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-Author POV-

Eunchae and Kazuha were setting on the little bench in the back yard of the school having a chat ." So, you're saying that he turned out to be the nephew of your foster parents !? " Eunchae asked and Kazyha slowly nodded looking down with a sad face." Damnit!!!? , That sucks " Eunchae said more like yelling ." What's worst is that he lives with them too and i'll be seeing him every fuckin day for the rest of— probably my life " Kazuha added . "I can't believe that !! , Oh my God that happened because of me, i told you to go to that meeting, i'm so sorry " Eunchae apologized with guilty face." What are you talking about!? It's not your fault " Kazuha said but Eunchae shookher head as a sign of disagreeing.

" No , it is my fault, i shouldn't have done that , but are you gonna do ? I mean can you do that ? " Eunchae asked." Ughh__ i don't know , but what can i do ? It's too late to reject the adoption " Kazuha said after releasing a sight ." No, wait a minute, why would you worry about meeting him everyday? He should be the one worrying, you didn't do anything wrong, he did, he's the one who left you" Eunchae said . " Be strong Ounnei, let's make him regret that " Eunchae said with a conferdent tone making a fist . " What are you saying? Worry? Huh , he didn't even flinch when he saw me, and i'm setting here crying because of him " Kazuha said releasing another sight.

" Then don't, don't cry because of him, you already wasted allot of tears on him" Eunchae and Kazuha wiped her tears . " Okay, let's just forget about this, let's go back to the class " Kazuha said as she stood up . " Okay , you go first i need to get something from my locker first " Eunchae said and Kazuha nodded .

-after a while-

Eunchae walked towards her locker and grabbed out a book and when she closed it she flinched when she saw Niki standing behind the door, He was laying his back on the wall while putting his two hands in his pockets . " AAAH kaptchagya  , YEAH , what the hell are you doing here you fuckin freaked the hell out of me " Pissed Eunchae said after she yelled a little bit while putting her hand on her chest . " I'm not a ghost , why are you scared " Niki said rolling his eyes ." Well next time , make a noise to let me know you're here and not to think you're a ghost " She replied putting the lock on her locker then started walking while he followed her .

" I will keep that in mind from now on " He said and she continued walking towards the class silently ." Are you ignoring me ? I said welcome when you two came in but you just pretend like you didn't even see me " Niki said and she looked at him for few seconds then looked back at the front as she kept walking. " And why do i  fell like you're ignoring me right now too ?  " He added when she releaseda sight before she replies." Probably because i am ignoring you " Eunch said . " And why is that ? " Niki asked making her stopped and face him with a simple smile .

She gased at him for few seconds then rolled her eyes walking in the class without saying anything ."WAW, so she's really ignoring me!!?" He said to himself then he followed her in the class and sooner than ever the teacher came in and the lesson started, Niki rested his head on his hand on the table while watching her, She was focusing with the teacher and she didn't see him .

- After a while-

After the bell rang and the teacher went out . " Ughh, finally it's time for lunch " Eunchae said while stretching her arms , she then looked around and her eyes stopped at Niki who was still at the same position but not looking at her, he was sleeping .

- Eunchae POV-

I'm so glad the lesson was over, i'm so hungry and i was really focusing with the teacher because it's an important lesson and i need to understand it, I felt someone's gases towards me though, i stole a glance before and Niki was looking at me, I tried to keep calm and cool , but it was awkward and uncomfortable .

But yeah he probably was thinking about some of the stupid stuff he usually think of, This boy is stupid , i never seen someone like him, Like he is the most annoying motherfucker i ever met in my life , don't he just look annoying ? Everything he do just piss me off , the way he talk , the way he smile and the way he tease me , it's just so annoying . " Ughh , finally it's lunch time " I said after i heard the bell announcing the end of the morning period, I stretched my arms a little cause it was hurting me the whole time .

I looked around while the other students were packing up their things for lunch , some were already out, I looked at my left side and i saw him , he was resting his head on his hand , closing his eyes, Sleeping i guess . " Waah , how can he sleep during class then ask me to help him with his studies ? " I mumbled looking at him .

- Author POV-

Sooner the 'so done' look that was on her face turned into one that is___ unexplainable, She started at him for seconds, gasing at every inch of his face.

She didn't realize that he is already wake , opening his eyes looking at her, Her eyes winded as soon as she realized he was also looking at her,She turned to Kazuha who was sitting beside her busy packing her things in her backpack

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She didn't realize that he is already wake , opening his eyes looking at her, Her eyes winded as soon as she realized he was also looking at her,She turned to Kazuha who was sitting beside her busy packing her things in her backpack. " Umm__ what did you say ? " Eunchae nervously stumbled and Kazuha looked at her with a confused face ." I didn't say anything " Kazuha said and Eunchae fastly held her hand and pulled her up . " Let's go and have dinner___i mean lunch , i'm hungry " She nervously said dragging her friend behind her out the class avoiding looking at him.

Niki let out a little smile on her cute actions and he stood up, " Let's go have lunch " Niki said . " You ? Wanna have lunch ? I thought you hated school food !? "Jake asked with a shocked face ." I'm hungry, i don't think i can make it till afternoon if I didn't eat anything " Niki said making Sunghoon and Jake  look at each other then to him again ." What are you waiting for ? Let's go " Niki said walking towards the door . " I swear to God , something weird is happening with him " Jake said and Chaewon nodded ." Definitely, he is acting weird the past two days , he is suddenly talking more often " Chaewon said . " And smiling more often , i've been leaving with him for two years and i never saw him smiling like that " Yunjin added . " Let's pray this is just the new him and not one of the stupid pranks of his " Chaewon said and they all nodded ." Let's go " Yunjin said walking towards the door followed by Chaewon and the other two .

** To be
Continued **

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