Chapter 2. |ghostface strikes|

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I opened Sage's door. "Sage we" She was only in a sports bra and a pair of shorts. "Damn at least knock." She laughed.

"Come on we need to hurry." I threw my jacket at her and took her hand. "Hey whats wrong?" She asked as she zipped up my jacket.

"It's the news." I looked back at her. Her face is so angelic. I couldn't help but memorize her beauty for a a few seconds. I then opened the door to Tara's dorm. "I found her."

"What the hell is going on?" I asked concerned. "Look." Tara pointed at the tv.

Me and Ethan both sat next to each other. "Holy shit." I muttered under my breath. Sam and some guy walked in.

Sam and Tara made eye contact. "Pack a bag, we leave in ten." Sam then left the room.

"Fuck." I said under my breath. Ethan grabbed onto my hand. I felt my heart start beating fast.

"Woah! Let talk about this for a second! Because this might have none thing to do with us." Tara tried to convince Sam.

"It's a big city! It's Halloween everyone's wearing mask! You don't kno-" "Tara, Tara this isn't a coincidence!" Sam interrupted.

"You knew him!" "Barely." Tara said. "Chad, Mindy, back me up." Sam looked towards.

I scooted closer to Ethan and held his hand slightly tighter. Tara turned to Quinn. "Quinn your dads a cop right? Can you call him and find out what's going on? Before you decide to abandon my college education and flee the fucking state!" Tara yelled.

Quinn pulled out her phone."I'm, uh,calling him right now." Tara thanked her.

The phone started ringing. I flinched and held onto Ethan's hand tighter. Sam hung up on who was calling.

"Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang." Ethan asked.

Me and Anika rolled our eyes. "You gotta keep up my dude." Anika said.

"Hey Sage, my dad is wanting to talk to you." Quinn handed me the phone.

"Hi, Mr Bailey." I said awkwardly. "Hello Sage." "So uhm, we all saw the news and we were wanting to call you because Sam is freaking out and is wanting to flee the state an-" Quinn's dad cut me off. "Okay, I understand everything is crazy right now but we're gonna need you to come to the station." "Okay." I responded. I hung up right after.

"Here." I threw Quinn's phone back to her. I got up and headed towards the door. "I need to head to the station, I'll be right back." As I opened the door Ethan stood up. "Can I come with," everyone looked at him. "I-I just don't think it's safe for you to go alone." He continued. "Hurry your ass up." I then made my way to the station.

As we walked out the door I felt my phone start to vibrate in my back pocket. My eyes widened as I saw who it was. "I deleted Richies contact." "Just let it ring, don't answer it." Ethan said as he held onto my hand.

I ignored what he told me to do answered it anyway. "Hello, Sage. How much did you miss me?" "Where the fuck are you!" I yelled into the phone as I looked around my surroundings.

"You know you should really be thanking me Sage, Jason and Greg were planning to kill you and all your pathetic friends, I gutted them before the even had the chance." My body started to get more tense as I saw a guy with a hoodie on his head walk towards us.

"So what, you are our little protecter and we should be thanking you?" I scooted closer to Ethan and held his hand tighter. We both stared at the guy as he got closer. I felt a wave of relief as he walked passed us.

"Well, not quite. I'm gonna show the world what you really are, a liar and a killer. I'm gonna punish you and your friends." I tried to keep my composure after he said that.

"Don't believe everything that you see on the fucking internet, cunt." I yelled into the phone. "Don't be cute, your gonna pay for what you did and I'm not gonna stop until I butcher you, you and anyone that gets between us.You and your little boyfriend better watch your backs."

"You better watch your back bitch." I then felt arms grab me. I screamed. "Bitch get off of me." I struggled to get ghost faces off me. "Sage!" Ethan yells as he helps me push him off of me.

I grabbed onto Ethan's hand and started to run as far as we can. "Help! Please!" I yelled. "In here!" Ethan opened the door to a liquor store.

"Please help us! Call 911!" I pleaded. "There's a fucking line here." Some random guy complained. "Please can you just call 911! Me and Ethan yelled at the same time.

I turned to the door and saw ghostface walking towards the door "Ethan." I tugged on his sleeve. He looked at the door as ghostface opened it. Me and Ethan backed up against the freezers.

"You got a problem here guy?" The man started to walk closer to ghostface. He then got stabbed multiple time in his stomach. "Fuck!" I screamed. Ghostface then stabbed someone else in the throat.

He then turned towards us and started walking closer. The owner then yelled at ghostface and shot at him but he dodges it. "Go through the back!" The owner yelled at us. I quickly grabbed Ethan's hand and ran towards the door. I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"Keys! We need your keys!" I yelled at the owner. As he was getting the keys ghostface came from behind him. "Behind you!" Me and Ethan yelled. Ghostface stabbed him in the chest and pushed him towards the freezers.

Me and Ethan went behind shelf's after the owner got pushed over. Ghostface grabbed his gun and aimed it at him, he then pulled the trigger and blood went everywhere.

Ethan pulled me and we started to crawl on the floor so he wouldn't see us. He tugged on my sleeve and told me to be quiet. Ghostface then shot at the cans on the shelf above us. We then started crawling again and ghostface shot at the things on the shelf again, the stuff be shot started to fall on top of me.

We quickly moved back and hid behind the shelf. I heard ghostfaces footsteps get closer. Ethan started to slowly pick up a can threw it away from where we were. As I heard his footsteps walk away I started to crawl back to where we were before.

Ethan made a noise with a piece of broken glass. He looked at me and told me not to move. Ghostface turned around and was about to shoot at Ethan.

I widened my eyes and quickly pushed the shelf on top of him. "Go!" I yelled as I stood up.

As soon as we ran out I asked him. "Is your hand okay?" I lifted up his hand and looked at it. "No it's fine, it just a scratch." He laughed.

I looked at where the shelf was. "Ethan," "Yea?" He responded. "He's gone." My heart started to beat fast.

Ghostface is still out there somewhere.

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕. 𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙻Where stories live. Discover now