Chapter 12 |Dead n Gone|

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"Hello detective Bailey." Sam said into the phone as we watched as Mr Bailey walked around the building.

"I got one question for you, what's your favorite scary movie?" Sam asked him.

"Favorite scary movie." He chuckled. "I'm asking because your in one now, your in our movie." Sam told him.

I then heard as Mr Bailey shot his gun twice. "I see you've put on your true face huh?" He said as he walked towards the mannequin without a gown. "Y'all's birthright."

"Poetic that one of y'all are gonna die in it." "This is what you wanted? Isn't it?" Sam asked him.

"Now you know the truth huh? Murders in y'all's blood!" He yelled into the phone.

"Stop fucking around and show yourselves!" He screamed once more. "Now be careful for what you wish for." Sam told him through the phone.

"Alright I'm a fucking police officer how do you think this is gonna go! Who do you think they're gonna believe huh!" "Probably the one still alive" Sam told him.

I slowly walked behind the screen. I saw as Mr Bailey screamed and smashed his phone on the ground.

I then moved the curtains out of the way and slowly walked towards him as he turned around.

"No! No!" He screamed before I took the knife I had in my hands and stabbed him as many times as I could.

"This is what you fucking get your sick son of bitch!" I screamed as I stabbed in over and over again.

I stabbed once more before revealing myself, watching as he choked on his own blood.

Before I took the final blow, I heard Tara and Sam behind me. I sighed and lowered my knife.

"Our father, was a murderer, no matter what you think, we're better than that." Sam said.

Mr Bailey then started thanking us. I looked at Sam and gave her the knife. "But you did fuck with our family." Sam said as she grabbed his head and stabbed in his eye.

I watched as she pulled out the knife as he fell back. "Nice." Tara told us. "Thanks." Me and Sam said in union.

"You okay?" I asked Tara. Me smiled and shook her head. "No." I sighed and took off the gown I was wearing.

All three of us walked through the curtains and sat down on the steps.

Sam sighed and put her hand on her forehead. "Thank your for letting me go." Tara told Sam. "I knew you could take care of yourself." Sam said to Tara.

I rested my head on my knees, I felt so tired I didn't even wanna move anymore.

The silence was then broken by Quinn running towards us, screaming.

Kirby then came and knocked over the tv that killed Stu Macher. "Hey guys." She said leaning against the pillar.

"Well, she did say she liked Stu Macher." I said looking at Sam and Tara.

I then saw the police break through the gate, also seeing Sam's "boyfriend"

We were then all rushed outside where all the paramedics and police officers were.

All of us were with Kirby as she was being put inside the ambulance. "If you ever need me, call me." She told us "We're all part of the same fucked up family now. And legacy doesn't always have to be a bad thing."

I then saw Tara start crying. "Hey." I said I rubbed her back. "It's just Chad." She cried. This ended up me thinking about what happened to Ethan.

"I know, I lost someone special to me too." I said as I pulled her closer. "We have two more over here!" I heard someone yell.

I quickly turned around to see Chad and Ethan in a bed. "Chad!" Tara yelled as she ran towards him.

I quickly ran towards where Ethan was with Sam behind me. "How are you still alive." Sam asked him.

He put up five fingers. "Fucking gang." He laughed. I smiled and took off his breathing mask and kissed him.

"Sorry you probably need that." I said as I put his mask back on and kissed his cheek.

"Always knew y'all were gonna end up together." Sam smiled. "Oh my god are y'all okay?! I know who the killer is, It's Quinn and Bailey." Mindy said as she ran towards us.

Me, Tara, and Sam all looked at each other, Tara shook her and I nodded my head in response.

"Oh fuck! Did I miss the monologue again!" Mindy said as she looked at Ethan.

"How are you out already?" I asked looking at Mindy. She just shrugged her shoulders. "They gave me a lot of drugs, are you okay?" She asked me.

"I mean, besides being tired as hell, I'm good." I said stretching my arms.

"Well that must be nice," Ethan muttered under his breath. I chuckled "But it was worth it." He finished as I  held his hand his hand.

I then walked into the ambulance with him. I turned to look at Sam and Tara. "Then won't mind if I go with you," I then turned back at Ethan.

"Right." I said smiling. He just shrugged his shoulders, he then threw his head back in pain. 

"I wouldn't being moving your shoulders so much." I said as I grabbed his hand and rubbed it with my thumb.

I watched as Sam threw our fathers mask on the ground. She then turned around and looked at me.

She put up a thumbs up, basically asking me if I was okay. I put my thumb up in reply.

She smiled and walked away with Tara. I then turned around to look at Ethan, I moved one of his curls out of his face as the ambulance doors closed.

He smiled back at me, god that smile.

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