Chapter 6. |Trauma|

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The cops were here the next morning. I was sitting with Tara and Mindy in the ambulance. Ethan and Chad were leaning against the doors. I couldn't help but start crying at the thought of seeing Anika's dead body. "Sage." Ethan said hugging me as I cried. "I saw her. I saw the way her head was smashed." My arm was in pain, it was in pain the whole fucking time but I had to ignore it.

I looked over and saw Mr Bailey come out of the building. "I'm gonna be right back." I said walking over to Sam and Quinns dad. "I'm so sorry about Quinn." I apologized. "All my kids are gone." He said wiping his tears. "My whole family is gone." I felt terrible for him. "They took me off the case." He said looking at Sam. "But I'm not gonna stop until I find him. You fuck with my family, you die." He finished. Sam nodded her head. "Agreed."

I turned around and saw someone familiar. "Hey are you okay? I came as soon as I heard." It was Gale. "Gale i swear to fucking god." I said. "Truce okay? I'm here for whatever you need." Gale said. Sam seemed annoyed. "Okay nice try." "Okay fine, off the record okay?" Me and Sam looked at each other. "Okay fine." We both said. Gale looked at me. "I'm sorry about Ethan." I apologized. "No your not." She laughed. "I'm not." I smiled.

Gale looked at Mr Bailey. "Your the coo right?" She asked him. He just nodded his head. "I did some digging about your first two victims and I found something. I know where the mask are coming from." She looked at all of us. "Show me." Mr bailey requested.

"Ladies." Kirby said as she walked towards us. "Kirby?" Gale said shocked. "Gale." She replied with a smile. "She's with the FBI." Sam told Gale. "She's a child. When did they start letting children in the FBI?" Gale said. "I'm thirty actually." Kirby told her. "Well you look like a zygote." "I have a gun Gale." She said putting her hand on her gun. "Fine, your gonna wanna see this too." Gale told her.

"Jason and Greg were little Atlantern rich boys, apparently they used fake names to rent this place." Gale said as we walked through an alley. Me and Ethan held hands as we walked. "How did you find it?" Kirby asked. "It's called investigative journalism for a reason. How didn't you find it weren't you tracking them?" She responded.

"Since when do y'all hold hands?" Chad asked us. "Since now." I smiled sarcastically. Gale opened the door with a key card and we all followed her inside. We started to climb up these stairs and Gale opened a gate with the same keycard. "What is this place? What's with all the security?" Gale then turned on the lights. "It's a movie theater." Tara pointed out. "It's not just a theater, it's a shrine."

We started walking cautiously. I smiled. "Come one." I said dragging Ethan with me. We started to look at all the stuff that was there. "They got the whole god damn franchise." Mindy said as she looked around. "Your still on about your franchise?" I rolled my eyes. "They got everything here." I said looking at the knives. I turned around and saw Kirby. "Is that?" Tara asked. "The knife i was stabbed with." She finished her sentence.

"You all been through so much." Mr bailey said. "How'd they get all this stuff?" Tara asked. "Right! Like wouldn't this all be evidence?" I asked. "Well cops like money. evidence can be lost pretty easily. Present companies excluded of course." Me and Ethan walked around more looking at all the drawings and knives.

"The killer must have found this place before the killed Jason and Greg, and then he took the masks off the mannequins, all nine from Stu and billy to Amber and Richie." Gale said. Sam started to walk up the stairs to the mannequins. I looked at the costumes from a far. "I'm gonna go get some air." I smiled before I left. I went to another part of the building. I went up stairs and found a room, which I'm guessing was part of the movie theater.  "Hey." Ethan said following me. He sat down next to me. "Are you okay? I know you and Anika were pretty close and I'm sorry about what happened to her." He said. I just started into his eyes, i then looked at his lips. I leaned closer and connected our lips. I didn't care if anyone saw us, I was just so lost into the moment.

Our kiss seemed like it lasted forever. I pulled away and looked into his eyes. "I've been wanting to do that for so long." I admitted. "I have too." He said as he caressed my cheek with his thumb. "Sorry to interrupt y'all's moment, but i think might have and idea how to turn the tables on this creep." Mr Bailey walking in with Gale, Sam and Kirby. "Yea, We're in." Gale said. Kirby turned around "Sorry no pressure aloud, police business." Kirby shrugged her shoulders. Gale look annoyed by what she was told.


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