Chapter 7. |Gale|

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I was at the park with Sam and Tara. "Do you guys think we should've stayed with the others?" I asked. "It's not gonna happen." Tara said. "There's no point at putting all of us at risk." Said sam. "Why not? We're backup." Tara smiled. "Hey Sam, stay frosty out there okay?" Kirby told Sam.

My phone then started ringing. "Ghostface." I mouthed. I then picked up the call. "You know your ass is gonna get killed." I said into the phone. "No, your gonna die Sage. Choking on your own blood while I hack up all your pathetic friends." "Not unless we find you first." I said trying not to attract attention. "You not so bright for a mastermind, waiting for me to call, desperately hoping I'm nearby so the police can grab me? But I'm not nearby, I'm a step ahead. I'll be seeing you Sage." He said before he hung up.

"God he makes me so mad." I said as I rolled my eyes. "Did you get it?" I asked Kirby. "Yep geo location coming through right now, he's at the upper west side. He's inside a apartment building halfway across the city." "West 96?" Tara asked "How did you know that?" Kirby asked. "Gale." Me and Sam said at the same time.

We started running out of the park. "Fuck, we gotta get there now." Sam said as we started running faster. I followed Tara to Mr Baileys car. "Damn we're gonna steal his car?" I smiled as I got into the back seat. "Why not?" She replied. "Sam!" I yelled to her. She got into the passenger seat next to Tara.

"Hey, hey get out of my car!" Mr Bailey yelled at us. "What do you think your doing it's a official vehicle!" He continued yelling at us "Are we gonna use the sirens!" I asked. Tara smiled. "You think we're gonna steal a police car and not use the sirens" She said as she turned them on. Tara quickly drove off as Mr Bailey yelled at us.

I was working on my computer as the phone started ringing. "And that'll be our food." My boyfriend said as he walked over to go answer it. "It's not the food it's for you." He said as he walked over to me. "Who is it?" I asked. "May I ask who's calling please, he says it's the killer." My heart dropped as he said who it was.

I quickly shut my computer and got up from the couch. I took the phone and started talking to him. "Hello." "Hello Gale. Strange you and I have never spoken on the phone, this is long overdue." I tried to keep my composure and not freak out. "I agree." I told him. My phone then started ringing on the table and my boyfriend went to go answer it.

"I figured through all these years you would want an interview." Ghostface told me through the phone. "I think your right. So, what's your motive this time? You angry at the movies or are you just trying to stay relevant." I asked him. "I could ask you the same. Don't you know the legacy characters are disposable now, nobody cares about lasting centuries hero's." He told me. "Then why bother me at all?" I asked him. "Call it nostalgia, or maybe you deserved to me punished for all the money you made off the misery of other." He said getting more aggressive. "Maybe it's time somebody made a buck reporting your death." He finished.

"You know your the tenth guy to try this right? And spoiler alert, it never works out for the dipshit in the mask." I spat back at him. "Oh but the certainty leave a mark before the go right? Richie and Amber managed to butcher Dewey, carved him up like a Christmas gift." My eyes started tearing up at the mention of him. "How does it feel to lose the only man that has ever loved you?" "Fuck you!" I said my voice sounding shaky.

"How does it feel that your weren't there for him at the end? Not there to give him comfort, as he died screaming in his own go-" "Your the one that's gonna die screaming." I cut him off. "Maybe, but you won't be around to see it. You couldn't stop what happened to Dewey, looks like your not gonna be able to stop this."

Right after he said that I saw my boyfriend thrown through the shelf as ghostface wiped his knife. He started running towards me and I tried running away but he managed to grab my arm stopping me but I grabbed a pan and smacked his face. I quickly ran towards my door and threw stuff on the floor to slow him down.

I made it to the other door and tried to shut on him but he managed to make it inside. I quickly ran into a room where I had a gun hidden. Ghostface was trying to slam the door down but I kept getting the code wrong. Righ when I got the code right I grabbed the gun and shot at the door. "How's that for nostalgia fucker!" I yelled.

The phone then started ringing and I answered it keeping my gun aimed at the door. "You missed." "Sure I did." I spat back. "You win, I'm in the elevator heading for the ground floor." Ghostface told me. "Sure you are." I denied. I shot at the door two more times walking closer. "Maybe, maybe I'm wounded, or maybe I'm wearing a bullet proof vest." "That's why I'm gonna shoot you right in the fucking head!" I yelled.

I walked towards the door opening it cautiously.  I looked around making sure he wasn't around. "You would've made a good killer Gale, Sidney never would've made sense and Dewey was the fan favorite. You cracking under the pressure and turning into ghostface, would've been a great twist." "Yea keep talking asshole." I said while I keep looking around.

Ghostface laughed. "Sure, what do you wanna talk about? You never got to be the leading lady did you? It was always about Poot sweet Sidney sucking up all the oxygen, where did that leave you to be?" "The brains and the sex of view?" I answered him.

"Sorry about your boyfriend. All those muscles didn't help much." He said as i started walking towards my boyfriend on the floor. "Well sure didn't." I said. He laughed. "Can you hold please?" I requested as I hung up on him. I then heard a phone ringing behind me.

I quickly turned around a shot behind me twice. I started walking closer towards the sound still aiming my gun at the sound.

Ghostface then came out and moved my arm so I couldn't shoot him. He pushed me against the wall and stabbed me in the shoulder. I tried taking off the mask but he pushed me again and stabbed my leg. I screamed in pain and pushed him off of me.

I stood up and tried running away from him but ending up falling and crawling on the floor. He tried stabbing my leg but ended up stabbing the floor. As he got closer to me I grabbed a vase and hit him across the face.

I stood up and started running away from him but he jumped on the couch and tried to slash me but I dodged it with a book. I hid behind a killer as he kept slashing at me from side to side.

He managed to get me on the ground but i made him fall on the glass table. I took his knife and got top of him trying to kill him, but he ended up grabbing a piece of glass and stabbing me in the stomach. I screamed as I fell off of him. He then got on top of me and tried stabbing my eye, but I managed to stop him from stabbing me.

His knife was just inches away from me. "Fuck you." I said. "Hey ghostface!" Sam yelled as she grabbed the gun and tried shooting at him. Sage and Tara ran towards me. "Shit! Gale are you okay?!" Sage asked concerned. Sam put pressure on my wound. "I should've known he was gonna come after you I'm so sorry." Sam apologized. "He didn't get me." I told them.

"Tell Sidney he never got me."

𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕. 𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙻Where stories live. Discover now