Chapter 39

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I forced myself to keep my head empty and think about nothing. The sea breeze is blowing on my face, and the sea water is so blue and calm at this time, reflecting a large area of ​​clouds on the sky.

    When I was in Moscow, I dreamed of dedicating my life to the mysteries of the sea, hoping to explore the world of mermaids living in a completely different environment from humans. I was even willing to sacrifice my life for research, but I never I expected that I would fall into the control of the mermaid, and I would bury my body and the rest of my life in it!

    I am obviously a student with great prospects! !

    I put my head in my hands, fingers digging deep into my hair. According to the original plan, I should return to Moscow to continue my studies with the video materials and data about mermaids, and then concentrate on completing my graduation thesis. Life.

    But everything has been messed up, completely messed up! I drifted too far with the tide. From the moment this damned mermaid appeared, my life was completely out of track, or from the moment I stepped on the scientific research ship, my fate was beyond my control. I have too little social experience, and my mobility is also poor. I am powerless to everything derailed around me like a mantis holding a car.

    hateful! God knows how much I want to go back!

    My eyes wandered around the hull, and a sudden inspiration flashed in my head: Maybe, I am not completely powerless. I might be able to sneak away at night in a lifeboat...

    But where are we now, what latitude and longitude?

    I looked around, but I couldn't help being stunned because I saw a silhouette looming behind the clouds. I stood up involuntarily, grabbed the binoculars on the observation deck, and looked into the lens.

    The sky at the end of the sea level turned out to be the color of night, like another world separated by life. In that piece of night, there is clearly the outline of a cloud-shrouded island, and there is a layer of faint blue mist around it, which seems to be shrouded in water vapor, as illusory as a mirage.

    My mood was suddenly as excited as the waves of the sea, because I knew that it was not a mirage, it was the floating island inhabited by mermaids, Lemegeton, as Dr. Winograd said!

    God! God! We... have arrived!

    The idea of ​​wanting to escape a moment ago disappeared, replaced by the excitement of exploring the mysterious place, but at the same time, I couldn't help but think of what Agares said in the hold, and the flirtatious red one I met at sea. Fa mermaid, my jumping heart couldn't help falling into my chest again, and my thoughts became complicated.

    I don't know what kind of danger I will encounter when I land on Mermaid Island. I hope I won't be targeted by mermaids other than Agares. It seems that I have to find Rhine to practice self-defense. He and I couldn't go on like this forever, because after landing on the island, he was the only person I could be a teammate with. No one else can be trusted.

    I opened my palm and looked - there was only a thin and soft callus on the palm of my hand, but it was only ground out with a pen, and it didn't look like a pair of hands that were good at fighting. However, I fully believe in myself.

    But, how to ease the relationship with Rhine? After so many things, it seems that he and I can no longer communicate normally, not to mention that he has seen Agares treat me several times...

    Damn it! I clenched my fists, hammered a few times on the railing in embarrassment, sat down again, stretched out both legs from the outer edge of the observation deck, leaned on the railing and stared in the direction of Mermaid Island, trying to calm my mind completely Down, unexpectedly but unknowingly dozed off.     When I woke up again, it was already night. The floating island of the mermaid no longer needs a telescope to distinguish its outline. It emits a ghostly light in the vast night fog on the sea. Compared with the daytime, it looks more mysterious and weird, which makes my heart I couldn't help feeling a chill, and the temperature of the sea breeze also dropped at this time, making my hairs stand tall.     I subconsciously looked up at the sky, the clouds above my head were very low, I'm afraid it's going to be windy and rainy again. I quickly stood up and climbed down the stairs of the observation deck.     ...

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