Chapter 1. |Party|

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"Come on! I bet Ethan's gonna be there." Tara smirked. "Ugh! Fine." I gave up. "Come on, i bet he would love your costume." Tara winked at me.

I was dressed as Freddy Krueger, but I just had a cropped sweater and a black skirt on.

"How dare you make me do this." I sighed." Tara grabbed onto my hand and we left for the party.

At the party...

Me and Tara bumped into people as we walked. "How you doin tee?" Tara turned around. "Hey." She waved.

A guy placed a cup on top of where the drinks were. (SORRY THIS SHIT DONT MAKE SENSE)

"Your lying." Tara smiled. "Uhh last ones kicked,we got some other stuff in the kitchen though." The guy responded.

"Frankie." He then stuck out his hand. "Tara, and she's Sage." She pointed back at me. I smiled and waved at him.

He just nodded his head at me. "Lead the way." Tara took his hand and we followed him into the kitchen.

Tara and him started talking to eachother. Damn I came here just so I could see Ethan, he better be here.

They then started looking through the drink options. "Where from?" "Michigan." Tara responded.

He then asked Tara to go to his room. She turned around and smiled at me. She mouthed "I'll be back."

Not even five minutes later I heard Chad and Frankie fighting. I ran to where they were by the stairs.

"Hey sorry to interrupt, I'm just gonna taze you in the balls real quick." Sam did exactly as she said she would.

I tried to hold back my laughter as he fell to the ground. "Sam are you fucking kidding me, your stalking me now." Tara then left Me and Sam.

"Holy shit,it's that psycho girl!" Someone in the crowd yelled.
"Hey how about you shut your fucking mouth! She didn't do shit!" I yelled as I followed Sam.

By what happened last year, i completely understand why Sam did what she did.

"Tara! Tara can you stop?" Sam yelled. I saw Ethan at the corner of my eye walk next to me.

"I can't believe you did that you embarrassed me!" Tara argued. Sam and Tara started to argue with each other.

I caught myself taking short glances at him. Chad tried to stop them from arguing. "Hey guys, come o-" "It mean I'm not gonna (I really don't know what she says in this part)

"So your just gonna pretend like it never happened." To be honest, I would've done the same thing to that guy, from what I've heard he latched onto Tara's arm and basically dragged her up the stairs.

Tara shot back at here "What are you doing here Sam? In New York. Your working two shitty jobs you help around or whatever but what's your plan?" Me and Ethan shared glances with each other.

"I know what I'm gonna do! Okay because I'm gonna keep going to college I'm gonna get my degree and I'm gonna live my life." Ethan and I just completely stared at each other after she said that.

Tara then continued."You just follow me here and you won't let me out if your sight!"

"I'm just trying to look at for you." Sam told her. "I know, i know you are." She then pointed at Sam. "But you can't do that for the rest of my life. You have to let me go."

"Hey!" We all looked to where the voice was. "Murderer!" A girl yelled as she threw a drink at me.

"Bitch i know damn well you didn't just do that shit!" I yelled as I started walking toward her.

I managed to kick her down before Ethan held me back. "She knows what she did!" She yelled as she got up.

"What you need to know what to do is wipe that shitty makeup off your face bitch!" I screamed.

"Damn Sage!" Ethan laughed. "God damnit, I was looking good in this costume too."

"I have tissues if you wants tissues, i have three." He handed them to me. I smiled. "Thanks."

Me and Ethan than walked off to where the others were. "Thanks for holding me back." I laughed. I then started to think about how he held onto my waist when he held me back, causing me to blush.

"You would've beat her ass if I didn't." He smiled. Oh that smile, I love his smile.

After a couple minutes we made it to our dorms. "See you tomorrow then." He smiled. "Yea." I then leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for walking with me." I smiled. His face was almost completely red.

I started waking to my dorm smiling. I knew what I was doing, I was sick of hiding my feelings. I was gonna start giving him hints, and i mean real hints.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕. 𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙻Where stories live. Discover now