Chapter 9. |big reveal|

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We both went to the hospital with Mindy. I charged my phone and called Sam and told her what happened. Mindy eventually made us leave the hospital because she didn't want Ethan there, and she wanted us to find who stabbed her.

After about 20 mins of walking we finally made it to the theater. "Hey Sam." I said. "Sage." She said hugging me. I hugged her back. "Let's go." She said. We all walked into the theater.

"I cleared the whole place before you got here, so this is the only way in or out" Kirby said as she shut the gate. "He steps in through the first door booth doors lock automatically, trapping him inside. I turned it into a kill box". "Weapon's?" I ask her. "One gun and I hold on to it" she told me. "I am the only one with a badge here and that's the way it's going to be. We're safe here."

Me and Ethan started walking around. "This place looks so damn old." I said as I reached to grab something. As I reached to grab it Ethan also did making out hands touch.

I quickly moved my hand away and so did he. "So that was just too cringey for me." I laughed. "You have such a pretty laugh you know." Ethan smiled. "And you have such a pretty face." I flirted back. He started to lean in closer to me and so did I. Our lips were then connected by the next second. Even through everything going on, Ethan has managed to make this experience not the worst.

He broke our kiss to take a breath. "And that's our second kiss." I smiled. He blushed and laughed. I smiled and kissed his cheek. We then both heard screaming that sounded like Tara. We both looked at eachother and ran towards the screaming.

"You go find out what's going on! I'll catch up to you later!" Ethan said kissing my forehead. I then saw Tara, Sam, and Chad. "What the hells going on?!" I asked. "Kirby's ghostface!" Sam yelled at me. Ghostface then came behind the curtains and tried stabbing Tara but I pushed her out of the way before she could get her.

Chad then grabbed the camera and smacked ghostface in the face. She fell back and I quickly ran behind the curtains. "There!" Tara yelled as we ran through a hallway. Chad threw the camera camera at ghostface and we ran into a room.

Chad knocked down the popcorn machine to slow ghostface down. She  jumped over it and tried stabbing Chad but Sam and Tara held him back and Chad punched him in the face.

She fell on the ground and Tara kicked her in the face. "Y'all go!" Chad yelled at us as he picked up the gum ball machine and tried to smash ghostface with it but then another ghostface came and stabbed him in the stomach. "Chad!" Tara screamed.

"Tara no!" I yelled as me and Sam held her back. They then stabbed Chad multiple times. They then both turned around and wiped their knives. Sam and Tara quickly ran out the door as I stood there in shock before I ran with Tara and Sam. "This way!" Sam yelled as we ran towards the stage.

Ghostface then came through the curtains and the other ghostface came through the room we were just in.

We were all trapped with no where to go between both of the ghostfaces. Tara and Sam grabbed bricks and Tara started crying more. "Ready?" Sam said the the brick in her hand.  "I need you to be ready! Ready?" Sam repeated.

"Look at me." Sam said turning to Tara. "I'm ready." Tara said turning back around. "Come one mother fucker!" Tara yelled. I stood between both of them having no idea what to do.

There were then gunshots coming from behind us. We all ducked as the two ghostface ran away from the gunshots.

"It's okay!" Kirby yelled with the gun in her hand. "Stay the fuck away!" I yelled at her. "We know it's you Kirby." Tara told her. "One of the...knocked me out." She said between breaths.

"Get away from the girls!" Mr Bailey said walking towards her while aiming the gun at her. "Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill me daughter?!" He yelled at her.

"Jesus christ!" Kirby yelled. "Whatever he's been saying to you don't listen to him!" Kirby told us. Ghostface then came from behind Mr Bailey and ran towards him.

"Behind you!" Kirby yelled before Mr Bailey shot her. "KIRBY!" I screamed. "Good job." Mr Bailey told us.

Both of the Ghostface came from behind him. "Both of you." He said as both of the Ghostface walked next to him.

"What the hells going on?"


𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕. 𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝙻Where stories live. Discover now