Chapter 76

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After stuffing Agares' heavy and long body into my small space, I locked the door tightly and covered the windows with a sheet, in case others found out that I had hidden a male mermaid of amazing size, This is a big deal. But now I don't care whether the movement of Agares boarding the boat has startled other people. My attention is all drawn to him—

    I don't know how to describe the injuries on his body. There were a lot of dark purple spots, gathered together, the inside seemed to be swollen, and black water seeped out, shocking like blossoming poisonous mandalas on the pale base. And his silver-gray hair looked like it was soaked in kerosene, and the ends were also dyed black. And he just closed his eyes halfway, the pupils in his eyes flickering dimly, and he looked half awake, but his breath gradually became intermittent, like a candle that was about to burn out.

    "Agares!" I stroked his cheek and shouted a few times in a hurry, but I didn't get any response from him, except for the sound of breathing. A huge panic hit my heart, I could hardly breathe, but I realized that I was relying on Agares at this time, no one could help him but me, I had to try to stay calm . I took a deep breath and squatted down to listen to his heartbeat. The movement in his chest was very weak, and I could count the frequency of the beating, which made my heart tense immediately.

    I've learned the basics of first aid, don't know if that will work for mermaids, but there's clearly nothing else to do right now. I laid Agares's body and head flat, and beat his chest up and down in the way of CPR. I carefully controlled the strength, and my fists trembled violently. After pacing, I Hold his head and try to give him artificial respiration. My God, artificial respiration of a mermaid, oh, even I think this is a ridiculous thing!     But Agares does need this. I opened my mouth wide to take in a breath of air, held the back of his neck, made him lift his chin, pinched his nose, tightly covered his lips, and breathed in, and then repeated this process over and over again. I don't know how many times I lowered my head, I suddenly saw Agares' eyes widen at some point, staring at me eeriely with dead black and empty pupils.

    I shivered suddenly, knowing that something was wrong, I took a step back subconsciously, but my back was already blocked by a wet webbed claw. Pulling me down on his wet and slippery body, I struggled to stand up, but my legs were firmly strangled by the thick fishtail below me, and my face was pressed against Agares's hideous body at this time. On his face, I saw that he suddenly opened his mouth, and a long black tongue like a lizard protruded from between his lips and teeth, directly attacking between my lips.

    "No... Agares! Don't be controlled..." I dodged in shock, my head was pressed by his palm and I couldn't move. I had to raise my neck, and his webbed claws pinched my jaw, forcing I opened my mouth in pain, but as soon as the gap between my teeth opened, a greasy object suddenly got into the gap between my teeth, and I couldn't help retching and whimpering.

    I looked down instinctively, and saw that the scales on Agares's lower abdomen had cracked at some point, and what was exposed was not the artifact he was proud of, but a thick stem like an octopus tentacles. One has penetrated into my mouth at this time, and the other ones are wriggling and getting in between my trouser legs!

    It wants you more than I do... Desaro.

    At this time, these words emerged in my mind very clearly, and I really experienced the horror of the "dark matter" that affected Agares, and waved it under the pressure of the fish tail With both hands, block the attacks of the tentacles growing from Agares below him. I managed to grab one of them that was going through the hole in my trousers, trying to hit it hard, but I didn't dare.

    I can't be sure if that will hurt Agareth's body. I don't know if it is a parasite or a mutant derivative. It is this brief hesitation that makes me lose the chance to fight back in an instant——my body was destroyed by him     . Gareth's fish tail rolled in mid-air, and the tentacles under him were like the vines of a man-eating tree twirling wantonly in my pants, probing, and would break into my body immediately. I can imagine what would happen if these Horrible things invaded my intestines, they were enough to tear me apart, I would ache and bleed to death.     He looked at me from below, without any desire or longing on his face, the lines of his brows and eyes outlined the bloodthirsty and coldness of a hunter, as if he didn't know me at all, and just regarded me as a delicious feast.

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