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Randy showed you all of the popular spots in town first on your tour.  He brought you to the bowling alley (of course you both played a game), and then showed you how to get free Pringles using a glitch.  Next up was a local coffee shop that was never populated, but everyone knew it and loved it.  Then he had you show him Lenora's masterful kitchen skills, where you both got the grieving friend discount of free.

Lenora had come out to see you.  She saw you and Randy instead of you and Casey, and had a mental breakdown.  You hugged her and tried your best to soothe her as she cried, telling you stories about her and Casey spending time together when they were younger.  You listened as she told you about things like Casey drawing what she thought her soulmate would look like, then getting so excited when Steve moved to town and said the blessed phrase.  Lenora had even met Steve, because Casey had brought him here for their first date.

"I just... who would do such a thing," Lenora cried.  "She was so sweet, and kind... she didn't deserve to die!"

You continued to hug your friend, and after a while, she managed to compose herself and get back to work.  Of course, not before telling you to come back with your new friend, so that they could have a proper introduction sometime.

When you and Randy left, the two of you just wanted to go lay down after that last encounter.  Nothing to dampen spirits like someone reminiscing about a friend who's been recently killed.  So, the two of you decided to go rent a movie from the video store and spend the rest of the day in.  But on your way to Randy's place of employment, you passed by Woodsboro's only graveyard.

There was a procession of people, crying, sobbing, mourning.  And with the only two deaths in the area being Casey and Steve, it wasn't hard to tell what was going on.  You had both accidentally found their funeral.  Before Randy could stop you, you had walked over to the edge of the graveyard, and watched.  You listened to a pastor's sermon, you observed people's behaviors and antics, and watched as people told stories about the two teens like Lenora had.  You saw that Casey and Steve were being buried together, like a married couple.  They were soulmates, and were in a healthy loving relationship when they died.

"Are you okay," Randy asked you softly.

You looked into your friend's eyes, and back at the crying people.  Two families with kids who deserved to be alive.  Why had you been spared?  You weren't special in any way.

You shook your head, tears starting to prick at your waterline, threatening to spill over.  You just wanted Casey and Steve back.   Casey had put so much effort into making you feel comfortable and welcome.  She made you feel special, and happy.  Why anyone would want to hurt her was beyond me.

Randy quickly pulled you into a hug, trying to comfort you how you had comforted Lenora.  He began to lead you away from the funeral, and towards the video store.  He was going to hide you in the back room, assuming that you didn't want people to see you crying.  You just seemed like the type of person to not want people seeing you weak and venerable.  So he was going to make sure that didn't happen.

In the Blockbuster employee break room, you were bawling your eyes out in a metal folding chair, memories of time spent with your two friends and your dad taunting you.  Not to mention the stress from finding both of your soulmates and the lengths you feared you would have to go to so you could avoid them was starting to really get to you.  Whenever one of Randy's coworkers would walk in or try to ask what he was doing here on his day off, he'd glare at them, or shout profanities at them till they left.

When you finally started calming down, he took a seat next to you, and asked if he could just take you home.  He didn't mind sticking around so you weren't alone, but he had a feeling you should probably skip getting ice cream and get you away from social interactions for a bit.  You both had school tomorrow, so it was best to get you as calmed down and mentally stable as possible.

You led him to your house, where your grandmother was quick to greet you both.  She teased you about bringing your 'boyfriend' home, but when she saw your grave expression, immediately stopped and started making baked goods to try and cheer you up.  You and Randy parked yourselves on the couch and turned on the TV, and found a channel playing 'Toy Story.'  You both watched it, trying to let the children's movie distract you from the horrors of your life.

Soon enough, it had gotten dark out, and Randy left to go home.  Your grandmother had gone to bed, and now you were the only one awake, still watching that same television channel.  They kept playing Disney movies, and they were great at making you feel a little better.

Suddenly, the phone started ringing.  You freaked out a little, and wanted to run the other way.  But, you were a tad nervous.  What if it was Randy?  Maybe he got lost in the dark, and needed your grandmother to come give him a ride home? 

So, you hesitantly made your way to the kitchen, and picked up the phone.  Besides, you couldn't hold on to an irrational fear of phones forever, right?

You held the phone up to your ear, and gently knocked on the counter to tell the person you were there.  You could do this.  For hypothetical Randy.

"Hello again," the man greeted.

Before he could get another word in, you hung up the phone.  Knowing what you did about him calling back, you didn't put the phone back on the base.  Instead, you opened up a drawer and dropped it in, then ran up to your room.  You quickly locked and barricaded the door, and made sure that the window was locked and secure.  You then grabbed an old umbrella like a weapon, and hid in the corner.  If you were going down, at least this time, you'd try to take the fucker with you.

You eventually fell asleep, around three in the morning.

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