Randy.  But there were two girls you had never seen before sitting there as well, one having brown hair, and the other being a blonde.

"(y/n)," Randy shouted happily, waving you over.  "We were just talking about you!"

Oh shit.

"Not exactly," the blonde corrected.  "We were talking about what questions they were asking during the interviews."

The brunette was deep in thought, and looked like she was on the verge of a mental breakdown.  Or in the middle of a mid life crisis.  The two looked very similar when you don't know the context.  But before you and William were even a solid five feet away, she dropped a bit of a bombshell question.

"How do you... gut someone?"

"You take a knife, and you split 'em from groin to sternum," Stuart replied.

Whelp, you wanted to disappear.  You felt your heart leap into your throat, and your stomach sink.  But just like with William, you figured if you acted natural, nothing would happen.

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