Chapter 8. |Stabbings|

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"Tell Sidney he never got me." Gale said before she closed her eyes. "Fuck! Gale!" I yelled. "Gale! Gale!" Tara and Sam yelled. "Gale! No no! Gale." I yelled. The paramedics came and told us to get out of the way. "Gale!" Sam yelled. Tara tried pulling her away from her. "Come on we gotta move!" Tara told her. "No! No! No!" Sam cried.

Tara eventually was able to pull away Sam. I heard them say that Gale had a weak pulse. "It's gonna be okay Sam." I said as I rubbed her back.

All of us were at the police station in the lobby. I was standing next to Ethan as he had his arm around my shoulder as I rested my head on his chest.

The guy that helped us at the apartment walked in, i think his name is Danny. "I got here as fast as I could." He said. "Did you?" Tara asked.

"I'm scared you guys. I really don't wanna get hurt again." Mindy said. "Neither do I." Chad said. "I don't want you to get hurt again either." "I know." Chad said as he rest his head on Mindys shoulder.

Tara then put her head on Mindys shoulder as well. "What do we do." Chad asked. We looked at each other. "Maybe he gets to win this time." I said. They all looked up at me. "He wants to punish me, so maybe I'll let him. I'll just sacrifice myself, if this is what I have to do to y'all safe, it's worth it." "No we're not doing that." Ethan said looking at me. "You have protected us these past few days, you need to let us protect you this time, i can't do this without you, we're team we can't do this without you." Ethan said holding my hands.

"We're actually a family." Mindy stood up and walked towards us. "Yea core five!" Chad said putting our hands in the middle. "Did you just come up with that?" I asked smiling. "Yea." Chad smiled. Tara and Sam then put their hands in the middle with us.

"He wants me too Sage, but we're not gonna let him get us." Sam told me "But, back on topic, what are we gonna do if he keeps coming after us." Tara asked. "There isn't any place that we could go?" Ethan asked. "No he just keeps finding us." I responded.

"But, we could use that's though." Tara said. Tara got her phone and she started calling someone. "Who are you calling?" I asked. "Mr Bailey." She said as he picked up the phone. Tara then told him about the idea she had.

"I'm getting my ass chewed out for not dropping the case and now you want me to do what?" Mr Bailey says on the phone.

"We are going to lure him into a secure location to trap him inside" tara responds. "And then what?" He asks. "Well we execute him, so are you going to help us?" she asks. "Let's kill this song of a bitch, but travel in public more people around you the less of a chance he can take a shot before you get there" he tells us

We need going a train station to go with the plan. "Is this really a good idea?" Ethan asked. "You didn't have to come if you don't want to." Tara told him as we went down stairs. "It's fine Ethan, we know what we're doing." I reassured him. "Let's just get to the movie theater, come on in here." Sam told us.

Me, Mindy, and Ethan ended up getting lost in the crowd. "Hey! Hey! Chad!" Mindy yelled. "Hey guys!" I yelled. The doors ended up closing before we could make it in. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath.

Mindy watched the train as it left. Me and Ethan ended up catching up to her and Ethan touched her shoulder. Mindy flinched. "Get your ghostface ass away from me, ghostface." Mindy muttered.

"Come on your still on this shit?" I defended him. "He was literally with us when ghostface attacked us!" I told her. "Yea but there could be more than one, and he could be one of them." Mindy spat back at me. I rolled my eyes and we waited for the next train.

As we got onto the train Mindy went and sat down somewhere away from me and Ethan. "Does she like hate me?" Ethan asked. "She just really paranoid right now." I told him.

As I looked around I saw plenty of people dressed as ghostface. I stood closer to Ethan. "What wrong?" He asked me. "Look around." I told him.

As I looked over to Mindy I saw someone dressed as ghostface pop up in front of her and sit down. She moved to the other side of train after he sat down.

I started talking to Ethan until I saw Mindy move farther away from us. "Should we move closer to her?" I asked him. "I don't know, you can go i can stay here I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable." The train went dark for a while but when it lit back up I saw Ghostface with Mindy.

"Fuck." I said as I tried running to where she was. "Sage!" Ethan yelled as he followed me. "Fucking move!" I yelled as people started leaving the train. "Mindy!" I yelled as I sat down next to her. "Shit!" Ethan yelled. "Your losing a lot of blood." I said. "Help! Somebody help!" Ethan yelled.

We both picked her up and got her out of the train. We both sat her on the floor. "Someone fucking call 911!" I yelled. "Are you okay?" Ethan asked. "Yea I'm soo good." Mindy said sarcastically. "Your gonna be okay! Your gonna be okay." Ethan reassured her. "Just keep applying pressure, try to stop the bleeding!" I told Ethan

I pulled out my phone. I pulled out my phone as two guys came to help. "Fuck it's dead." I said as I tried turning it on. "Fuck this franchise." Mindy muttered.


𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕. 𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙻Where stories live. Discover now