Chapter 30

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That tongue...touched...touched...

    even though it was clear that Agares was just healing my wounds, this scene made my dull cerebral cortex explode all at once, and the bad memories were wrapped in a surging sense of shame. It squeezed my nerves and made my ears and even my cheeks heat up all of a sudden.

    I suddenly felt that the tip of his tongue was not wandering over my wound, but some unspeakable part. My whole body trembled, and I pushed him violently like a spring, but my hand was limp like a lump. Sponge, the action is almost the same as stroking his cheek.

    Agares grabbed my hand, turned his face, and took a deep breath in my palm, as if he felt very happy.

    "Don't continue." I withdrew my hand faster than I was burned, slurring my words, "I'm much better!"

"No..." He lowered his eyes and glanced at my wound, his eyes sank, and he lowered his head again.

    "No, don't! Hey!" I frantically pushed his head, but my hands were clasped on my shoulders, and the tingling feeling of being touched by his slippery tongue came back. I straightened my upper body instinctively like a carp, The shame that had been suppressed by the pain rushed to the nerves. The musky scent emanating from his body made my breathing quicken all of a sudden. My body soaked in water should feel cold, but at this moment, my whole body is hot.

    I gritted my teeth in embarrassment and took a few deep breaths, trying to suppress my rapid and abnormal breathing and gradually disordered heartbeat. I can't admit that my body has become quite sensitive, as long as I am slightly touched by Agares, I will have a physiological reaction. The fishtail held between his crotch rubbed against mine slightly due to the movement of his upper body. I knew that I was going to be hard irresistibly, and Agares would notice it immediately.

    In a moment of shameful panic I grabbed him by the shoulders, flung my legs wildly, and yelled, "Agares, Agares, put me down, I'm so much better!"

"Hey" seems to be more effective. My waist was loosened by his claws, and my body was also put down. I staggered a bit, and finally found a gap between his entangled fish tails. Immediately, I folded my legs together, for fear that he would notice the movement beneath him.

    Agares really didn't seem to notice my strangeness, he just turned over and leaned against the wall, exhaled a moist breath with relief, and then lowered his head to examine his body.

    It was only then that I noticed that there were several sunken holes in his abdomen, and I could see the faint metallic luster of the warhead inside, and a translucent film had condensed on the outside of the wound. Although the bullet couldn't penetrate his tough skin, it got half stuck in it, which must have hindered Agares's own healing ability.

    Perhaps because of the unbearable pain, Agares suddenly stretched out his sharp claws to scratch the membrane on the bullet hole, and blue blood flowed out from the scratched opening. My chest tightened for a while, and I immediately grabbed his arm and sternly stopped: "Stop, you will only open the wound! I..."

    At this time, I should help him. But if these bullets are taken with bare hands, they will only tear his wounds. The best way is to suck them out with his mouth, but, God, this position is too... too low.

    I stared at his several bullet holes, one of which was close to the top of the scales covering Agares, and I could imagine how embarrassing it would be for me to suck ammunition for him.

    Just when I was hesitating, Agares suddenly raised his head, locked my eyes with those deep pupils, frowned, and begged in a low voice: "Help me...Desharow..."

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