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You and the two other survivors of the night were sitting on the front porch, waiting for the police to arrive. Then you remembered something.

You jumped up to your feet, and raced back inside, the news lady and Randy quickly getting up to follow you. The chased after you as you ran up the stairs. You turned into one of the rooms, and made your way around the bed as fast as possible.

"Holy shit, Sidney," Randy shouted.

The three if you dove down to her sides. The news lady began checking for a pulse, and you and Randy began trying to put pressure on the different cuts and gashes that had ripped through her.

"She's alive," the woman shouted. "She's alive!"

And as if the moment couldn't get more euphoric, blue and red lights began to bathe the room. To you, it was quite a holy sight to behold.

Randy quickly stood up and made his way downstairs, going to talk to the police. Minutes later, paramedics ran in and loaded Sidney onto a stretcher. She was rushed to an ambulance to be escorted to a nearby hospital.

You were brought downstairs with the news lady by some extra paramedics, who led you to a group of police cruisers. Randy was talking to an officer already, and you saw another group of EMTs getting the deputy into an ambulance.

Now that you weren't fearing for your life, you had made a realization: you met the man before. He was the same deputy who interviewed you after Casey's untimely death.

You hoped he was okay. He was good at his job. Or at least, the interrogation aspect.

You and the woman were separated as the police whisked you off in a different direction, opting to take you to the station for questioning. The news lady, on the other hand, was ushered towards where Randy was, waiting for more ambulances to take them to the hospital as well. But since you didn't sustain any injuries, they didn't see the need to send you off just yet.

Once you finished the police interrogation (you had nothing that they hadn't been informed of), you were sent to the Woodsboro hospital. But, you learned something from the questioning.

Turns out William was a Jr., sharing the name with his father. Thats why everyone called him Billy, not Wlill or Willie.

Turns out, the boys had chosen a bad night to do their murders. The hospital was practically overflowing. It didn't help that the building was small and not built for a large group of people. So you were stuck sharing a room with someone. Luckily for you, you were rooming with Randy.

But once you were alone in the room together, he tensed up. He didn't want to do this, but he felt he had no choice.

He needed answers.

"I heard what you told Stu," Randy admitted suddenly.

You looked over at him, confused. Why had he chosen to bring this up?

"I recognized it. He used to show off that soulmark like a fucking prize when we were younger since it had a swear word," Randy explained. "And even though they never told anyone, it was clear something was going on between him and Billy."

You quirked an eyebrow at this information. Why was he choosing to share this with you? And why here, of all places?

"You were their soulmate, weren't you?"

You sighed, and nodded.

But what Randy said next caught you off guard.

"So it was your fault."

Your head snapped over towards him. Your fault? Did he mean those two killing people, and/or them going off the deep end?

"If you had come around sooner, you could've stopped them. And they said so much shit to you, but you never said a thing. You could've stopped them from hurting everyone. From killing my friends. It's all your fault," he repeated.

I'm not gonna lie, that hurt. A lot. But, he was right. What would've happened if you had done something? Reacted visibly? Expressed that the universe had plans for the three of you?!

But you had quite literally kept your mouth shut.

It was your fault.

"When all this blows over... I don't wanna see you," Randy deadpanned. "You're sick, you know that?"

Moments later, the doctors came in, and gave you the all clear to leave. And apparently, your grandmother had been waiting for you in the lobby for a while now. You were told she refused to leave no matter how many times police emplored her to. She wanted to make sure you were okay.

The whole drive home, she ranted and raved about how sorry she was. It was like when Casey died. She was supposed to protect you, and failed.

"This town has too many crazies," she exclaimed. "You know what... we're moving! I know a nice town in Ohio, they have a good college there. They have a good police force there too! I bet the Windsor police would find the bodies!"

You quickly turned to her, confused. She seemed to understand what part of her statement made you have that reaction.

"Oh, did no one tell you," she asked. "The two murderers. Their bodies were never found. But they discovered a plan written in crayon in the basement. They were going to blame it on that poor girls father..."

The murderers bodies were never found.

Stuart and William's bodies were never found.

And you had tried to kill them both.

You needed to move. They were going to be coming after you, weren't they?

So much for being left alone, in peace.

Hopefully this Windsor place would be a good, fresh start.

A/n: gonna shock you all right now...

THE SEQUEL SHOULD BE OUT ALREADY. It's called 'The Mind Electric,' and I'll probably make a reading list on my profile to group the books in this series together.


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