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- after a while-

The girls were in the living room looking at the mess the boys left behind, "ugh— i really can't believe this, we were the ones who came up with the sleep over idea and yet here we are cleaning after them, they're such a jerks" Chaewon said with annoyance kicking the chips bags with her foot, "ugh— i did my nails this morning, i think i should say goodbye to them now" Kazuha added looking at her nails pouting with a sad face. "I knew it was a bad idea wearing those heels, my feet are killing me" Yunjin added complaining massaging her feet.

"Guys—" Eunchae said grabbing their attention, "you can go to sleep, i'll take care of things in here" She added with a smile. "Ayy—, why would we do that!? We're in this together" Yunjin said rolling her eyes with a smile. "No, it's really fine, the bet was my idea anyways, also i'm struggling to sleep recently, all i'm gonna do is to lay on my bed staring at my ceiling, i'll keep myself busy with this" Eunchae explained and Chaewon gave her a concerned face. "Really!? Are you really okay with that!?" Chaewon asked and Eunchae nodded with a smile. "Even though, we can't just let you do all the work, you're making us look like the bad guys" Kazuha said pouting and Eunchae scoffed. "If y'all don't go asleep in the next five minutes, i'll show you what a bad guy really look like" Eunchae said jokingly looking at them with a serious look holding the fork showing them a creepy smile. "What's this!? Are you possessed or something!?" Yunjin said with kinda freaked out face and Eunchae slowly turned her head towards her " hello Sidney" she said whispering with a scary tone then giggled. "I'm serious, y'all can go, i insist" Eunchae added and Chaewon released a sight, "okay, if you say so, let's go" Chaewon said then looked at the other two, they both stood up looking at her with guilty faces, "just go, i'll do it" Eunchae said when she saw them pouting at her. "Komawoo, Eunchae—yah, saranghea" Kazuha saud pouting with a cute tone giving her a finger heart, then walked following Chaewon towards the stairs with Yunjin who was struggling to walk properly, "Ohh right, Eunchae-yah, when you're done come to my room, i'll help with your hair" Yunjin said when she remembered and Eunchae nodded. "What are you gonna do!?" Kazuha asked confusedly. "Ohh she decided to go blond for tomorrow, it's her birthday, she wants to do some changes,  you know 'new era new me' kind of stuff" Yunjin explained and Kazuha nodded.

After few minutes of cleaning she started to get tired, she was picking up the food leftovers putting them in the plastic bag, "Ugh—there's no way it's the ex, why do i fell like we've been fooled!?" She mumbled after releasing a sigh, she shook her head and started picking the leftovers again, she flinched whenhe vision suddenly went dark, "ohh— what's this" she mumbled looking around the living room that is now darker. "Did the electricity went off!?" She mumbled again asking herself, she turned to the window and she confusedly pouted when she saw the street lights were on, she released a sigh rolling her eyes when she kinda knew already who's behind it. "Jake oppa, if this is one of your stupid pranks stop t already, it doesn't work on me i don't fear the dark" Eunchae said raising her voice a little so whoever did this can hear her.

She just stood there for few seconds waiting for an answer or a reply but she got nothing, she released a sigh as she decided to go turn the lights on by herself, she took out her phone turning her flash lights on, but before she can take a step she felt a warm breath on her neck. "Hello sidney!!" She heard a deep familiar male voice whispering to her ear but for some reason she couldn't recognize him, she turned back pointing the lights on his face and for some reason she flinched losing her balance, but before she hit the ground she felt an arm around her waist pulling her back up, she gulped because of how close they were, "What's this!? I thought you said you don't get scared easily" Niki mumbled after scoffing, it wasn't that loud but it was enough to be heard by her. "Well for some reason you always pop out of nowhere" she mumbled back pushing him back, "what are you for god sake, are you a ghost or something!?" She added rolling her eyes, he just released a sight putting his two hands in his pockets. "Also, i think I've already told you to make a sound so i don't think you're a ghost!?" She added crossing her arms facing him. "I did, *Hello sidney* wasn't that enough!?" He replied and shook her head being done with him. "Anyways, what were you trying to do!? You think turning the lights off with scare me!? Think again honey" she added and he scoffed. "Who the hell you think you are!? Why would i want to scare you!? It wasn't me" he said rolling his eyes with the last sentence, he face turned into a confused one, "then who!?" She asked, "it happens all the time, there's something wrong with the electricity in this neighborhood, can you please stop pointing the fucking flashlight on me, it's hurting my eyes" he explained then added kinda complaining covering his eyes with his hand, she released a sight then put the phone down.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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