𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏.

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kirishima wrapped his arms around mina before turning his attention to you. "mina what happened?"

mina's breaths were shallow as she tried to speak. "she..she just blacked out. she wont..wake up." tears welled up in the pink girl's eyes as her concern for her best friend grew deeper and deeper.

kirishima rubbed mina's back, trying to soothe the girl's panic. "bakugou, go to mr aizawa, say y/n needs medical attention." the blonde nodded, heading over to the part of the dorm that was occupied by their teacher.

on the way there, he couldn't help but feel at fault. if he had just kept his promise, if he had made sure you were staying healthy, maybe you wouldn't have collapsed.

he should have gone up to your room and dragged you down when he noticed your absence at dinner, or taken some of your workload off you when he noticed the bags under your eyes and how you were on the verge of falling asleep in class.

it was his fault for breaking his promise, and because of that you weren't waking up. mina was panicking. kirishima was worried. all because he was too scared to face his feelings for you.

he rapidly knocked on mr aizawa's door, waiting for the sleep deprived teacher to open then door. when he did, his sleepy expression turned into one of worry when he saw the look of panic on bakugou's face.

the ash blonde explained the situation and without hesitation aizawa contacted recovery girl asking her to drop by as quick as she could. the old lady arrived in a matter of minutes, but it felt like hours.

at this point, momo and jirou had wondered what all the commotion was and after talking to kirishima they all began to be ridden with panic. it wasn't an ideal situation. a shit ton of worried teens and one who had been out cold for the past few minutes.

by the time recovery girl had arrived, the girls were
all cuddled together, kirishima was pacing the corridor outside your dorm room, bakugou was simply leant against the wall, eyeing your unconscious figure and aizawa was sat by your bed.

over the phone recovery girl said that you should be laid on your bed with a large bottle of water for when you woke up, so that's what had been done. when seeing your unresponsive state recovery girl sighed loudly.

"i told the girl to take care of herself. it seems like her body has become a victim to the exhaustion and hunger and has temporarily shut down." at recovery girls statement everyone perked up.

"shut down?!" jirou practically yelled.

"w-what do you mean by shut down?" momo muttered, her attempt at speaking firmly failing her.

"when will she wake up?" mina looked up at recovery girl with pleading eyes.

"relax girls, relax." the short old woman gave each of the girls a pat on the head. "her body just needs time to recharge. she'll be awake in a few hours." she turned to the man who sat beside you. "mr aizawa, i understand your concern for your student, but you have paper work, correct?" the man nodded, standing up before thanking recovery girl and heading back to complete his paper work.

"now you all need to get out, the girl needs to rest. if you're really worried then one of you can stay." the teenagers looked at each other then back at her. "i would stay myself but i have work to get done."

𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ᝰ 𝐤.𝐛𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨𝐮Where stories live. Discover now