Chapter 5.|Death|

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"You should get out of the city, you don't wanna get involved in this bullshit." I told Ethan. "I mean,I can't blame you, I would get the hell out of here if I could but the dumbass police." I laughed. "Well, that's very thoughtful of you but, I can't just leave you here." Ethan smiled. Mindy gagged. "Just makeout already!" She yelled. I laughed. "Not in front of you." "So you do wanna make out with him." She smirked. "Never said I didn't." I whispered in near her ear.

"Sam!" Mindy yelled. "Yea?" "We do not have to stay here." Mindy told her. "Well too bad, I insist. Safety and minors." "So what this is like a slumber party?" I smiled. "Hey guys!" Anika called us into the living room. The news was a murder and once again it blaming me and Sam for it. "This is bullshit!" I yelled. They then showed me kicking down that one girl. "That bitch deserved it." I scoffed. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. "That bitch doesn't know the full story." I rolled my eyes. I said as I sat down at the table.

Ethan sat next to me. "Don't over think so much about it." He told me. "How could I not think about it." We ended up talking to each other more and making each other laugh. "Okay y'all are literally so cute." Mindy said as her Chad, Tara, and Sam sat with us. "I know." I smiled.

We ended up talking to each other until we heard Quinn make noises. "Sounds like someone's busy." I said making everyone laughs. Sam's phone then started ringing. "Omg Sam's man is calling. I said taking the phone from her. "Hey give it back." She laughed. She took her phone back from me. "I'll call him back later." She said hanging up. All of our phones then vibrated. "Oh fuck." I said as I opened the message. It was Quinn with ghostface.

I got up and ran to Quinn's room with everyone following me. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and went towards Quinn's room. "Sage!" Ethan held my arm stopping me from going into her room. We heard her scream one last time. "That's it I'm going inside!" I yelled. Before I could make it to the door, the door was then slammed open with Quinn's body on the floor. I screamed. Ghostface then ran towards me. I tried to run away from him but ended up getting my arm slashed. "Fuck!" I yelled in pain

My arm was bleeding out. "Sage!" Ethan yelled. He grabbed my arm trying to get me away but I saw ghostface choking Anika. He grabbed and pressed her against the wall. Stabbed her in the stomach. "ANIKA!" I yelled. I grabbed a vase and Sam ran into the room. We both hit him in the face at the same time. "Come one Anika." I grabbed her and Sam got Mindy.

We ran into Quinn's room and locked the door. Ghostface was banging on the door then stopped. "The bathroom!" Sam yelled. Her and Mindy ran into the bathroom blocking the door with a wardrobe. "You gonna be okay Anika." I said putting pressure on her wound. "Ethan put pressure on her wound!" I said as I went to the window. "Hey!" I said as I walked up to Sam and Mindy. "Go talk to your boyfriend so he can help us!" I told Sam as I took her place in holding the wardrobe.

I saw Sam's boyfriend put out a ladder. "Were gonna climb on a ladder?!" I yelled. "Y'all go!" Sam yelled. "Sam you go we gotta hold the door!" I yelled. Sam then made across the ladder. "Ethan you go!" I said after Sam made it. "But I can't leave y-" "Ethan I love you but I I'll be fine! Just go!" I yelled. "After he made it across i tried telling Mindy to go. "No I can't leave Anika alone! You go!" She told me. I stood there to think about my decision.

I nodded and ran towards the window. "Your not gonna make me fall right?!" I asked as I looked down. "Sage!" Ethan yelled. I stated to make my way across the ladder. It started to shake. "Fuck!" I screamed. I finally made to the window. "Ethan!" I cried climbing through the window. We both hugged each other, me crying into his chest.

I saw Mindy kiss Anika before she made her way across the ladder. "Come on Mindy don't look down or back it's gonna be okay!" I yelled. Mindy then made it to the window. I hugged her, making sure to me careful with her arm. I then looked outside the window where Anika was climbing the ladder. "I can't do it! I can't do it!" She cried. "Yes you can! Don't look down!" I yelled. She started to climb across the ladder as i kept telling her to try and not look down. She then made it halfway across the ladder. I the saw ghostface put his arm through the crack of the door."Anika you gotta move!" I yelled as I saw ghostface break through the door. She started crying and shaking her head. Ghostface then started shaking the ladder. "I don't wanna die!"  Anika cried. "Your not gonna die!" I assured her. "Anika give me your hand!" Sam yelled grabbing her hand. "Come on Anika you can make it!" I yelled. Ghostface then flipped the ladder making Anika fall off. "ANIKA!!" Me and Mindy yelled. She fell and hit her head on a dumpster below.

I saw body. Her head was cracked open. "You bitch! I hope you fucking rot In hell you fucking piece of shit!" I yelled to ghostface. I walked back and fell to the floor. I just cried. "Sage." Ethan sat down next to me hugging me tightly. I cried into his chest. "Why!" I cried.

I couldn't believe this happened to her.


𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕. 𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙻Where stories live. Discover now