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Sunday had arrived, so you made your way to Casey's house.  Your grandmother was quite happy that you were making friends, especially real ones that weren't figments of your imagination.  And when she found out that Randy worked at Blockbuster, she celebrated that she'd start getting discounts on her videos by association.

But you didn't tell her about your friends verbally.  Not even she had heard your voice since you moved in.  You didn't even talk or sing to yourself when you were the only one in the house.  Not even you had heard your voice in a while.  When did it get so bad?  When did you become so freaked out that your voice just... stopped?

"Here, I can go make some popcorn," Casey told you.  "Do you want to set up the movie?"

You nodded, and she handed you the tape for Monty Python.  You went towards her living room, and she separated from you to go into the kitchen.  She reached into a cabinet and pulled out a tinfoil pan of Jiffy Pop, and ripped the cardboard label off so she could set the pan on the stove.  She turned the dial to crank up the heat, and waited to hear the sweet sound of popping kernels.  But instead, she heard the annoying sound of the phone ringing.

Luckily, it was charging on the base, which was on the counter right next to her.  So, she just leaned over and grabbed it, answering in case it was her parents.  They were out at a fancy dinner or something, and she didn't want to freak them out.

"Hello," Casey asked.

"Hello," a deep, gravelly voice greeted.

"Yes," Casey questioned.

"Who is this," the man asked.

"Who are you trying to reach?"

"What number is this?"

"What number are you trying to reach," Casey interrogated.

"I don't know," the man responded.

"Well, I think you have the wrong number," Casey told him.

"Do I," he questioned.

"It happens.  Take it easy."

Casey hung up and went to set the phone back down, only for it to start ringing once more in her hand.  She was still nervous about her parents calling, so she simply answered once more.

"Hello," she repeated.

"I'm sorry, I guess I dialed the wrong number," the man explained.

"So why'd you dial it again?"

"To apologize."

"You're forgiven.  Bye now."

"Wait, wait, don't hang up," he begged.


"I wanna talk to you for a second."

"They have 900 numbers for that.  See ya."

"Why don't you want to talk to me," the man questioned.

"You know what," Casey began.  "I'm a bit busy, but would you like to talk to my friend?  They're just in the other room."

"Are they nice?"

"I'd say so," Casey replied.

And with that, she dropped the phone away from her ear, took a glance at the popcorn to make sure it wouldn't explode if she left, and she made her way towards the living room.  Once she got in there, she brought the phone up to her ear one last time before disappearing back into the kitchen.

"Just be warned, my friend is mute.  Just ask some yes or no questions," she instructed the caller.  "(y/n), hit something once for no, two for yes."

And with that, she passed off the phone to you, and disappeared back to the room of popping corn.

"Who is this," the man asked you.

You just stared, confused.  Casey had just talked about yes and no questions.  So why would he ask something that was open-ended?  You knocked on the wall twice, confused.

"Do you like scary movies," he interrogated.

One knock.  You still hated that type of movie even after... twenty six or so hours.

"Why not?  Scary movies are... inspirational."

You hit the wall twice.  Sure, that type of movie could hypothetically be inspirational... telling all the wrong people that violence was a good idea.  And you had seen first hand why that wasn't a good idea.  You didn't want to see any more violent, deranged killers within a hundred foot vicinity.

"Your friend was just telling me about popcorn," he told you.  "Do you like popcorn?"

You smacked something once.  You did liked popcorn, especially from movie theaters.  The pure chemical butter was going to practically throw you into an early grave, but god damn was it delicious.  You only wished that Jiffy Pop came with the glorious chemical goodness.  But no.  And normal butter wasn't as good.

"I only eat popcorn when I'm at the movies.  Are you going to watch a movie?"

You knocked on something once again.  You didn't really see a reason to lie.  What harm would it do?  And what were the odds you ever talked to this guy again after this?  It really didn't matter.  Especially since you didn't know Casey had never told him about popcorn.

"Are the doors unlocked?"

You quickly lowered the phone from your ear, and looked at the buttons on the phone.  And before the man could ask another question or inquire about your lack of response, you hung up.  You weren't sticking around for whatever prank he was trying to pull.

You walked into the kitchen and quickly found the phone base, and went to set it back down.  Casey noticed your presence, and began to ask about the creepy phone dude.

"So, couldn't entertain the stranger," she asked.

You shook your head, and quickly pulled a pocket sized notepad and a pen from your... well, pocket.   You quickly wrote down the man's weird question, and Casey read over it.  She looked back up at you, fear evident in her eyes.

"Can you go lock the doors quick?  I'm going to check the windows on both floors.  You've seen the backdoor, right?"

You nodded.  The two of you parted ways, you quickly ran to the front of the house.  You locked both the knob, and the deadbolt on the door.  You ran back into Casey's living room, and gave the glass French doors the same treatment.  You turned around, and saw Casey standing there.

"I'm going to go finish the popcorn.  Is the movie ready," she asked hesitantly.

You nodded and gestured to the television set, where the screen relayed the information that the tape was rewinding.  The assholes of the town kept forgetting to rewind the tape for the next viewer, and the video store never rewound them before putting them back on the shelves.

Before the movie could finish rewinding, you heard the phone start ringing again.  And you heard Casey answer it.  Oh god, this could not end well.

Suddenly, Casey ran out, and flicked on the lights for the back patio.  You quickly saw a pool, and realized just how rich her family was.  You could tell from how big the house was, but the pool wasn't expected.  And there were chairs lining the sides of the pool.  But, one of the chairs had been moved to sit in front of the glass doors, and was facing you and your new friend.  Tied to the chair, beaten and bloodied, with duct tape covering his mouth, was Steve.

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