𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓.

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after he found you in the kitchen, you and bakugou ended up talking for around another hour before he dragged you upstairs to sleep.

"bakugou, let go of my hand i can walk by myself" you whispered to the boy in front of you. he let go of you hand almost instantly, not looking back at you, but you swore you saw the tips of his ears glow red.

you shrugged it off, the dorms were dark and it was probably just your eyes playing tricks on you. the ash blonde stopped at your door, waiting for you to go inside.

you brushed past him, opening the door to your dorm, causing bakugou to notice the piles of notes scattered all over the desk and the floor.

"what the fuck."

"ssh!!" you held up a finger to your lips, spinning to face him in hopes he would quiet down.

"why is your room such a fucking mess?" he lightly shoved you out the way, entering your dorm room and using his foot to close the door behind him.

you couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed. you hadn't exactly had the time or energy to take care of your room, you didn't often invite people over so you didn't think it would be such a big deal. you felt it okay to have clothes and your belongings scattered across the floor, but here stood bakugou, and you suddenly felt scared for his judgment.

"no wonder you feel like shit, your room looks like world war three happened."

"okay it's not that bad." you punched his shoulder lightly. "..and why do you assume i feel like shit?"

he glanced down at you, his vermillion eyes meeting yours. they were..soft, unlike the harsh glares he usually sent midoriya or..anyone.

"well obviously you aren't physically well. you look exhausted and you've passed out at least twice. you haven't been eating or sleeping properly either." your gaze dropped to the ground, again, you felt embarrassed. you felt weak.

"and, as much as you try to hide it, you aren't mentally well at the moment either."

you clenched your fists together. he saw right through you.

as much as you hated to admit it, ever since you received your results at the end of your first year, you had been slipping into a pit of darkness, the fear of not being good enough consuming you. as much as you tried to smile or laugh to prevent others worrying about you, your insecurities had been eating you alive.

"so i'm right then." his voice was hushed, almost gentle.

"i'm fine. you don't need to worry about me. i don't need anyone worrying about me." you walked away from him, sitting at your desk, opening up one of momo's books in order the copy the notes. as soon as you did, a hand shut it immediately.

"get to bed, dumbass. its past midnight."

"just give me..an hour or so..to finish this and then-" you couldn't even finish your sentence before you felt two strong arms lift you from your chair and carry you away from your work.

"hey what the hell are you-"

"sleep. now." he practically threw you onto the bed, luckily you landed on a pile of pillows so no damage was done.

"no! i need to catch up before tomorrow or i-i'll fall behind." i cant let that happen. if i start falling behind, i'll never be able to catch up. i'll just end up being left alone, a worthless child.

"you wont fall behind. if anything, you're ahead of everyone else in the class." he crossed his arms, glaring down at your anxious figure. "so take this time to rest."

as much as you wanted to get up, you knew bakugou wasn't going to let you. he would probably pin you down if he had to. it didn't look like he was planning to leave any time soon.

you stared at him for a moment. "why are you doing this?" he furrowed his brows, confusion on his face. "i mean, before this year you barely talked to me and now you're in my room and taking care of me."

"i've talked to you before."


bakugou was silent for a moment. "the truth is..i cant control my temper most of the time."

a smirk crept onto your face. "yeah that's obvious. you're always angry."

"shut it. let me finish." you out your hands up in surrender as you let the boy continue.

"i just usually end up saying harsh things to others without meaning to, so people never want to be around me." your eyes widened slightly. bakugou was never one to express his feelings so the sudden conversation shocked you. he ignored your shock and continued.

"the reason i used to ignore you whenever we hang out in a group is because i don't want you to begin hating me. because..i tolerate you. and i guess,you're fine to be around." his speech was almost staggered like he was struggling to say it.

"just fine?" you teased.

"it's just- if i accidentally lost my temper i was scared you would leave like so many others did, so i settled for just being near you, even if it meant not speaking to you."

"is this your way of trying to say you enjoy me being around?"

he didn't say anything. he just glared at you.

"yeah yeah whatever. i enjoy you being around too." your voice began to fade away as tiredness overcame you.

your eyelids grew heavier, as you curled up into your blanket. the feeling of embarrassment remained. but there was also a sense of comfort. no one had ever seen you this weak, but you were slightly relieved that you could let the brave face fall, even for a little while.

once bakugou noticed you were alseep, he took it upon himself to pick up the textbooks on your bedroom floor. he piled them up on your desk according to each subject and separated momo's books from yours.

it wasn't much, but it made your room look slightly neater. he decided against sorting your clothes as it felt too..personal, and he didn't want to end up snooping around your room.

he took a pen from your desk and a spare scrap of paper, scribbling a few words on it before taking on last glance at your sleeping face.

for one of the first times in a while, he saw the relaxed expression across your features. you no longer looked stressed and exhausted, you looked at peace.

and as much as he tried to resist, he couldn't help but crack a small smile.

"night, dumbass."

𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ᝰ 𝐤.𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now