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Since I can recall, I have always desired to wear a lab coat just like doctors do. I was fascinated by them and regarded them as symbols of power that only a select few could wear.

Upon commencing university, I was finally able to wear a lab coat. However, it didn't give me the feeling that I had anticipated. While it does serve to keep me warm, a lab coat is not as remarkable as I had once thought.

Earlier today, I hurried to university while wearing my lab coat with my jacket slightly unzipped. When I entered a shop to purchase breakfast, the customers and the cashier insisted that I go ahead of them due to my lab coat.

This encounter made me contemplate.

We assign significance to certain things that do not possess any real power. We long to be draped in something to transform us and enhance our appearance in the eyes of others.

Why don't we take that power and redirect it towards ourselves?
I think we would feel better knowing that we are able to do so many things instead of placing it somewhere else.

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