Chapter 2

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"Well, this is unexpected. Didn't know that this gig was ran by a woman. I'm impressed." Toji said with a smirk.

Raven gave the man a flat look. "So this is the thanks I get for having to save a man like yourself?" She replied. Toji was observing her when having to debate to toy with her or not. The appearance was somewhat appealing but somewhat interesting. The black-haired woman had a V neck black and red wrap style top with a black pleated skirt that has black shorts underneath, with series of beaded necklaces. She also wears a red obi sash around her waist alongside a red tasset wrapped around her waist that carries her weapon's sheath. Attached to it is a long black object that is either fur or feathers, with a red and white bandana material like hanging from behind her. Her forearms bear red armored gauntlets that protrude outwards and black fingerless gloves. She wore black mid-thigh high boots, that had armor plating with red splatter patterns and black heels.

His observation was interpreted by a chuckle.  "I enjoyed watching you knock Vernal around, though she's nothing but a child. I'd ask if you thought you could do the same to one of my men, but it seem like I can be satisfied with the movements that you'd shown."

Toji blinked in confusion. "What's that supposed to mean?" Raven started to walk up to the man to observe him. She looked up and down to see if there's any special qualities about Toji. She could know of his reputation, but the risk can be slim by a mile.

"Mmm, you don't look  like a huntsman." Raven said. Toji's eyes widened a little at that assumption.

"The hell a Hunstman?" Asked Toji. Raven tilts her head like he was actually serious.

"You never heard of a huntsmen or huntresses before?"

"I wouldn't have ask the question, now would I?"

"Either you're playing dumb, or you're having serious issues up there for having to survive in the forest." She pointed at her head insinuating that Toji is crazy.

Toji was irritated at that remark. "Look, I don't know what a huntsman is, nor care on how I'm still alive. Should be dead, but I'm not." He stares at the woman with clear intention. "So, miss boss. Can you to try to explain why I'm here or do I have to get my hands dirty?"

Whispers began to spread out as the two individuals are staring down with one another. Suddenly, Raven gave out a another chuckle.

"I was right," she said, more to herself than to him. "You are nothing like the ones I've seen before. Someone who always walking an line on life and death. So tell me," her expression had a frown with hope, "you think that you could try to beat me?"

The crowd was silenced by the proposal that was laid out by the Bandit Queen. They were waiting on the outsider's approval for having to fight one on one with her. Yeah, no way. There's no possible way he would-

"Sure. Besides, there's always easy pickings when it comes fighting the weak."




Scene change

"Since you're injured, you're not entirely ready to fight with me. If I wanted to fight a cripple, I'd break one of my men. We'll have our fight in a week or two, once you've recovered enough to actually pose a challenge." She turned away once more. "Until then, make yourself at home. Roland, see him fed. He is allowed free reign of the camp and is here as my guest." Her eyes scanned over the rest. "No one is to challenge that lest they wish to face me."

"As you command, Raven," the man from before, the one sparring with Vernal, replied. Once the woman was gone, he sighed and walked up to Toji. "I've no idea if you've balls of brass or brass where your brain should be, boy. Do you have any idea who that was?"

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