Chapter 10. |Betrayal|

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"You bitch!" I screamed. "You betrayed us!" I screamed once more as Tara held me back so I wouldn't walk closer to them. I then realized something, Ethan wasn't with me, so could that mean? "No, no no no no, NO!" I cried. I started to fall back and just cry. "Sage please get up! It's alright we can make it through this." Tara said as she lifted me up. My heart felt like it was broken into millions of pieces.

"We finally get to get back at the three of y'all after what you did to us!" Mr bailey said with aggression in his voice. "What?" Sam asked confused. One of the Ghostface then pulled down his hood, as he did, I felt my heart drop down to my stomach.

As he took off the mask I finally
saw who it was. "Ethan?" I said my voice sounding shaky. I felt instant tears roll down my face. "Tada." Mr Bailey said. "God damnit." I said under my breath. "Mindy was right, it was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean all I had to do to meet you, was room with a conceited condescending alpha, literally named Chad! Fuck it felt good to kill him!" He exclaimed.

Ethan held up the mask he was wearing."This was your grandmothers Sam, Sage, Nancy Loomis? Really runs on your fucking family doesn't it." He said sounding mad. "Speaking of family," "Wait for it." "My names not even Landry!" He continued. "Is it dad." Ethan said turning to Mr Bailey. "Dad?" I said surprised. "Wait, if your ghostface, that means, Mindy?" Sam guessed. The second ghostface then took off her mask. "Heyy roomies." Quinn dragged. "Quinn?" I felt my eyes tear up even more.

"Didn't see that one coming did you?" She smiled. "Yea because you died!" Tara spat back. "But I didn't though?" Quinn said looking at Ethan. "It was a good way to get out of the suspect list. Stab Gale weathers. Stab Mindy on the train. That's sort of fun." She finished.

"Yea, and I just made sure I was first on the scene so I could switch your body's up with fresh ones. A little fake blood, a prosthetic, you'll be amazed with what a grieving father can get away with." Mr bailey said as Quinn and Ethan walked to the other side of the room we were in.

I ended up making eye contact with Ethan. My ears teared up more. I saw the look in his eyes as he looked back at me, he looked hurt but yet mad at the same time. I couldn't even bare to look at him, I was so terribly hurt. I just turned away from him, I couldn't even look at him without crying even more.

"I got Stu Macher's mask, he was my favorite." Quinn said holding his mask. Ethan then put the mask on top of the mannequin beside me. "That's number three, that's two," Mr Bailey then pulled a mask out of his jacket. "Which leaves, your fathers." He said pointing at me and Sam. "This is what we've been counting down too." Me and Sam looked at eachother. "We're gonna need one of y'all to put it on."

"Fuck you!" Sam said as she took the mask out of his hands. Quinn then slashed at Sam's shoulder. "You stay the fuck away from her!" Tara yelled at Quinn. "What is this?" I asked the turning to Mr Bailey. "You did this as a family? Is that it?" I said as I turned to look at Ethan and Quinn.

"Oh yea bitch! You should know better than anyone!" Quinn spat back at me. "Hey! You don't fucking yell at her like that!" Ethan yelled at Quinn. "Look I don't know what you believe, but me and Sage didn't commit those murders in woodsburrow it wasn't us!" Sam told them.

"Oh we know that! Of course y'all didn't! What do you think this is based off some bullshit conspiracy theory?" Mr Bailey said. "Come on, who do you thinks starting the rumors about y'all in the first place?" He said as Quinn raised her hand.

"You know how easy it was, to turn you two from the hero's of woodsburrow, into the villains? How easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people. Rather than the best?" Quinn said pointing the knife at us.

Ethan's pov
I saw the look inside Sage's eyes. I saw the look in all of their eyes.

I felt terrible for this, this is crazy, Richie tried to kill them. I don't blame them for killing him. I would've done the same thing if someone tried killing me

I need to stop this, this isn't right. This is crazy and fucked up. I need to help Sage.

Sage pov
"Exactly! That's why it's a perfect alibi!" Mr Bailey exclaimed. "And all the best lies, are based on the truth. You both are killers, just like y'all's father!" "No we're not!" Sam screamed.

"Yes you are you motherfucker! You killed our brother!" Quinn yelled at us. "What are you talking about?" "You said your brother died in a car accident?" Tara asked. "No, he died in woodsburrow. In the hands of your bitch sisters." Quinn told Tara pointing at us. I felt so hurt by their words, I just wanted to burst into tears but I knew I had to stay strong through out this.

"Your Richies family?" Sam said as she turned around to look at Mr Bailey. He just nodded his head. "Yea." As Sam turned around Quinn then stabbed her shoulder. "Stay the fuck away from her!" I screamed as I pushed her away and Tara pushed the mannequin over. "She finally starting to get it!" Quinn yelled as she moved towards us.

Tara then threw the brick she had in her hand at her but she quickly moved her head. Ethan then ran towards us, blocking us from going anywhere. Ethan then dropped his knife on the floor and took off his robe. "I'm fucking done with this shit! This is insane! I'm not killing anyone, especially Sage!" Ethan said as he held my hand.

"No! No! This isn't how the plan was supposed to go!" Mr bailey screamed at Ethan. "Then your just gonna have to die with your girlfriend." Mr bailey said as he glared at us.

"There she is," Quinn said as she put her knife on Sam's neck. "There's the fucking killer." "You did such a great parenting job by the way." I smiled. "Shut your whore fucking mouth!" Quinn screamed as she pushed us towards the other aisle.

"Have I been the perfect dad? No. Have I maybe indulged Richies love in these movies? Maybe? To me their just a little dark. But, Richie really loved them. He even made a few of his own." Mr bailey said turning around.

As I turned around Ethan was then shot in his shoulder. "Ethan! I screamed as he fell to the floor. "No no no no you have to stay with me your not gonna die!" I cried. "I'm sorry Sage. I love you."

Tears were streaming down my face. "I love you too." I said as I held Ethan's face. "Tu perra!" I screamed as I put pressure on his wound.

"Theirs a very special bond between a father and his first son." Mr bailey then turned back to us. "Which is why I helped him build his collection."

"This is all his?" Sam asked. "He was a very passionate collector. And he inspired others, we had to kill those wannabe film students because well, we had to kill you two first." He said pointing at me and Sam. "I put the theater in their name, then good old detective Bailey just stumbled on it but I didn't have to! Because my golly that Gale Weathers is one hell of a journalist." Mr Bailey said.

"I built a tribute to my son, which is where y'all have to die, Sam, Sage. Surrounded by all the things he has loved the most."

"What happens next?! What happens after your done with us? Your just gonna disappear!" Sam yelled.

"No! We gotta hurry over to the hospital to make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through. Because everyone dies Sam! Anyone who had to do with the death of my son!" Mr Bailey said pointing the gun at us.

"Suffers and dies."

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