𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕.

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"hey guys is it okay if camie sits with us?" kaminari asked as he approached the lunch table. you were already sat there, with the rest of the 'bakusquad'. you shifted uncomfortably in your seat at the idea of camie sitting with your group, which attracted the attention of the boy beside you.

bakugou placed a hand on your thigh, making you snap your head up at him. he sent a reassuring nod as he gripped your thigh a little tighter. a small smile crept onto your face as you began to feel calmer.

camie took a seat opposite you, considering kaminari had already sat opposite bakugou. she angled her body slightly so she was facing him. "bakugou! you did great today, you've really improved since the license exam." she rested her cheek on her hand as she smiled at him.

bakugou gave her a curt nod before turning to you, noticing how you were pushing your food around your plate, just staring at it. "eat, dumbass." he muttered into your ear.

you just nodded as you took a mouthful of your lunch. "l/n." the sound of your name leaving camie's mouth made you glance up at her. she leant across the table so she could whisper to you. "are you really going to eat all that?" you looked down at your food then back to her, suddenly feeling like you wanted to puke.

she leant back, engaging in conversation with kaminari and mina. your eyes darted back to your food, feeling more and more i'll every time you looked at it. with only a few words, camie was able to make you feel incredibly insecure about your body - and she did on purpose.

you stood up from your seat, tray in hand, before walking away from the girl who had intruded on your space. she'd only been here half a day and you already wanted to rip all her hair out. as you left the cafeteria, you threw your lunch in the trash.

bakugou and mina were about to stand up to follow you, wondering why you had suddenly left.

"i'll follow her and make sure she's okay." camie spoke as she also got up from her seat before the others could. she trailed behind you, following you into the girl's bathroom.

you glared at her figure as she approached you, standing a few paces infront of her as you glared at her in the mirror. "don't look so angry, l/n." your eyes only narrowed as the corner of her lips twitched.

"if anyone should be angry it's me. i had my eye on bakugou first, and you just had to swoop in and ruin everything."

"i have a feeling you've never heard the word 'no'."

camie just fluttered her eyelashes as she pulled a lipgloss out of one of her pockets, applying it on her lips before pouting. "you're right. i've always gotten everything i want, and it's going to stay that way." she sent you a wink and a smile as she turned, leaving you alone in the bathroom to drown in your thoughts.

you splashed cold water on your face, trying to ignore the stinging behind your eyes. you felt pathetic, a few words from one girl and your insecurities were eating away at you. camie was gorgeous, she could easily be a model...her and bakugou would look great together.

"f/n?" a familiar voice snapped you out of your thoughts. you looked up in the mirror to see jirou standing behind you. "what's wrong?" you took a deep breath to prevent breaking down.

"nothing, i'm fine." you sent a her a quick smile before looking down again.

"you've been one of my best friends for a year, i know when somethings up." you slowly looked up again, subconsciously biting your lower lip. you sighed before turning around to talk to her face to face.

𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ᝰ 𝐤.𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now