Chapter 99

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When the Japanese troops on the beach boarded the warship, there was a rumble in the sky, the torrential rain poured down from the dark clouds that had been brewing for a long time, and the waves surged, pushing the warship away from the island gradually.

    Agares and I lurked in the dark water and followed the course of the warship. Taking advantage of the force of the storm to slow it down in the waves, Agares led me to quickly dive to the bottom of the warship. Above our heads are the several propellers that drive this warship to sail. They are struggling desperately in the resistance of the waves, stirring up the sea water into chaos. I guessed that Agares was planning to use the high-voltage electricity he sent out to destroy the power of the warship, but at this moment, he suddenly let go of my hand, and wrapped my body around my body with his fish tail. Before I could even see his movements in the water clearly, a dazzling blue light flashed in front of my eyes and shot straight into the propellers!


    In an instant, the ear-piercing mechanized paddle friction resounded like a scream, and when a cluster of white light exploded, I was carried upstream by Agares, and I jumped out of the sea in an instant. The warship that lost its power lost its sailing direction like a headless chicken. No matter where Shinichi and the young mermaids are going, and what kind of conspiracy they will plan in the future, the sea tonight will become their "end point".

    Taking advantage of a high wave, we quietly climbed to the stern of the warship. Here is a platform similar to an observation station, and there is a small viewing room next to it. I noticed two soldiers standing inside. But on such a dark and stormy night, it is not easy for them to discover the existence of me and Agares. We bent down and walked around the observation room cautiously, taking advantage of the lights passing over the deck to sweep in another direction, Agares hugged my body, and rushed into the narrow gap between the deck and the isolation bulkhead like lightning . Here is a dark and damp space.     I looked around and found a neat row of notches on the bulkheads on both sides, through which I can see the outside world. This seems to be a bilge for rainwater drainage, but there is a faint smell of blood all around, which makes me a little nervous.     "It's the smell of seed mixed with human blood. Come on my back."

    Agares lowered his voice behind me, and when I turned around, I saw him leaning down, and involuntarily lifted me on his back. I froze for a moment, but he was already like a big crocodile carrying a cub on his back, using his strong arms to support my weight and his own weight, and his long fish tail was snaking and swinging behind him at an alarming speed. Crawl forward. I'm sure that even if I stood up and ran, I wouldn't necessarily be able to glide faster than Agares. If anyone happens to come here to check it out, he will be scared to death by me and Agares.

    We followed the source of the bloody smell and went deep into the interior of the drainage cabin. There was a faint light leaking from the gap in the upper deck, and there were fragmentary footsteps from time to time, and the bloody smell became stronger and stronger. , I guess we have already entered the hinterland of this warship, and the place where the young species are stored is probably nearby. Suddenly, I heard two people talking from above, but I couldn't make out what they were saying because of the soundproofing of the deck. So I straightened my back and put my ear close to the deck above my head. Agares rolled over and stared at me, obviously noticing the movement above us.

    "Really...his mutation has already started?"

    "There are some rejection reactions now, but it is still in the controllable stage. The mermaid's organs are growing inside him, and his legs are in the bonding period, and it is expected to show a mermaid soon." His appearance."

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