𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟓.

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you awoke beside the ash blonde boy, a large smile creeping onto your lips as you felt yourself being cradled in his arms. at first, you thought you had dreamt everything - the confession, the affection and the almost kiss. but it was real. it was all real, and he was finally beside you again after a week apart.

a week that had felt like months. you hugged him tighter, brining him closer to you. you heard a small sigh come from bakugou as his face nestled further into the crook of you neck, his soft breaths tickling your skin.

in the moment you felt content. there was no stress about school, even though practice exams that the teachers were setting every three months were coming up soon. the fact that you only had two months to prepare should have struck panic within you. but you felt so calm.

the voice in your head was quiet, almost as if it had been silenced after the past month. it still felt strange that you had gotten so close with bakugou within only a month. in your first year you just knew him as the angry guy in your friend group who you didn't talk to much.

it was refreshing to see a different, softer side of him. he was refreshing. you opened your eyes again, the sun creeping through your window making you squint slightly. you turned your head in the direction of your alarm clock, the numbers reading 6:23am.

you sighed, realising it was monday. you had barely any energy to go to school but you knew it was necessary. you pride yourself out of bakugou's grip slightly, only to be tugged back into his hold. you were about to settle back into the embrace then remembered you only had around an hour to get ready.

you nudged the boy lightly, sighing when he didn't react. you pulled yourself away from him, this time, successfully slipping out of bakugou's hold. you glanced at his sleeping figure, smiling at the gentle look on his face.

you grabbed your uniform from your closet then headed into your bathroom and closed the door, turning on the shower before taking off your pyjamas. you stepped under the water, the warmth spreading through your entire body.

after around twenty minutes you dried your body and put on your uniform. you brushed your fingers through your wet hair, quickly detangling it before walking back into your bedroom.

the ash blonde boy had gotten out of bed at this point, ruffling his hair with his hands with a confused look on his face. he looked up at you as you entered the room, his expression softening.

"there you are, i thought you left." he murmured under his breath, his voice raspy. he looked around your figure, taking note of your wet hair that was dripping onto the floor and onto your shirt. "jeez, dry your hair." he approached you, taking a hold of your wrist and pulling you over to your vanity where he grabbed a brush and your hairdryer.

you couldn't help but smile into your mirror as you watched how bakugou dried your hair whilst brushing through the strands with a hairbrush. after most of the moisture had been removed he turned off the hair dryer, raking his fingers through your hair.

he looked at your reflection, your gazes interlocking. he lowered his head down to your neck, placing a small kiss just below your ear. "i need to get ready, i'll be back in five minutes." you nodded as you watched him quietly open your dorm room door, looking left and right before walking to his room, closing the door behind him.

he was true to his word. within five minutes your dorm room door opened again, to reveal bakugou in his uniform with his bag hanging over his shoulder. he leant against the doorframe as he waited for you to finish getting ready.

the two of you walked down to the common room and quickly pulled away from each other. kirishima, kaminari and sero dragged bakugou over to one corner and mina, momo and jirou pulled you over to a different corner.

mina looked you right in the eyes. "spill." you raised a brow, your brain not computing this early in the morning. momo nudged your side. "you and bakugou?" she whispered in your ear.

a small smile crept onto your lips, making all three girls squeal a little too loudly. you shushed them all before turning around to be met with the rest of the students from class 2A staring at you with confused looks on their faces.

the only other people who weren't confused were the four boys in the corner. bakugou sent you a small smirk which made your smile widen slightly.

the only people who knew about you two was your friend group and momo leaving the rest of the class in confusion after the three girls exploded.

momo and jirou left soon after to ensure they made it to school on time, quickly followed by you, mina and the other students from class 2A. as much as you wanted to walk with bakugou, he was being teased by kaminari and sero and it was too early in the morning to deal with that.

you happily chatted with mina as the two of you walked into the classroom. you sat in your chair as mina sat on your desk as she rambled on about a new bag she wanted to buy. the other students filed in, and you felt someone lightly brush your shoulder as they sat in their seat.

you turned your head to the left to be met with the familiar pair of vermillion eyes as you gave bakugou a small smile.

"class." you turned your attention to the front once your heard mr aizawas voice. "we've got something different for you today." he turned his head to the door as four students wearing the shiketsu uniform walked through the door. you immediately recognised them all from the license exam last year.

"these four students from shiketsu have come to join us for today. i discussed it with principal nezu and we agreed it would be beneficial for you to practice battling different types of quirks." he turned his body to fully address the students. "please, address yourselves."

"hey UA!" one of the guys yelled. "and hello again, todoroki!" you immediately recognised him as inasa yoarashi, the one with the wind quirk. he yelled some other stuff about how he was honoured to be there and waved to todoroki who gave him a small nod in return.

the second guy introduced himself as nagamasa mora. he was covered in thick hair from head to toe and you wondered how hot it must be under all those layers of hair. you were excited to work with him since you saw him in action in the license exam and his quirk was strong.

the next guy was named seiji shishikura. you hadn't actually seen him much during the exam, and you were glad because he looked a little..scary?

"hey everyone! as you know i'm camie, it's so nice to see you all again, especially todoroki and bakugou." she spoke quickly it was almost too difficult to keep up with what she was saying. camie utsushimi. she and inasa were the ones that were with bakugou and todoroki in the extra classes.

you had heard she was pretty from a few people who saw her, but she was gorgeous. "i'm so excited to work with all of you oh my gosh!" she clasped her hands together as she winked.

your classmates - mainly midoriya - began asking them all some questions in order to get to know them better, considering they only met at the licensing exam. you however couldn't focus on the situation, all you could notice was how camie's eyes kept drifting in bakugou's direction.

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