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-Eunchae POV-

" Okay ! " I went out my room after i yelled at Kazuha ounnei who was inside , Well actually it's not my room anymore but it's been my room since i was three years old , I'm Hong Eunchae and i'm 17 years old , actually i'm closing 18 in a week , I live in the orphanage since I was three , me and my sister , Hong Chae-eun or how we call her now Lee Sakura, she is four years older then me .

You probably wondering how i ended up in the orphanage , well mom and dad marriage was a planned , I mean they didn't want to marry each other , mom was in love someone else and dad was an alcoholic, As you know rasing kids needs money , my dad didn't had a job and he was just sleeping the whole day and at night ? We didn't actually knew where he used to go, My mom used to clean a rich family's house and they are the Lee family, well they are one of the richest families in Korea , But dad took all her money to buy alcohol and he used to hit her every night .

Although it was hard for her but she kept smiling on our faces , my sister knew that something bad will happen one day , But i was three , i don't even remember her face really clear , And one day , he hit her so bad that she couldn't stand up for a whole day , She didn't come out of her room for one day , two , three, We thought she was sleeping or sick or something she closed the door from inside so we can't bother her , But that was not true , She actually wasn't in that room at all , She ran away , according to our neighbors she ran with a man with a suit and a black expensive car .

You're probably thinking about what a terrible person she is , a mother who left her two daughters with a drunk man but i actually call her a survivor , Cause you can't imagine what she've been through , But she survived and she could ran , I'm so happy for her , although sometimes i wonder why didn't she came back for us ? Why she didn't check on us when dad was in prison ? you know i forgave her and i was missing her every single moment .

But three years ago i realized that she is married to that person now and she is happy, She have another daughter that is four years younger then me, She was happy all this time with another guy , another daughter another family and other people, And she didn't have time to check on us , me and my sister moved to an orphanage when she was seven and i was three, Could you imagine the pressure and all the things we had been through ?

No , because why would you think of us ? Our own mother didn't think of us for a moment , why would you ? I've lived in this place for so long that i got used to it, Three years later a family came to the orphanage and wanted to adopt a kid, And it turned out that it's the Lee family , the same family that mom used to clean for, They chose my sister because why not ? She is pretty, she is smart , she is caring and polit, Not me , they didn't even put me in the list , i've always been that naughty bad girl .

I've always been the second choice, always , but i don't care you know , i'm number one , at least for me, I'm still happy with my life , even though it's not that good life but at least i'm alive right ? So ? Back to the story .

" Okay !!" I yelled as i closed the door dragging my two big bags , they're heavy as fuck, Went i turned around i dumbed into someone, i looked down and there was Hayoung, she is a girl in this orphanage too , She came here when she was like three months old , her mother just threw her away , some boys found her in the trash bin .

- Author POV-

" Hey , what are you guys doing ? " The black haired girl said laying down on her knee to match their hight . " We are just playing hide and seek " One off the boys said . " Waahh ounnei what happened to your hair ? " Hayoung asked looking at her hair with a shocked face ." I cut it ? What do you thing ? Dose it look good ? " Eunchae asked fixing her hair and they all nodded . " Dei ounnei , nomo yepoda ( so pretty) " Hayoung said with a bright smile .

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