Chapter 104

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Thinking of the demon that killed me now appearing in the timeline, a kind of strong resentment and fear came to my heart, cold sweat broke out from my back, and I couldn't help clenching my fists. I involuntarily jumped into the water from Agares' arms, washed my love-stained body, and took a few deep breaths to calm down my violent ups and downs. But Agares didn't give me a chance to calm down. His webbed claws wrapped me around my waist from behind, and easily carried me in his arms. I struggled a little, and his head rested on my shoulder reluctantly: "What's wrong?"

    "It's nothing." I shook my head.

    It seems that Agares didn't expect Rhine to appear in this time and space again, and intersect with me again, otherwise he might not be alive now. But rather than rushing back to take revenge, I just want to hide as far away as possible, because even thinking of the existence of Rhine makes me tremble with discomfort. He has become my worst nightmare and the most unavoidable haze.

    "What did you think of? You are trembling, Desaro." Maybe my complexion was too ugly, and Agares' tone sank. He rolled me over and put me on his tail. He lowered his eyelids and stared at me, squinting his eyes interrogatively. His webbed claws gently kneaded my waist, making my body go limp all of a sudden. I hurriedly grabbed his wrist, panting uncontrollably: "Damn...don't do this." "

    Then tell me obediently, what's going on in your little head."

    Agares bit my butt In the earlobe, the tingling sensation like sparks made me tremble.

    I shrunk my shoulders away from his overwhelming flirting because damn I felt like I was going to get hard again. My body can't handle him doing it again (physiologically I'm still a minor, and Agares, an old beast, is a crime!).

    "Didn't you say that you can see through my thoughts?" I muttered, and unexpectedly found that Agares seemed to be choking on my words.

    He pursed his lips, with a sullen expression on his face, as if he were a big child who had been exposed to a lie. I couldn't help but want to laugh a little. It made me feel cute, but at the same time I realized that Agares couldn't really read my mind, he was just playing psychological tricks, and I used to believe it. This treacherous old fish.

    "Do you want me to repeat what I did to you just now, Desaro..." Agares squeezed my chin, brought his lips to the tip of my nose, and threatened in a low voice, "Or, did you do it on purpose? You hungry little fish..."     As he said that, he had already taken action, grabbed one of my calves, and pressed me back to the reef. The thick, wet fishtail rubbed against the inside of my legs. My breathing became rapid all of a sudden.     "Hey, I surrender, I said, I said! Lord, please spare me!" I panicked and covered my buttocks, jumped in and squatted on the rock, like a cat whose tail was burned by fire.     Agares tilted his head and looked down at my embarrassment, with a strict father's attitude of punishing a child (if you ignore his teasing eyes and the big tail that is about to move behind my buttocks), quietly waiting for my confession.     "Uh... that... I was thinking... about the navy..."     I replied hesitantly. But in my heart, I was glad that he couldn't see through my thoughts just now. I don't want even a one-in-ten-thousand chance that the situation before my death will repeat itself. Rhine is now a leading figure in the NATO naval alliance. Even if I want to take revenge again, I don't want to take risks again, and I don't want Agares to take the initiative to attack warships in order to kill Rhine, causing some unexpected troubles . The English Channel is a stronghold in this war between mermaids and humans, and its location is as critical as the beaches of Normandy in World War II.     If the mermaids can't hold the narrowest area of ​​the English Channel to allow human warships to pass through, then the mermaids will lose the territories they occupy... But on the contrary, the mermaids can hold the throat of half of Europe. Now, the mermaid army led by Agares seems to be carrying out another Normandy landing. It is not worth risking the risk of losing the fortress for the Rhine.     I have obtained high marks in the military deployment course, if I can, I can become the military advisor of Agares.

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