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You and Casey looked at Steve in horror.  His eyes were wide and bloodshot, and he was most definitely worse for wear.  Casey looked at the phone, and decided to make one of the worst choices known to man.

"Listen asshole-"

"No, you listen, you little bitch!  You hang up on me again, I'll gut you like a fish.  Understand," the mystery caller asked.

"Is this some kind of joke," Casey interrogated, fear dripping from each word.

"More of a game really," the man chuckled.  "Can you handle that... blondie?"

You could feel the blood drain from your face.  Casey was considerably more pale too.  Not only had this guy captured and tied up Steve, he was watching you.  And he saw all of it as a game.

"Listen, I am two seconds away from calling the police," Casey told him, trying to sound more angry than nervous.

"They'd never make it in time.  We're out here in the middle of nowhere."

"What do you want," Casey asked shakily.

"To see what your insides look like," the man growled out.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.  You and Casey both jumped from surprise.  Nervous.

"Who's there," Casey called out.  "Who's there?!  I'm calling the police!"

"You should never say 'who's there,' don't you watch scary movies?!  It's a death wish!  You might as well just come out here to investigate a strange noise or something," the man shouted.

"Look, you've had your fun now, you better just leave, or else," Casey demanded.

"Or else what," the man questioned.  "Last time I checked, I had your big strong boyfriend trapped outside!"

"Or... or I'll kick your fucking ass," Casey proclaimed.

"I'm getting scared," the man mocked.  "I'm shaking in my boots."

You shook your head at her audacity to argue with the man that had her boyfriend tied up as a hostage outside.  You decided to try and go outside to help Steve, only for phone guy to try and communicate with you once more.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he warned you. 

"Where are you," Casey demanded.


"Please don't hurt him," Casey begged, looking at the soulmark on her arm.

"That all depends on you two."

"Why are you doing this."

"I wanna play a game."

"No," Casey told him.

"Then he dies right now," the man shouted.

"NO," Casey screeched, panicking even more.

"Which is it?!"

"Wha... what kind of game," Casey asked hesitantly.

"Turn off the light.  You'll see what kind of game."

Casey quickly turned off the patio light, and looked at you.  She made a hand gesture, and you quickly realized what she was trying to tell you.  You handed over the notepad and pen, and she quickly wrote down a demand for you.

'Go get a knife from the kitchen'

You nodded, and began to make your way towards Casey's kitchen.  You managed to get the biggest knife you could from the knife block.  You crept back into the living room, where you saw Casey hiding behind the TV, a thin metal rod in her hand, as if that could stop whoever managed to catch and trap Steve.

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