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-Author POV-

Niki was juat staring at her, straight into her eyes, without taking it off hers, Eunchae who was smiling at her sister felt someone's gase towards her, She looked st him and he was too, She stopped smiling and fastly looked back at her sister, She slowly stole a glance at him and he was still looking at her , she made a confused face .

-Eunchae POV-

Why the hell is he looking at me ? I looked at the ground for a while and i cleared my throat while Sakura ounnei still talking to Heesung oppa and Mr Kim, About what ? I don't know , I can't hear them , or i did but i'm not focusing on what they are saying right now , I can't focus on them while he is looking at me like that , like why is he staring at me ? Is there's something on my face ? That's impossible cause if there was , Kura ounnei would notice, right ? Then why is he looking at me ?

After i cleared my throat i looked up at him , hoping he is not looking anymore but unfortunately i was wrong, He is still staring at me , straight into my eyes , with no expressions , I can't even tell if he is happy or mad or sad , I looked at his eyes for few seconds too , and our eyes met , i wanted to brake that eye contact but i just couldn't do that .

I felt like the time stopped i couldn't hear a thing only my heart beats getting louder and faster, Then i felt my cheeks burning up , ohh , no please not that , not now , I can't be blushing now . " Eunchae ___ yaah Hong Eunchae!!" I came back to reality when Kura  ounnei shook my arme , i flinched and looked at her . " Humm ? What ? " I asked with a confused face , everyone was gasing at me . " I said , what do you think ? Would you mind doing that ? " Fuck , doing what ? I didn't hear what they were talking about ? But I can't say I didn't hear it , am literally standing beside them.

Shit what should i do ? Okay , just breathe , smile and say yes , it can't be something bad right ? " Yeah , sure , no problem " I said awkwardly faking a smile . " Cool then , i'm so happy that Niki is going to study with a smart kid like you , am sure you'll be a perfect teacher for him " Mr kim said ." What ? " The boy setting on the couch . " You said you want to go with the boys to a studying night tonight right ? " Mr Kim asked . " Yeah , so ? " The boy with the black hair asked ." since you are grounded , you are not allowed to leave the house , i brought you a teacher , and she is so smart and young , she will know how to deal with you " Mr kim said pointing at me . '' but__ " " no but , i gave two options either you give up your car or be grounded and you chose that , now take responsibility " He was about to speak before Mr kim cuts him off .

" So , Eunchae -shii , will you be his teacher ? " He said looking at me and my jaw just dropped , what the hell ? What teacher ? " Umm__ i'm sorry , what ? " I awkwardly asked ." What's wrong with you  ? You said you don't mind doing that ? " Sakura ounnei whispered beside my ear after she dragged me closer and awkwardly smiling .

" Do what ? I didn't even hear what were you guys talking about " I whispered awkwardly smiling back to her . " He asked you to help Niki with his studies and you said yes " Kura whispered to me and that moment i wished if the ground just swallow me alive , Why did i say that ? " Well , if we are done , why don't you go to your room and have some rest ? I bet you're tired of packing all this bags up " Ms Kim i mean Heesung oppa's mother said to me with a smile , she is such a young and beautiful lady plus she is kind , just like my mom was .

" Well , it's not me who packed them " Mumbled making her confused a little . " I mean my friend helped me " I added clarifying and she nodded with a smile . " Niki-aah can you take her to her room " She asked looking at the black haired boy setting on the couch still looking at me, He flinched and looked at her . " Why me ? " He said pointing at himself . " because she is your teacher now and her room is beside yours , and i need Yunjin to help me making dinner " Ms kim said . " Ughh , fine " He stood up and started walking towards the stairs , i bowed at Ms kim and started dragging my two bags behind me .

I was walking so fast trying to reach out to him , this place is huge and I don't want to be lost in her , it's like a maze not a house, Why the hell is he walking so fast , he is such a gentleman , he went upstairs not even minding to look back at me , me who was suffering to hold my bags, I looked at him again and he standing a few steps away of me putting his two hands on his pockets , looking down at me with a face i couldn't translate .

This boy really don't have any emotions or face expressions , He looked away and released a deep sigh then looked back at me, He came down closer to me and he grabbed the two bags off my hands, That moment i felt his hands above mine , i looked at his face and he was looking down at the bags, His face was really close to mine and then a thought just appeared in my mind . " Waah , he is so handsome " I thought and just lost control over my lips , a simple and small smile was drowned on my face .

What is wrong ? My cheeks are pink now, He hold the bags and got away from me , he went up a few steps while i just stood there watching him with the same weird smile, He then stopped for few seconds then turned back , then his eyes looked at mine, and i immediately stopped smiling and i looked away .

" Aren't you coming ? " He said with a low and calm voice , i got goosebumps because his voice was deep , like really deep , his voice doesn't match his face, I just nodded and I started walking behind him, We reached to a hallway and he stopped beside on of the doors and he put the bags down . " This is the room " He said looking at me and putting his hands in his pockets . " Thanks" I thanked him nodding my head , he turned back and started walking towards one of the doors, He was about to open it but he looked at me again .

" This is my room be here after an hour " He said and my face turned into a confused one, What the hell is he saying ? " Why ? " I asked . " Aren't you my teacher now ? We don't have time , i have an exam tomorrow " He said and he went in then closed the door more like he slammed it making me flinch a little, What is wrong with this boy really ? .

** To be
Continued **

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