Chapter 69

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There are no human habitation settings in the abandoned aquatic research institute, but I don’t need to worry about this at all, because when Agares carried me into the large water reservoir in the institute, I felt something wrong with my body—that The mutation that stopped abruptly two years ago has returned, and it caught me off guard more than ever.

    I watched as many shiny silver scales gradually grew on my legs, and excess muscle tissue sprouted from the inner thighs, melding my legs into one, and extending from the top of my feet. Countless translucent filaments were tightly twisted like machine threads, and then quickly unfolded, forming a pair of fan-shaped sharp tail fins.

    My body mutated so rapidly, it was like a bombardment war broke out under the surface of the cell legion, like a group of devils fighting in the body, making my blood boil and scurrying in the blood vessels, all the time A force spewed out from the inside to the outside, and it was about to tear my whole body into pieces, leaving me no time to be shocked or in pain. I could just close my eyes, and my body trembled like chaff to bear all this.

    During this ordeal, Agares hugged me tightly until the mutation was finally completed. I leaned in his firm and broad arms, my mind was in a daze, but the mutated estrus began to stir again, making me instinctively use the fragile fish tail that had just formed to twist, rub, and even tease Looking at his big tail, which is much thicker and longer than mine, he is as hungry and clumsy as a newborn needing milk.

    I can't describe this wonderful feeling——

    I clearly feel that the structure above my thighs is no different from my original human body (except for the thin layer of thin film that wraps around the buttocks and leaves invisible cracks from the tailbone to the lower body) Scales), the functions of these structures should not be much different from the original ones, but it seems that all the scales cover my sensitive spots, just rubbing against Agares' fish tail makes me feel so comfortable beyond the sky. This reminds me of the scene where I caressed Agares' fish tail on the boat, and now I realize why he showed that look at that time, because I did it like I was stroking his genitals In the sensitive area, he unconsciously sent a courtship signal to him: Hey, come on, I belong to you, come and take me!

    You can't touch the tail of a fish casually, no wonder Agares thinks I'm tempting him, hell...

    I was thinking in a daze, touched the scales under my body, and the figure of Xuecun appeared in front of my eyes, and a heavy feeling in my heart fall. Can I ever turn back into a human? Or is he destined to exist as a mermaid for the rest of his life? I shook my head and was hugged by Agares, who lovingly kissed my new winged ears. This thought only flashed in my mind, and then sank into the depths of my chaotic nerves, swallowed by the charming breath filling my nasal cavity.

    "Do you still feel pain, Desaro?" Agares didn't know what I was thinking about, but he gently combed my hair with his webbed claws, and put my head on his shoulder, but he didn't Any touch at the time made my blood pump, "You will get used to it soon."

    I murmured hoarsely, raised my heavy head, and engulfed his fingertips by accident. His hands are slender and strong, his skin is cool and thick, and his joints are very convex, exuding the dominance of a king. I sucked on every joint of his hand intoxicated, and raised my eyelids, squinting at him like a sneaky cat.

    Agares seemed to enjoy my courtship to him very much. He slowly grinned, his eyes dark and wet like a swamp. Scratching the back of my ear lightly, as if enjoying it. But my ear wings were itchy from him, trembling like two small fans, and the fish tail couldn't help being entangled even tighter on his body, almost twisted into a braid, and I didn't want to let go for a moment. .

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