Chapter 65

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The rain became heavier, and the misty narrow alleys became intricate, making me feel like I was in a maze. Even though my swimming speed far surpassed that of ordinary people, I almost lost the boat in the water several times. Seeing that the suspected figure of Agares was getting farther and farther away from me, I shouted anxiously: "Agares, Agares, I know it's you, stop!"

    I shouted It was so hoarse, but the speed at which the shadows in the distance disappeared into the mist did not slow down at all. When I followed the entrance of a dark underground waterway with my visual memory, I saw the "Gondola" floating on the water surface , but it was empty above, and it was even shaking due to inertia, but the back disappeared like a ghost that came and went without a trace.

    And what blocked my way was an iron gate blocked by a few iron bars. The inside was deep and secluded. There was a turn to the left. I don’t know where it led. An attraction that used to be abandoned, closed for some reason. I noticed that the gap between the iron bars was very narrow, and I approached it, turning my body sideways and trying to get through, but I found it impossible.

    I have a medium-to-thin build, with little muscle, and it is even more impossible to have a strong figure like Agares, not to mention that he has a thick and long tail. Even if he was humanized in some way, he couldn't squeeze through such a narrow entrance. How could he suddenly disappear here? Did he dive into the water? I swam around in confusion, the water here is just as deep as one person, and the channel is so narrow, where can he hide?

    Could it really be my hallucination?

    I couldn't help doubting my eyes again, looked at the surrounding bars, and looked at the depths of the underground sewer, turned over and sat on the gondola, and leaned on the wet hull, the rough outer wall with peeling paint made me feel uncomfortable. I couldn't help stroking it, as if the thick and strong fish tail slipped through my palm.

    The raindrops poured down on my body, and the chill penetrated into my bone marrow. I suddenly felt cold, so cold that even the tip of my heart was condensed into ice cubes. I know I should leave here, but a faint voice in my heart retorts: No, he is right here, he is watching you!

    I closed my eyes and sniffed the air vigorously, but I couldn't catch anything in my nasal cavity except the smell of wet rain. Without that familiar fragrance, I know that maybe this is the little hope I don't want to give up, and I'm deceiving myself. If Agares was back from Atlantis, why didn't he show up sooner? He probably never came back at all, and he completely gave up looking for me.

    It's no wonder that I chose to leave him at the time, and I really didn't want to become a mermaid and go to another world from the bottom of my heart.

    The connection between me and him should have been severed at that time. Damn it, why am I still chasing after the existence I have been trying to escape, holding on to this illusion that is obviously like a mirage... How ridiculous, Desaro!

    Agares, are you here, looking at me? If so, what should I do before you come out to see me? hell!

    Wiping the rainwater from my eyelids with my sleeve, I clenched my fists and hammered the hull of the ship, leaning against the raised stern behind me and slowly lying on my back, watching the raindrops falling from the misty sky above my head, my eyelashes seemed to have become It became heavy and stuck to my lower eyelids. Just when I was about to be unable to open my eyes, I caught a glimpse of a shadow swaying in the water covered in rain and fog, and the hull of the boat also shook.

    I sat up like lightning, jumped into the water, and quickly scanned the surrounding water, but I only saw broken lights drifting in the small waves caused by the rain, and I couldn't find any traces that might be caused by the swimming of fish tails .     After the fleeting possibility was shattered, I was extremely depressed. I waved my hands and stirred around in the water, ignoring the surprised eyes of a lunatic from the passers-by, and groaned around: "Agale S, you come out, you fucking bastard! I know you're here, I just do! You just want to see, how much I want to see you, don't you! You win, you totally win! I got the fuck You have been here for a year, I just want to see you, I'm going crazy..."     I lowered my head, clenched my fists, and murmured the last words in a voice that only I could hear, my heart Dull, filled with some kind of heavy emotion, like a sponge soaked by rain.

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