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Tommy always felt more alive when he was out in the woods, jumping from branch to branch and rolling down the hills. He loved the grass and the flowers, and even the blackberry bushes that scratched his arms in the late summer when he and Tubbo would make jam.

Tommy sighed as he sat down on a branch of his favorite tree. One that hung over the main path to the village. It was a the outer edge of the forest where you could see for miles and miles. Tommy wished he could explore the world out there.

A soft meow startled Tommy, causing him to fall back and land hard on the path under him. A small brown cat leapt down next to him. He seemed pleased with himself as he sat down, his tail curled around his paws.

"What the fuck you bastard!?" Tommy glared at the cat.

The brown cat simply licked his paw.

Tommy pushed him away, "leave me alone, I don't even like cats."

The car gave a small, hurt meow as he stumbled back.

"Awe, don't be mean to Wilbur." Tommy's friend, Tubbo, walked up as started scratching the cat behind his ears, "he's just a sweet little cat."

Tommy sighed, "hi Tubbo."

"Hey bossman." Tubbo smiled and sat next to the blonde. The cat curled up in Tubbos lap, purring softly, "why are you laying in the middle of the path?"

"That dickhead scared me off the branch." Tommy pointed to the cat.

Tubbo laughed, "you scared of a little pussy?"

"What!? No!" Tommy bolted upright, "Tubbo what the fuck!?"

The shorter boy rolled back in his laughter, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"No, give me the cat, you lost your cat privileges." Tommy said, scooping up Wilbur.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Tubbo yelled.

"He's my cat!" Tommy shot back, holding Wilbur away from Tubbo, "I get to say who gets him! And right now it's me!"

"Tommy!" Tubbo whined, "give him back! He was purring before you took him!"

"Well he'll purr in my arms!" Tommy said, "right Wilbur?"

Tommy looked down at the cat to see him fixated on the path. Wilbur let out a quiet growl. The fur on his shoulders and tail poofed up, and his claws dug into Tommy's arm.

"Ow!" Tommy yelped, "Wil, what-!?"

The sound of horses reached the boys ears. Tommy and Tubbo scrambled to the side as three men on horses rode up the path. One of them, the lead, was wearing a white helmet. He looked at the boys and slowed his horse. The other two stopped behind him.

"Hello boys," the man in the white helmet started, "Is this the right way to L'manburg Village?"

"Uh, y-yeah." Tommy nodded, trying to keep a yowling Wilbur in his arms.

"That's a feisty cat you have there." The man laughed, "what's his name?"

"Wilbur." Tommy told him, "he-hes not usually like this- OW! Wilbur stop that!"

The cat layed his ears back, letting out a long hiss at the man in the white helmet. The man didn't seem to be phased. Something seemed to click in Tubbos mind.

"Wait, aren't you the Dream Team!?" Tubbo gasped, "the three most successful witch hunters!?"

"You've heard of us!?" A man with black hair and a white cloak smiled, "see George! Even people from the outskirts of the kingdom know us!"

A brunette with a spotted, red cloak rolled his eyes, "shut up Sapnap."

"Who hasn't heard of you!" Tubbo grinned, "Tommy can you believe we get to meet the Dream Team!?"

"Yeah, that's great!" Tommy said, still struggling to hold Wilbur back, "I'm really sorry, but I think we need to get Wilbur back home."

"It's alright." The man in the white helmet, who Tommy now recognized as Dream, said, "we need to get to town anyway. Come on guys."

The three men started their horses towards the villages again. Wilbur gave one last growl to them before settling around Tommy's neck.

Tommy huffed, petting the cats chin, "now what was that for?"

"Maybe he's a witches cat and he knew they were hunters!" Tubbo joked, scratching Wilbur's ears.

"Dude, shut up!" Tommy laughed, "people are paranoid as is! They'll have me burned if they think I have a witches cat."

"Calm down, he's not a witches cat." Tubbo said as he held Wilbur's face, "witches cats are black."

Wilbur flicked his tail, purring as he closed his eyes. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"What he is, is a prick." Tommy sighed, looking up at the sky, "it's starting to get dark... We should probably get back."

Tubbo nodded, also glancing up at the sky, "yeah."

The boys slowly started down the path. Tommy felt uncomfortable, like someone, or something, was watching him. He glanced over his shoulder, but there was nothing there.

Tommy turned around to face the village. Despite the darkening sky, it was bustling with people. The arrival of the Dream Team had caused somewhat of a festival. It was obvious that the townspeople we're excited about the witch hunters.

"Holy shit!" Tubbo smiled, "I don't think I've seen the village this alive since, well, ever!"

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing." Tommy smiled softly as they looked around the town.

The boys started feeling the energy build up. Even Wilbur seemed happier, his head lifted and his ears flicking at the strange new sounds. A crowd started gathering in the town square. Tommy and Tubbo paused there as well, seeing Dream standing up on a platform.

"Hello! Hi!" Dream greeted the town.

The crowd cheered and talked amongst themselves, occasionally shouting something towards the Dream Team.

"It's them!"

"Are you just passing through!?"

"I wonder why they're here!"

"Have you found the witch Technoblade!?"

"Is there a witch in our town!?"

Dream raised a hand in an attempt to quiet the crowd, "We were originally headed to the next town over to hunt for Technoblade, but on our way in, I smelled a witch."

The crowd gasped. Murmurs rose, rumors of townspeople doing odd things. People stepped away from others. Small yelling matches broke out. Names whispered between people.

"Who is it!?"

"I bet it's them! They were out in the forest for ages yesterday!"

"I was gathering herbs for my bakery!"

"Well I know it's not me or my kids! We would never!"

Tommy took a step back, grabbing Tubbo's hand, "I think we should get out of here."

Tubbo nodded, also backing up, "I agree. We'll come back tomorrow when everything's cooled down."

The two boys and the cat were about to walk away when Dream's voice rang out again.

"The witch is-!" Dream yelled.

Tommy felt his world shatter as Dream pointed directly at him.

"That boy!"

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