𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏.

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you were spiralling into a hole of stress and anxiety. exams had been coming up quicker than ever and now it was only two more weeks until you and your classmates would be taking the dreaded things.

you were currently locked in your dorm room, hurriedly writing notes and reviewing your textbooks. you weren't going to get everything done..what if you were going to fail. you wouldn't be good for anything. w-what if-

there was a harsh knock at the door. your mind shut off for a sec before you turned your head to see who was outside. "come in." you said, just loud enough for the figure to barge in.

"hey dumbass." your boyfriend's voice rang through your room. the two of you had been together for over a month now, and it had been the best month of your life - even if you were deathly stressed about exams. "sato baked everyone cupcakes to eat so get your ass down to the common room with everyone else."

you glanced away from him and your eyes locked on to the stacks of paper that drowned your desk. you suddenly got a sense of deja vu. none of your classmates or you had forgotten about how badly you blacked out when you didn't care about anything but studying. you wouldn't be able to handle the guilt if it happened again. if everyone got scared and worried on your account. it bakugou got scared and worried..

"okay." you said quietly? standing up from your desk and walking towards bakugou. "lets go." you smiled up at him and couldn't help but chuckle when his cheeks turned slightly red.

his eyes trailed down your figure slowly before his gaze reconnected with your own. he took a small step closer to you, shortening the distance between both of your bodies. "you're tense." he stated.

you blinked in confusion. the ash blonde boy rolled his eyes before explaining further. "you're muscles are all tensed up from hunching over your desk for so long." he took another step towards you. "get on the bed." he whispered.

your eyes widened. bakugou was going to 'relax' your muscles..on the bed. was he saying what you think he was saying. your cheeks flushed a bright red and your stomach began to swirl as you subconsciously pressed your thighs together.

you took a deep breath before slowly walking over to your bed. luckily, there were no textbooks or bits of paper splattered over the blankets. it would just be you and him..

you kneeled on the bed, unsure of what to do next. "if you're comfortable with it.." he began to say, walking over to you and looking down at your figure. "take off your shirt."

you didn't even realise you could blush even more until that moment. you were wearing a bra underneath but your waist and most of your torso would still be visible. you didn't mind though. in fact, you wanted him to see. also, he had been touchy the other day so it was clear he was also comfortable with getting intimate.

you slowly pulled your shirt over your head, as bakugou sat on the bed behind you. "just relax, love." he spoke into your ear as his hands made his way up your arms and stopped in between the crook of your neck and shoulders.

oh. oh. you wanted to slap yourself. bakugou was literally just giving you a massage. your muscles were tense so he was giving you a fucking massage. you quickly covered your face with your hands in embarrassment. he wasn't trying to-

"f/n? are you okay?" you nodded, humming a strained 'yes'. you turned your head to look at the boy's face - worry flashed over his expressions.

𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ᝰ 𝐤.𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now