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_*_ Author POV _*_

Eunchae was walking around while looking down her phone while he was just following her, She stopped in a street when she saw a dead end , she looked lest and right then down her phone again . " You know , if you're lost just say you're lost , we'll get late really " He said and she looked back at him . " Ughh , fine , yes i'm lost " She said after releasing a sight ." See ? It's not that hard to ask for help when you need it , follow me " He said starting walking while she was following him, They walked for three minutes and they went in a street were it had a dead end too .

He stopped and looked at her . " What ? Don't tell me you're lost too " She said crossing her arms ." I'm not dumb , it's a shortcut " He said and she looked around for a bit then back to him . " I'm not seeing any shortcut in here " She said and he smiled ." There's not , we will make one " He said tacking off his jacket and putting it inside the bag . " What is that supposed to mean ? " She asked and he didn't answer .

He stepped on some boxes and sat on top of the wall , it was not that high so it was easy enough . He sat there and looked at her then offered his hand ." Come up " He said and she gave him a confused look ." You're kidding " She said and he shook his head as a sign of disagreeing ." Do i look like a joker to you ? Also we have only seven minutes till the school gate is closed, you don't want to get late in your first day of school do you !? " He said making her think for a while , she looked back at him and sighted then she held his hand .

He pulled her up and she sat on the wall too, He then threw his bag on the other side then he jumped, He looked left and right then up to her and he offered his hand again , she hesitatedly accepted it then she jumped, They're now both holding hands looking at each othe , she pulled her hand and fixed her skirt . " What now? " She asked looking back up at him , he was putting his hand on his injured shoulder obviously felling pain . " I__ I can carry your bag if you want " She hesitatedly asked looking around in embarrassment , he looked at her and smiled then he brought his face closer to hers with a smirk .

" I don't want you to carry my bag , i want you to carry my name " He said more like whispered then winked , then he yelled reserving a punch on his stomach by her . " In your dreams , i like being a Hong " She said rolling her eyes . " I think you should st__" She added starting walking but before she can finish her words she was pulled by him to the wall .

She looked at him and he held his finger in front of his mouth telling her to stay quiet . " What !? " She asked whispering while he looked at the left , she also looked at the left and she saw a man , in his fifties , The man looked at them then started running towards them yelling . " You too , this is not a place for kissing , come here , this is a private property!!! " The man yelled running towards them , Niki fastly grabbed her hand and started running while dragging her behind .


After few minutes they are already in front of the school gate , lucky then it was still opened , but there was not allot of people there since the lessons already started, They stopped running and let go of each other's hands , Eunchae put her hands on her knees taking back her breathes ." Are you okay ? " While breathing hardly he asked looking at her after he was looking at the back checking if that man is still following them ." Are you crazy ? We could've just used the bus " She said not looking at him putting her hand on her chest felling her fast heart beats .

" I don't have a bus card " He replied making her looking at him . " What !? " He asked the girl that was looking at him with a weird look . " You don't have a bus card ? Are you kidding ? " She asked ." I've never used a bus before , why would i do if i have a car ? " He said and she rolled her eyes ." You know what , forget it , let's go " She said starting walking inside the school .

" That's actually your fault , you could've just followed me from the beginning " He said walking beside her . " No one told you to follow me " She said . " If I didn't follow you , God knows where you could be right now , you would probably leave Korea " He said ." Hahaha so funny " She said and they continued walking .

** To be

Sorry for the short chapter 🙂

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