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You ran up the stairs and into a hallway, only to be greeted with silence. The screaming had stopped, leaving you clueless as to where Sidney could be.

Then, you heard it. Wheezing.

You hesitantly made your way to the source of the sound, and saw a door that was cracked open slightly. You gently pushed open the door, staying as quiet as possible. You didn't know if the killer was still around, and if so, you didn't want to alert them of your situation.

In the room, you heard the wheezing clear as day. You worked your way into the room, remaining as quiet as possible. Luckily for you, not even the floorboards creaked. You saw that you were in a bedroom. There was a large master bed with nightstands on either side, and a large wardrobe in the corner. Making your way around the bed at a pace slower than molasses, you found what - or who - was wheezing.

Sidney. She was on the floor, laying in a fetal position. And there were stab wounds and gashes riddled throughout her chest.

You quickly dropped down to her side, your safety be damned. Death really did follow you everywhere.

You began to gently shake her shoulder, and then you tried to apply pressure to the two larger holes in her body.

"(y/n)..." she managed to speak.

You began violently nodding as if to say 'it's me.'

"Billy..." she wheezed. "Billy..."

Had she been with William? You hadn't even seen him here. Maybe the fact they were up here was why? But William didn't seem like the kind of person to lead her up here, and you doubted he followed Sidney. So why were they up here?

That didn't matter. What matter was the fact that Sidney could die right here.

"Billy... behind you..."

You whipped around to see what she was talking about, and saw the fucking mask. The eternal plastic scream. You jumped to your feet, and threw your notebook at him as hard as you could. It was the only 'weapon' you had on hand, okay?! You practically leapt across the bed as you bolted for the hallway. You were no use to Sidney dead.

You heard footsteps following you, and that eliminated the thought of going downstairs. Randy was still down there.

Then you saw another flight of stairs. But these ones were going up. So, you decided to take a chance. You bolted up the stairs, and were met with a wooden door. You slammed your body into it, and the door flew open. You quickly slammed the door shut, and heard the killer smack into it. You looked around and saw a surfboard, and reached over to grab it. You used the sporting to barricade the door, giving you enough time to look around and formulate a proper escape plan.

Then you locked eyes with a window. There was only one, but it was something. You heard the killer stop clawing at the door, and took a chance to run for your beautiful glass exit. You slid the window open as you heard the surfboard fall, and you listened as the hinges of the door creaked and groaned.

Footsteps came sprinting for you, and you decided to take a leap of faith. Literally.

You jumped out the window.

Your logic: searing pain was better than fucking dead.

You hit something sooner than expected, and tumbled down onto a thin plastic sheet. You could still feel all your limbs, and you were very much alive. Looking up, you saw the killer leaning out of the window frame. They saw you, and disappeared back inside. You took a look at your new surroundings, and saw what you had landed on. You were on the Macher family's boat. The thin plastic sheet was the tarp that was covering it.

You managed to climb your way off of the boat, and got back down on solid ground. You heard the front door open, and footsteps running around. Luckily for you, they moved to the other side of the house. You began your venture back inside so you could 1. Call for help. 2. Warn Randy (unless he happened to be the killer [you couldn't really see that happening, he looked like a toothpick]). 3. Get Sidney.

But on the way, you passed the garage. Yet again, tragedy followed in your wake.

Suspended in the air was Tatum's corpse. She had gotten stuck in a small cat door, and her neck was bent at an impossible angle. Someone had raised the garage door while she was stuck, and broke her neck.

You choked back a sob as you continued your journey to the front door. Maybe, once this was all over, you should go hide somewhere. Become a mountain hermit or something. Somewhere far away from civilization, so that your existence couldn't damn anyone else.

You had made it to the front door, when you saw the police officer from before. He saw you, stared at you with a pained expression, then fell over. There was a knife lodged in his back, right next to where his spine should be.

You raced over, and saw a gun in a holster that was slung around his waist. You quickly grabbed the weapon, and saw a radio in one of his chest pockets. Oh god. This was the best way to get help. God, you hated this.

You couldn't find William, and god knows where Stu was. Hopefully neither of them would hear you.

You cleared your throat as you grabbed the radio, and you held it up to your mouth.

"Hello..." you shakily said into the mic. "I need help... the killer's after me..."

Your voice was airy and scratchy. It just sounded wrong. But, that's what you get for not using your vocal cords for god knows how long.

"Deputy Riley, what is going on," a feminine voice asked.

"Officer Riley is down," you told her. "The killer stabbed him... please, I need help."

"Nice try kid. Some of us have actual emergencies."

And with that, there was silence on the other end. You were quickly thrown into a coughing fit, your voice wanting revenge for trying to speak.

You suddenly heard footsteps running for you, so you turned to see what was coming for you. Especially since the killer was around.

Randy and Stu were sprinting towards you, both with some sort of limp. One of them had to be the killer. Again, signs pointed towards it being not Randy, but like hell you were taking any chances.


"DON'T LISTEN TO HIM (Y/N)," Stuart quickly yelled.


"HE KILLED BILLY!! HE KILLED MY TATUM!! You killed Billy! You killed my Tatum!"

"NO!! I DIDN'T!! You lied!"


"NO!! DON'T DO IT," Randal argued. "HE DID IT!!"

Yeah. Not taking any chances. Instead of taking chances with either of them, you took a few steps back so that you were outside, and slammed the door shut. Sadly, Deputy Riley's body was still outside, so you couldn't take another chance with the radio. But, you were very much still alive.

Then you heard a thump from the top of the stairs.

A/n: I wrote this entire chapter at work. I don't think any of my coworkers saw, but god damn. This feels like the ultimate game of hide and seek.

Write in peace, or let all of your grown ass coworkers accidentally see that you're trying to feed Ghostface simps.

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