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The principal was told about your encounter with the person in the bathroom, and he seemed pissed as shit. He actively decided that school was to be dismissed until further notice, and he quickly made an announcement over the loudspeaker to tell the rest of the student body.

Randy came to the office to collect you, saying he was gonna bring you to work with him so he could keep an eye on you.

"A mental breakdown, letting Stu take my cookies, and almost getting yourself killed," Randy exclaimed.  "What am I gonna do with you?"

'Let me go home and go to sleep,' you wrote.

"Absolutely not!  Everyone knows that sleeping makes you vulnerable to a killer, 'Black Christmas?'  Hello?!"

'How do we know the killer even wants me?  They let me live.'

"They may have made a mistake.  And if it was the killer in the bathroom, how do we know they aren't mad at you?"

'You raise a fair point.'

"Thank you!  Now come on, I'm not letting you out of my sight," Randy told you.

When you both finally got to the Blockbuster, Randy grabbed a cart full of movies he had to put away.  Staying true to his word, he dragged you along with him so he could keep an eye on you.  As revenge for how literal he decided to be, you didn't point out the fact that Stuart was slowly sneaking up behind him.  The fear displayed on his face when Stuart jumpscared him was hilarious.

"Asshole," Randy swore.

"Jesus, this place is packed tonight," Stuart said.

"We had a run in the mass murder section," Randy told him.

"So, you two coming to my fiesta?"

"Yeah, I'm off early.  'Cause curfew, you know."

"What about (y/n) here?"

'Probably not.  Sorry Stuart,' you wrote.

"'Stuart?'  Is that what you've been calling me this whole time?!"

You looked over to Randy for help, but he seemed just as confused.  Or at least, he seemed freaked out.  So, you hesitantly turned back to Stuart.

'Yes,' you told him hesitantly.

"But... but all my friends call me Stu," he said loudly, feigning being upset.

Before he and his antics could continue, a little girl walked over to Randy and tapped him on the shoulder, successfully distracting the two boys from what you called Stu.  Because it was apparently such a travesty to not realize you were friends with someone you barely knew.

"What's the movie with ET's mom in it," the girl asked.

"'The Howling,' horror, straight ahead," Randy answered, pointing in the direction of the horror section.

The girl thanked him, but Randy didn't hear her.  He was too busy staring at someone in the horror aisle.

"Now that's in poor taste," Randy muttered.

"What," Stu questioned.

"If you were the only suspect in a senseless bloodbath, would you be standing in the horror section?"

'Wait, William's a suspect,' you asked.

"I think you spelled Billy wrong," Stu giggled.

"Yeah, he is," Randy began, ignoring Stu.  "Apparently Sidney was attacked, and she blamed Billy.  He was in holding all night."

"It was just a misunderstanding," Stu quickly defended.  "He didn't do anything!"

"You're such a lap dog," Randy told him.  "He's got 'killer' printed all over his forehead!"

"Oh really," Stu interrogated.  "How come the cops let him go, smart guy?"

"'Cause they obviously don't watch enough horror movies," Randy replied.  "This is standard horror stuff!  'Prom Night' revisited!"

"Yeah?  Why would he want to kill her?"

"Have you met Sidney?!  There's countless bullshit reasons to kill her!  But that's the beauty of it all: simplicity!"

You didn't like this conversation.  There weren't any real good reasons to kill someone.  What were those mens' reasons to kill your father?  And while Sidney seemed like a jerk, wasn't death a bit extreme?!

"Besides, if you get too confusing, you lose your target audience," Randy stated matter-of-factly.

'What would be Billy's reason,' you questioned, ready to make your point known.

"Maybe he was pissed off about Sidney constantly following him," Randy suggested.

"I think that it's Sid's father," Stu announced.  "Why can't they find her pops, man?"

"Because he's probably dead," Randy told him.  "His body will come popping up in the last reel or something!  Eyes gouged out, fingers cut off, teeth knocked out!  THE POLICE ARE ALWAYS OFF TRACK WITH THIS SHIT!!"

"Man," Stu quickly chastised, trying to calm him down, seeing as people were now staring at your trio due to Randy's shouting.

"If they watched 'Prom Night,' they'd save time," Randy stated.  "There's a formula to it!  A very.  Simple.  Formula!  EVERYBODY'S A SUSPECT!!  I'm telling you, the dad's a red herring!  It's Billy!"

'Turn around,' you instructed.

Randy looked at you, confused, but did as he was told.  And he smacked right into Billy's chest.  Randy's faced paled, and it looked like he wanted to die.  William grabbed the collar of Randy's shirt and lifted him up into the air, and you got ready to jump in between the two to keep William from beating Randy to death.  But Stu grabbed your shoulder, effectively keeping you in place.

"How do we know you're not the killer, huh," William asked.

"Hi Billy," Randy greeted nervously.

"Maybe your movie freaked mind lost its reality button.  Ever think of that," William interrogated.

"You're absolutely right, I'm the first to admit it," Randy quickly said.  "If this was a scary movie, I would be the chief suspect."

"What would be your motive," Stu asked with a smirk.

"It's the millenium," Randy explained.  "Motives are incidental."

"'Millenium,'" William quoted.  "Hmm... I like that.  That's good.  'Millenium.'  Good kid."

Billy patted Randy's cheek mockingly, and dropped him to the ground like a dead body.  Stu let go of you, and you rushed to check on your friend.  Billy walked off, and Stu hung back to continue his conversation with Randy.

"'Millenium,' good word my man," Stu complimented.

"You're telling me that's not a killer," Randy asked, gesturing towards William.

You helped Randy off of the floor, and Stu disappeared to follow his best friend.  Randy began to moan and groan about that little encounter, but you were still caught up on something the conversation brought up.  The idea that pettiness suddenly makes a good motive for murder.  Either the people around Woodsboro were extremely weak willed, or something was wrong with your new friend group.

A/n: now working on a Bill and Ted fic, only to find out that there was an animated series (with the main cast as the voice actors) in between the first two movies.  YOU CAN BET YOUR ASSES THAT I'M UTELIZING IT-

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