Chapter 63

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What surprised me even more was that I happened to land on top of the Japanese boy (perhaps called the daily mermaid) used by Shinichi. He was obviously startled by the movement I made, lying on his back Looking at me vigilantly behind the glass, but when I knelt down and looked at him, his eyes suddenly widened in surprise, but immediately showed a look of expectation and fear, with webbed claws attached to the glass, Seems to be begging me to let him out.

    I looked around, and before anyone noticed me, I leaned down to check the handles on the hatch, only to notice immediately that they were all fastened with heavy metal locks. After taking out Rhine's keys and trying them one by one, none of them matched. Right now, there is no other way but to break the glass and let these mermaids out, but once I make a movement, maybe before I release a few mermaids, I will be beaten into a sieve by the surrounding armed men. But I need the help of mermaids, at least let one be my companion, so that I can find Nakamiya as soon as possible. I can only

    release the one in front of me, because I can be sure that he used to be human and knows part of the conspiracy we are in. , we can better help each other.

    "Hey, I let you out, but you can't act rashly, you must flee to the sea with me immediately, I need your help, find Nakamiya to save your companions, do you understand what I mean? What's your name?" I Leaning softly in front of the glass, he said in Japanese that he hadn't completely forgotten.

    He looked at me, his bright black pupils lit up, he nodded vigorously, moved his lips, and made a mouth shape: "Xuecun." I wasn't sure if I

    heard it correctly, but I just repeated, okay Yes, Xuecun.

    There is no time for me to hesitate and waste, I must act immediately before dawn. I visually measured the distance from here to the sea. We need to pass a few meters of unsheltered decks and cross the railings. This process is very easy to be attacked. I have to create a little confusion to distract them. Not too difficult for me with night vision in the dark.

    Thinking in this way, I took out the gun in my back, looked down at him, and made a gesture that he would come out as soon as I broke the glass, and he nodded knowingly, leaning on the corner where the bullet could not hit , wait for me to shoot. I leaned against the obstacles where the armed men could not immediately find me, aimed sideways at the other end of the ship, and pulled the trigger. The bullet immediately caused a commotion on the other ship, and one after another shouted and boiled not far away. While no one was paying attention, I quickly put the pistol on the round glass window and fired again. , Just heard a bang, a few cracks burst out of the glass in an instant, I then repaired a few feet, and saw it immediately shattered to pieces.

    There was a crash from below, and Xuecun burst out of the water. Before I could even react, I saw the blue fish tail brushing against my body in the blink of an eye, grabbing my back collar with both hands, and leaping across the deck in an unbelievable line. The arc fell straight into the sea, and in an instant, it plunged into the sea like an ice-breaking awl. The gunshots chased us above us, and I could still catch a glimpse of the clusters of flames flickering under my feet in the corner of my eye. , but was soon swallowed up by the darkness from the deep water. After everything quieted down, Xuecun held me and swam upwards again, but I knew that when we surfaced, we would definitely not be in the original position.

    I saw us swimming up towards the submerged cliffs of the island, weaving through caves. The inside was narrow and deep, so Xuecun had to let me go and let me follow him through. The light is mottled and changing in the deep sea water, like a mysterious dream, which makes my thoughts wander involuntarily with the light. Xuecun swam very fast in front of me, his fish tail swung so gracefully and naturally, and the blue scales sparkled with bright blue ripples, like a small galaxy.

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