Chapter 3. |questioning|

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Me and Ethan were taken in for questioning after it happened. I looked at all the crime scene pictures in front of us. I held onto Ethan's hand as we waited for Mr Bailey to come in.

Mr bailey then walked in with the mask in his hand. He sat down across from us. "This was next to the body at the apartment crime scene." He put down the bag in front of us. "The DNA say is belongs to someone named Richie Kirsch." He looked at the both of us. "Does that ring a bell?" He asked. "I'm familiar with him." I responded. "But the one that attacked us had a different mask. It looked more beat up." Ethan stated.

Mr Bailey then looked at us again "Gotta ask, do you have alibis for earlier tonight?" "How exactly is that part of your preference?" I asked. "We were both at a party with our friends." Ethan told him. "Was that before or after this." He showed the video of me kicking that girl down. I bit the side of my mouth. "Before." "The whole point is that we were with people all night." Ethan said.

"So isn't It a big coincidence that our roommates dad just happened to pull our case?" I asked. "Had a crazy coincidence right? The detective who had the case, he offered it to me, it involves Quinn but I can totally give it back if you're uncomfortable. It's up to you." I looked at Ethan. We turned back to him. "It's fine." I said. "So if the man who attacked you did steal your license and planted it next to the body, then it would probably be someone that is close to you." "Well, i moved here with Tara and Sam about six months ago with Chad and Mindy. The people I'm probably closest to are Anika, Quinn and Ethan. Not to put you on the spot or anything." I explained. "No it's fine." He smiled.

"Do y'all know anyone that would wanna target you?" Mr Bailey asked. "Not anyone that's still alive." I stated. Mr Bailey widened his eyes. "Yikes." He said. A policemen then opened the door and said something about the FBI being here. Mr Bailey got up and left the room.

I threw my head back and sighed. "Why do we have to get involved in this." Ethan started to rub my hand with his thumb. My heart started beating fast and I felt butterfly's in
my stomach.(I hate this feeling tbh😭)

I looked outside and saw someone I thought who was rather familiar. "Oh shit." I muttered under my breath. I took Ethan's hand and went outside the room. "Kirby?" I was kinda shocked to see her. "Hey Sage." She said as she hugged me. "Your the FBI?" I never would expect that from her actually. "You guys know each other?"Mr bailey asked. "Yea, she's a friend of Sam." I nodded.

Kirby then handed Mr Bailey a file, a policemen then handed Mr Bailey a mask inside a bag. "They found this mask at the Bodega, teenage traces of Charlie Walker and Jill Roberts, both deceased." "Ghostface killers if 2011." Kirby said as she held the mask. "Charlie Walker gave me this." She lifted up her shirt to show her scar.

"Like I said i said i take special interest. Is this the mask he was wearing when he attacked you?" I looked at the mask. "No." Me and Ethan responded. "So he's leaving them on purpose." Mr Bailey said. "Which means whoever's doing this is a student of the killers that came before, maybe he believed Sage is the latest in a long line." Kirby stated. "Yea well, Sam is trying to get out of town, so good luck with that." I said as I grabbed Ethan's hand and started walking out.

"I'm sorry that's not possible." Mr Bailey said making us turn around. "Your both person of interest in a double homicide, your not allowed to leave town." He continued. "Your fucking serious?" I almost yelled. "He's right." Kirby said. "We're going." Ethan grabbed my hand and we both started walking out of the station.

As we got outside there was a crowd of reporters outside. "You gotta be fucking kidding me." I muttered under my breath. All I heard around me was "Sage!" "Sage!" "Sage!" I tried ignoring everyone yelled my name until I heard "Gale Weathers Channel four!" We both turned around. "Do you guys think you're the reason the ghostface killer has come to New York?" I raised my eyebrow. I threw a punch at her but she moved out of the way before I could hit her. "Nice try sweetie, but I danced this dance befo-" Ethan then punched directly on the side of her face. "Stay away from us." He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and walking away from her.

"Y'all are really still mad at me?" Gale asked. "You said you wouldn't write a fucking book about it but you did!" I yelled. "Oh come on, somebody was gonna write about it! It's what u do." She said. "What you need to fucking do is fix your fucking outfit, did you even have the rights to write about it?" I said. Gale rolled her eyes. "It's all about true crime limited series these days."

"After everything we've been through together, what would Dewey think." I said. Gale looked at the ground and nodded her head. "That's a low blow." "Yea well so is your book." Ethan said. "You called me and Sam unstable, and you called us a born killer!" I yelled. "That's taken of out context." Gale shrugged your shoulders. "That's literally a quote!"

"You don't think what you wrote has something to do with what's happening to us?" Ethan asks gale. "Let's go Sage." Ethan grabbed my hand and we started to walk away from Gale. "He- hey, I talked to Sidney." She said making us turn around. "Is she coming here?" I asked. "No," she shook her head. "She sends her love but she's taking mark and the kids to a place safe, she deserves to have her happy ending." Gale said. "And on that which we agree." I said walking away with Ethan.


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