Chapter 41

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    Just as I was staring at Agareth's side face, he also turned his face away as if sensing it, looked at me, stretched out his webbed claws, and bent his fingers towards me.

    I leaned against the wall and was stunned for a moment, then saw a red light flashing in the dark, and the provocateur who refused to admit defeat rushed back to Agares aggressively, and suddenly a huge wave was rolled up, and the remaining soldiers behind The defeated fighter even wrestled with Agareth's supporters, and frightening roars resounded in the dark cave. I swear that the fight between mermaids is more shocking than any beast population I have ever seen, because at least when shooting seals or lions, you will not see a human body being disemboweled, arms ripped off, and head twisted off, for a moment In the meantime, there were many broken limbs and broken arms floating on the surface of the water, some of which were even lifted under my eyes, and a strong smell of blood instantly filled the air.

    I pressed against the wall tightly, covering my mouth and nose with my cold and trembling hands, almost vomiting. I suddenly felt that I was in the movie called the Horror Wax Museum, or I was back in the corpse pool of the hospital when I was doing a certain internship report. Seeing all this made my spirit a little overwhelmed, and I couldn’t help but hope that there will be an orderly The way out let me escape this chaotic road repair field.

    At this moment, I suddenly heard a voice above my head, "Desaro, Desaro! Come up!"

    It was actually Da Vinci's voice! I thought I was hallucinating, but when I looked up, I immediately saw a piece of rope hanging above my head, and the blurred silhouettes of several people appeared in the light above. God! I wiped the water on my face, grabbed the rope, and restrained the pain in my waist, bound my body, and was dragged up by the force from above.

    I quickly left the water several meters high, but my auditory nerves and attention seemed to be firmly tied to Agares, so I had to try my best to suppress the urge to look back at him, even though I clearly knew that Agares Si already has an absolute advantage, and if I continue to stay in the mermaid's lair alone as a human, it will only cause greater chaos. I can't rely on Agares to protect me all the time, so it's better to leave as soon as possible.

    The moment I got out of the cave, several pairs of arms supported me one after another. When I raised my head, I was shocked to see a few faces that I was no longer familiar with. Because they turned out to be my classmates, besides Da Vinci, there were also my senior brother Rafal, senior sister Eva, and some strong armed men, who seemed to be mercenaries.

    The excitement of getting together with my friends unexpectedly at a time of crisis made my nose sore. With them, I no longer have to worry about being abandoned by Rhine and the others. I resisted the urge to hug them and cry bitterly, and whispered: "Hey, guys, we have to get out of here quickly, it's very dangerous down here!" "

    Hey, buddy, you look badly hurt!" Rafal stared at my waist and frowned, and called for several armed men to stand me up.

    Rafal is a jungle biologist with rich experience in living in unfamiliar wild environments. Under his leadership, we quickly evacuated above the cave and settled near a freshwater lake in the jungle. In order to prevent them from being attacked by wild animals at night, the members of the team climbed to the trees to build a simple resting place.

    After nightfall, we built a bonfire and shared food. In conversations with other people at dinner, I learned that Da Vinci and the others arrived here before me and the Rhine 1 team. And I further learned that Da Vinci was originally invited by Sakalal to participate in the research of the mermaid project, and was going to the mermaid island together, but after she suddenly fainted and woke up in the deep-sea laboratory that day, she was placed under house arrest by the medical staff In the hospital. He noticed the clues of some conspiracy, managed to inform Rafal and the others, and escaped.

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