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I love visiting cemeteries...

I know, it sounds creepy so far, but hear me out. I love visiting my grandparents, even though they are not alive.

For most people, cemeteries are creepy, dark places filled with pain.
For me, it is a quiet place... a place that saw more love than churches, a place that has the freshest flowers and heard a lot of deep conversations.

A lot of movies depict cemeteries as something scary, full of anger, and traumatising. Yet, no one came running from a cemetery in real life. Death is often pictured as something so terrifying as well, but it's not... or it shouldn't be. 

When I think about death, it sounds like a win-win situation...peace. What about you?

If I were to describe to you the surroundings of the cemetery, without telling you that it is a cemetery, I think you would've loved going there too.
My grandparent's graves are in the middle of a tiny forest. As soon as you walk through the forest, you start seeing flowers first, then a paved way, some more flowers, and candles. Then I have to walk a bit further, and while I walk, I enjoy reading the tombstones. Some of them are interesting, a few are funny, and a few are a reminder of how much a person achieved in this life, and some are just blank. 

One of my favourite quotes from one of the tombstones is "Reader beware as you pass by, As you are now, so once was I. As I am now, you will be. Therefore, prepare to follow me."

I think it is so refreshing to know that we don't live forever....that we don't have to keep going forever.

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