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You walked into the school, Randy staying close by.  He had met you at the front gates, and walked you into the school.  He was still nervous about you being shaken up from your... weekend excursions (and he was right to be).  It was also a good thing because your grandmother had made some cookies for him as a thank you for helping you home and keeping you semi-calm.

You had given him the bag of treats, only for him to quickly hide them in fear of Stuart trying to steal them.  Apparently, the football star had a knack of knowing if there was food on a person, and stealing it.  Then he'd eat it in front of them before they realized it was gone.  You were somewhat hoping to watch this go down, but not at your friend's expense.

As the two of you walked through the halls, you jumped as you heard someone squeal.  Turning to see the source of the sound, you saw someone in a costume similar to that of the killer's, and they were sprinting down the hallway as fast as possible.

"Why are people doing this," you heard Sidney question from behind.

You and Randy turned to face her, only to see Tatum and Stuart were standing with her.  William was the only one missing from Randy's group.

"Are you kidding," Stuart asked.  "It's like Christmas!"

"Stupidity leak," Tatum exclaimed, smacking Stuart in the head.

"Take it easy," Stuart said, rubbing the impact site.

Another person in costume ran past, making Sidney jump in surprise.  Tatum flipped them off behind their back, shouting a string of swears and curses their way.  Randy felt at the pocket in his jeans before looking up at Stuart, a glare plastered on his face.  You, wanting a temporary distraction from the madness of your classmates, looked over to Stuart curiously.

He was wiggling his eyebrows with a smirk... popping one of your grandmother's tiny cookies into his mouth.

"How did you even manage to do that," Randy interrogated angrily.  "You aren't even close to me!"

"I have my ways," Stuart giggled.

Randy scoffed at him, and a third shriek rang through the air.  Tatum noticed and smacked Stuart's shoulder, as if to tell him 'do something!'

And do something, he did.  Stuart stuck his long ass leg out into the hallway.  So as 'killer' number three ran past, they tripped and went sprawling across the floor.  The mask slid forward, revealing the poor soul underneath, who was quickly grabbed and whisked away to the principals office by teachers.  Stuart started laughing a contagious laugh, that got Randy and the girls chuckling as well.  It even earned a small giggle from you (marking the first time you used your vocal cords since entering Woodsboro).

Once everyone had calmed down, you bid them all farewell, and excused yourself to the bathroom.  You locked yourself in one of the stalls, and took some deep breaths in an effort to compose yourself.

Watching people in the costumes... you knew they were only joking.  But that's also what they thought of you.  You were just a joke.  Nearly dying?  Didn't matter.  Casey and Steve's deaths?  All in good fun.  It was a game.  Just like the killer had said.  And you were just some random player.  Or were you a pawn?  Who cared, either way you were wrapped up in the middle of it all.

You heard two of the other stalls open as two people made their way to the sinks.

"I can't believe they don't talk," one person said.  "Like... if I had all the cameras pointed at me?"

"You know what, I think they're faking it," the other stated.

"And why would they do that?"

"Because they're clearly the murderer.  No one knows what you sound like, you can just change how you look and no one will know the difference."

It wasn't hard to tell they were talking about you.  You wanted to cry.  You'd never kill Casey like that, she was your friend for crying out loud!  And you didn't wish that sort of pain on anyone!

"You know what..." the first person trailed off.  "I can see it.  I'm connecting the dots."

"Yeah, because I connected them for you," person #2 chuckled.

You listened as they walked out, continuing to joke and discuss the probability of you being the killer.  Once they were gone, the waterworks burst.

For the second time, you started crying.  At least this time no one was around to see you.  At least, that's what you thought.

You heard two heavy boots hit the floor, and your breath caught in your throat.  You hadn't heard the door open or close, so had this person been in here the whole time?  Had they heard everything those assholes were saying about you?

You stayed still as you heard the person move around.  They exited whichever stall they were in, and moved to stand in front of yours.  You saw their black boots, and saw them just... standing there.  Then, a cloak like dress thing drooped down, covering what you could see of their leg.

The fabric though... you had just seen it run past you in the hallway three times.  And this person's costume... it was covered in dry blood.

They had you trapped.

So, you did something fairly gross.  But all was 'good' if it meant that you didn't die in a public school's bathroom.

Even though your pants were pulled up, you sat on the toilet seat.  You pulled your legs to your chest, and as quietly as possible, you unlocked the door to the stall.  Then you kicked it open as hard as you fucking could.

The door hit the person hard enough that they collapsed onto the floor.  You jumped up and ran for the exit, sprinting out into the hallway before the person could even stand up.  You raced down the hall right to the principals office, scared of what would happen if you got caught.

A/n: tomorrow's my birthday, and I have theater club at school.  And being the stupid son of a  bitch I am, I'm wearing a suit.  That way, I'll be wearing a bIrThDaY sUiT.

My humor is fucked, if you couldn't tell.

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