Chapter 6

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The battle was entertaining. For Toji, at least. The problem was mostly Qrow's attitude. He thinking that this Qrow stood before him with a cocky smirk and a lackadaisical attitude?

It was honestly a little disappointing.

He went on the attack suddenly, closing the distance between them and lashing out with wide and heavy blows, forcing the huntsman onto the defensive. He'd always been more of an quick and easy death towards the missions he assigned to, but this is getting no where if the opponent ain't dead yet. He pushed Qrow back toward the crowd, it was one such he employed. With a mighty crash, he knocked Qrow's sword wide, but also allowed his own to over-extend, providing an opening. Qrow saw it, and like the aggressive fighter he'd never really been, couldn't hold back from taking advantage, lunging in.

Toji smirked as he hit the dirt, along with his shoulder and body, watching Qrow sail by overhead, wide-eyed at his opponent's sudden dive. As Qrow stumbled over him, Toji scraped up a healthy pile of dust and pebbles and threw them in Qrow's face.

"Arghhh!" Qrow staggered back with one hand clutched to his face, trying to wipe the debris from his eyes. He cried out again when Toji's leg swept around, catching him in the back of the shin and sweeping his foot away. Qrow fell hard and tried to roll away.

But the rejected Zenin was on him before he could. One hand grappled with Qrow's sword, wrenching it from his grasp and tossing it away, while his other – too close to use his own – instead hammered down with the pommel, striking Qrow in the neck with a blow that left him gasping for breath. Toji grabbed a dagger behind the worm and stabbed the shoulder of the Branwen to make sure he wouldn't move. For good measure, with a grunt and a final kick to the groin - just to make sure he stayed down. The poor Qrow rolling around in pain with his family's jewels being distributed. Sad sight to see for the male audience, but anything goes when it comes to fighting.

Toji got up with a satisfying expression, having to beat one of the "best" Huntsmen in Remnant seeing him in pain and cockiness pegged in levels of embarrassment. He wouldn't take any second chances of having to underestimate an opponent. No matter what weak they are.

"Give up," said Toji. "You got your ass handed."

In the end, Qrow hadn't fired off a single shot, nor revealed his weapon as a mecha-shift. He'd not had the chance on account of how he didn't take Toji seriously. He usually relying on what he believed to be a natural advantage in skill and ability. Raw skill and talent wasn't everything, however. It worked to a degree, but there was always a way for the weaker combatant to eke out an advantage. It all depended on how hard they were willing to train... or how low they were prepared to go in his case. Puling hair, low blows, dirt in the eyes, ambushes, the man he knew as Qrow had taught him and his friends all of that and more.

But the Qrow beneath him hadn't realised that yet. Had he, the fight might - would - have gone a different way.

He looked up at the man that beat him with an expression of disgust.

"Dirty move," Qrow coughed, wiping an arm over his face. "What kind of bastard taught you that?" He patted his shoulder with his blood leaking out a little.

"Let's just say my family can be a little....extreme with the method we beat our enemies. No matter what, I won't be losing to an amateur." Toji grinned. He raised his voice to the crowd around them. "The fight is over. I could have slit his throat but didn't. We're done here."

The crowd started to cheer, shout and groan in equal measure, some having no doubt bet against him. None seemed willing to help Qrow up however, who lay on his back with a frustrated and shame-faced scowl. Toji went up to the defeated opponent and gave out a hand to pick himself up.

"Just be prepared for an opponent who fights dirty next time and you won't have any problems." Said Toji. Qrow stared at the hand in surprise for a moment, but a scowl soon replaced his expression and he slapped it aside. The huntsman forced himself up and spared a brief glare for his sister, and then a much longer one for Toji. The scar lipped man just replied with a flip of the bird.

"Take your lost with pride, and maybe you could beat me one day!" Exclaimed Toji.

Without a word, he limped away, defeated.

Raven's hands clapped together as she descended her dais. He knew she'd done so early to make sure Qrow heard, and if the man's stiff shoulders as he picked up his weapon were any indication he certainly had. He didn't pause to speak with Raven, but instead pushed through the crowd, knocking one person aside as her jeered at the huntsman.

"Ignore him," Raven said, laughing delightedly. "Qrow will fly back to Ozpin to sulk like the little child he is. He was never one to accept defeat gracefully, nor embarrassment."

"Uh huh." Replied Toji. The worm on his shoulder began to shrinks into a candy like shaped again, devouring it again for safe keeping.

I was right," Raven said, looking him up and down with a wry smile. "You really are strong – and not just as a huntsman. The brutality you showed, the way you fought, even the lack of pointless conversation."

"There's no point of talking to a dead person when it comes to fighting. If your about the life of taking another life, then talking is pointless."

"Mm, people like yourself should have that train of thought."

"Not really, it's a mess, but I ain't tryna hear all that."

"Then, what about your family?"

"Don't know, don't care. I'm here and doing shit without restrictions."

She leaned back into a seat and gestured to one opposite, on the other side of a thin, wooden table. "Drink?"

Toji sat down. "I believe that I should be going. Like you'd promise."

"I promised you that tomorrow. The means for said transport isn't ready yet," she added when he made to complain. "If I tried to use it now, you would fall into the ocean."

Confusion warred within him for a moment, but didn't pray on it. If  he could leave, then he could leave.

Raven offered the flask again. "Drink?"

Toji stared until he held out the cup to receive it.

"Fuck it." He gulped down the first drink. Then another. Then another. Then another. Then another. Until his vision was pitch black in the moment.

A/N:Spider-man is amazing.

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