𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏.

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you were sitting in jirou's dorm with a few of your other friends. the purple-haired girl was attempting to teach mina how to play the guitar as momo chuckled at the two, leaning her head in your lap.

the new school year started the next day, but your entire class came back to heights alliance a couple of days early in order to settle back in after being at home over the break. you had all kept in contact over the time spent away from UA, considering momo and iida made a group chat with the entire class.

the three girls began chatting excitedly, rambling on about random things.

"can you guys believe that we're second years now? its so cool not being the youngest anymore!" the pink haired girl sat cross-legged on jirou's bed, a wide smile adorning her features.

"we must remember to set a good example for the younger students." momo piped up, both the girls nodding in agreement. "right, f/n?"  they turned to you, to see you staring at the blank wall in front of you.

jirou waved her hand in front on your eyes, bringing you back to reality. "hey are you paying attention?"

"oh- yeah, sorry guess i zoned out." they gave you reassuring smiles and went back to their conversation.

the truth was, the only thing you could think of was your overall test score over the past year. you had placed 4th. which wasn't bad at all, you understood that, but there was a small voice lingering in the back of your head...

do better. do better. do better.

even though most people would have been overjoyed with 4th place you felt like shit. you had always gotten top of the class in middle school, so getting anything less made you feel as though you weren't good enough for the voice in your head. you had been studying all over break, even pulling a few all nighters to make sure the curriculum was ingrained into your mind but you still felt that it wasn't enough. nothing you had done had silenced the voice in your head, leading it to eat away at you from the inside.

you slid backwards causing momo to sit upright and look back at you as you proceeded to stand up. "hey i might go get some rest, i want to feel energised for tomorrow."

"but what about dinner? you have to eat, f/n." you told them that you weren't hungry and that they should go without you. the girls nodded, wishing you goodnight as you left to go to your own dorm room.

once you arrived you set your books on your desk, opening the page to an area of work you had lost marks on in the final exam. a few minutes later you heard shuffling of feet, indicating your classmates heading down for dinner. you however, stayed in your seat, kept your pen in your hand and continued working - ignoring your body's urgent call for food.


"woah bakubro, thanks for cooking!" the red head ruffled the ash blonde's hair. bakugou had taken it upon himself to cook for the class but no one complained as he was the best chef there. apart from sato, of course. the rest of the class filed in, grabbing a seat and shovelling food in their mouths.

"hey guys, where's l/n?" uraraka looked around the table her eyes landing on your empty seat. "isn't she hungry?"

"she said she was tired and went to bed." uraraka hummed in acknowledgment and went back to eating. the rest of the class also brushed off your absence, assuming you just needed the rest. after eating, most people stayed up a little longer talking, watching tv or playing video games, whilst a few headed back to their dorms.

bakugou reached his floor, his eyes being drawn to the light spilling out from the crack at the bottom of a door. the door to your dorm room.

he was confused. mina had told the class that you were asleep. so why was your bedroom light on? he just shrugged it off, rolling his eyes and shoving his hands in his pockets before entering his dorm and closing the door behind him.


it had reached the late hours of the night. the students of class 2A slept peacefully, letting their minds drift into sweet dreams, their bodies building up enough energy to prepare themselves for the next day.

apart from two.

you were still looking through text books and writing notes as you felt your eyelids start to slowly close. you dropped the pen, massaging the joints of your hand. you glanced at the time. 1:28am. you sighed, you were still not satisfied with what you had done.

"if i finish this i'll get to sleep for 3am which will give me around four hours sleep.." you stood up to take a walk around your room, swaying as you did. you hand grabbed onto the side of your desk, a swirling sensation in your head causing you to feel slightly light headed due to the lack of sleep and food.

"ugh..i need coffee." you slipped on a pair of slippers, throwing a hoodie on top on your pjs and quietly opened your door, not wanting to wake anyone. little did you know, you weren't the only one awake.

bakugou was shifting in his bed, his eyes wide open. as much as he tried to sleep his brain wouldn't shut down. he decided to sit up reaching for the glass of water beside his bed only to realise it was empty. he growled, snatching the glass in his hand and opening his door silently.

he may have been loud but he wouldn't purposely wake people up when they were sleeping. he turned to look down the corridor to see a familiar figure leaning against a wall. your h/c hair was noticeable, even in limited light.

your chest heaved up and down. you hadn't realised how exhausted you were until you began to walk, causing you to almost keel over and rely on the wall to keep yourself upright. you took a deep breath in before pushing yourself off the wall and continuing to walk. you ignored the light headedness and tried to make it to the elevator.

however, before you could, you felt yourself tilt over sideways, the exhaustion hitting you once more. you didn't have the energy to keep yourself upright. the only thing you could do was embrace the darkness as you blacked out.

bakugou's eyes widened slightly, he approached your motionless figure, kneeling down to nudge your arm. "hey dumbass what's wrong with you?" no reply. the nudge turned into a shake as he attempted to shock you back into consciousness.

concern flashed through him. even though you two weren't exactly close he couldn't just leave you on the floor. he brushed back a few strands of h/c that had fallen into your face before hoisting you up in a bridal style as he carried you back to your room.

he kicked the door open with his foot, immediately placing you down on your bed. glancing around, he noticed the textbooks and papers sprawled out over your desk.  a 'tch' sound came from his lips.

"idiot." he turned on his heel, trying to walk out of your room before you regained consciousness, but he wasn't quick enough.

"bakugou?" your faint voice made him stop in his tracks. "what happened?"

he stayed silent for a moment. "because of your stupidity i had to carry your passed-out ass back here. stop being careless." he walked out, closing the door behind you.

you couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed that you had collapsed infront of one of your classmates, but you were eventually too exhausted to care, so you simply closed your eyes and fell asleep.

𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ᝰ 𝐤.𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now