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You held the knife out defensively, ready to stab the shit out of either of these boys.

"Come on (y/n), don't be like that," Stu fake pouted.

You quickly turned and held the knife up at him.  In your head, you were picturing all the vital points to hit in case he tried to attack you.  You were ready to kill these fuckers if you had to.

"(n/n), put the knife down.  You don't know how to use it," Stuart continued.

You just gripped the handle harder.  Your knuckles were paling at how hard you were holding the poor kitchen appliance.  Before you could properly react, William held up a hunting knife, and lunged for you.  He smacked your temple with the handle, making you yelp out in pain.  You practically collapsed on the floor, and William quickly grabbed you to keep you from making painful impact with the floor or any cabinets surrounding you.

But Stuart was wrapped up in the fact that you had just made a sound.  With your vocal cords.

"So you do speak!  I knew it," Stuart shouted happily.

"Oh yeah, they talk," William told him.  "And I was right.  They said the thing."

"I didn't hear it."

"Because they said it to me, dipshit."

The two began bickering, but you were a bit too busy with the splitting headache you now had to pay attention to their antics.  You had to find a way out of this.  You couldn't fully comprehend this.

The two boys Randy was trying to get you to friends with were the killers, and this apparently wasn't their first time at the rodeo.  And you had been avoiding them anyway.  And the universe wanted you to spend eternity with you.

It felt like the plot of a shitty movie.

"Oh no!  Did Billy-boy hit (n/n) too hard," Stuart asked, sticking out his bottom lip.

"Of course not.  But I couldn't just give them a little tap either, could I?  Or do you want them to run off?"

"I have chloroform under the sink!  We are literally three feet away!  We could'a just used that, asshole!"

You then realized something.  You could used their arguing to your advantage.  Obviously, there was something going on right now that was pissing these two off.  It was distracting them.  They weren't on their A game.  And in the movies, when it's the killer who's not doing the best performance-wise, the victim rises up and wins that happy ending.  And right now, you may have just figured out a way to win yours.

You groaned as you went to massage your head, tensing your body up as 'naturally' as you could.

"See!  What did I tell you!  You hit them too hard, dick," Stuart shouted.  "It's not too late to use the chloroform!"

"We don't need the fucking chloroform!  Look... is the dad dead?"

Wait.  The video store.  Stuart mentioned them not being able to find Sidney's father.  Had they killed him too?

"Yep!  We're good to go," Stuart replied happily.

"Good.  Grab a knife, get ready to make the call," William instructed.

Stuart began moving around the kitchen, grabbing himself a knife from the knife block, and a phone off the counter top.  William gently laid you down, and you continued moaning and groaning, and moving like you were in pain.  But not acting so dramatically that it was unbelievable.  You only had one chance to do this, and you refused to mess it up.

"Ready," William asked.

"Yeah, yeah baby," Stuart screeched, his hands flying to the back of his head.  "Right, get it up!  Hit it!"

And with that, William drove the hunting knife into Stuart's chest.  Then he pulled it back out, and stabbed him once more.  Then a third time.  Again and again, till Stuart finally keeled over from the pain.

"Good one man," Stuart managed to compliment.  "Jesus...  Oh shit!  My turn!"

"Remember, stay to the side, don't go to deep," William stated.

"Okay, I'll remember!"

Stuart grabbed his knife of choice, and plunged it into William's chest.  He pulled it out and stabbed him a second time, before William smacked his hand away and ripped the knife out himself before shoving the knife back towards Stuart.

"FUCK," he screamed.  "GOD DAMN IT STU!!"

"Sorry Billy.  Guess I got a little too zealous, huh?"

"Give me the knife," William demanded.


"Give me the knife!  NOW!!"

Stuart sighed and handed the knife back to William, who proceeded to throw it across the room and into the entrance hallway with relative ease, despite having just been stabbed.  Football taught him pain management and performance well.

"And now (y/n)," Stuart began.  "Everybody's dead but us!  And the three of us get to go plan the sequel!  'Cause lets face it baby, these days, you gotta have a sequel!"

"Wait.  Did you make sure Officer Dipshit was dead," William interrogated.

"I stabbed him!  He should be dead!"

"So you never double checked?!  Take the gun, go put a bullet through his brain."

Stuart decided to humor his partner, and turned to grab the gun from where William had put it on the countertop to do the stabbing thing.  Until he noticed something terribly frightening.

"Uh, Huston... we have a problem here," Stuart said.

"What," William asked angrily.

"The gun man!  The gun!  You put it right here, and it's not here!"

"Where the fuck is it?!"

"Right here asshole," a new voice stated.

Standing there was the news lady who had been with Deputy Riley earlier.  She looked like she had gone to Hell and back, but hey, she was a potential savior to you.  So who gave a shit what she looked like?

"Man, I thought she was dead," William shouted angrily.

"She looked dead, man!  She still does!"

"I've got an ending to all this for you," she said.  "The reporter left for dead in the news van comes to.  Stumbles on to you two dipshits and your hostage, finds the gun, foils your plan, and saves the day."

"Too bad I know something that you don't," William grinned.

And with that, she tried to pull the trigger.  But nothing happened.  William quickly grabbed the gun from her grasp, and pointed it at her.  He clicked a small lever, and fired into her right shoulder.  She fell back onto the floor, and William snickered.

"It works better without the safety on," he finished.  "This is Gale Weathers, signing off."

"Oo, baby, you're gonna love this," Stuart exclaimed, looking to where you had been.

Small problem.  You, and the phone were gone.

"Billy..." he trailed off hesitantly.

"What?!  FUCK!!  WHERE ARE THEY?!?!"

"I don't know, but I'm hurting man," Stu admitted.  "I think you cut me too deep.  I think I'm dying here man."

Billy looked at his partner, and sighed.

"Sit down," he demanded angrily.  "I'm gonna go find them.  You better not have left any other survivors, or so help me-"

"There aren't any others!"

Rather than stand there and continue arguing, Billy ran off into the labyrinth of a house to go find you.  There were only so many places you could be hiding, and only so many places you could've exited from.

A/n: listening to the new AJR single.  I've been listening to it on repeat for almost two hours now.  And it's only been out for about two hours.  I might have a problem-

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