Chapter 11 |killers get killed|

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"Now, one of you have to on the mask." Mr bailey said looking at me and Sam.

"He was, so pathetic." Sam said looking up.

"That's, that's not true!" Mr Bailey said in disbelief. "Yea your son, he was a man baby, who made his girlfriend do all the killing." I stepped in holding tightly on the brick I had in my hand.

"He was a strong feral young man!" Mr bailey said looking at me with fury in his eyes.

"He was a limp dick little fuck who cried and died like a pussy before we killed him." I said. All my sorrows were just turning into rage at this point.

"Shut the fuck up!" Quinn scream before i hit her across the face with a brick. "Don't fucking touch her you bitch!" I screamed before I saw Kirby shoot her gun.

"Sam, Sage come on!" Tara yelled before I saw Quinn run and get on top of Kirby. Before I knew it she stabbed Kirby in her stomach.

"Get the fuck off her!" I screamed pushing Quinn off. "I'm terribly sorry for this but I kinda need it." I told Kirby before taking the knife out of her stomach. "Fuck her up."

"The fuck are you gonna do about it bitch?" Quinn said glaring into my eyes. "This." I said before taking the knife and stabbed her shoulder multiple times.

"I truly saw you as one of my best friends Quinn?" I told her as I took the knife out of her shoulder. "Sage!" Tara yelled as she climbed up a ladder.

I turned around quickly, grabbing Kirby's gun off the ground. "I promise I'll get help." I told her before running towards the ladder.

"Sage!" Sam yelled as she helped me get on top of the balcony. I started following Sam and Tara along the railing. "Be careful." Tara said in front of me.

I stepped over the railing, almost making to Sam and Tara, before the railing fell apart. I screamed and held onto the railing.

"Tara!" I screamed as my hands slipped before Sam grabbed my wrist before I could fall.

"I can't do this Sam! Please i don't wanna die!" I cried. Quinn then started slashing his knife at my legs below me.

"I always wanted to stick something in you Sage!" Quinn yelled, pointing his knife at me. "Fuck you!" I screamed. "Fuck you!" Quinn yelled back at me.

I tried holding onto Sam's arm but my hand kept slipping. "Let me go." I told Sam. "What?! Are you crazy!" Sam yelled. "Let me go!" I yelled at her.

"You better not fuck this up." Sam told me before letting go. I fell down in front of Quinn. "Got you!" She said as she stabbed my stomach.

I then grabbed the knife I had in my hand firmly and stabbed the inside of her mouth. "Got you." I said as I twisted the knife inside her mouth.

I then pulled the knife out of her mouth as her blood bled on me. I then watched as she fell over, lifeless.

I sighed and dropped the knife from my hands. Before I knew I heard yelling from above me.

I then saw as Mr Bailey and Sam fall from the balcony. "Sam!" I screamed as I winced from the pain of my stab wound.

"Tara help!"

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕. 𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙻Where stories live. Discover now