Chapter 4

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It was less than four days later when things changed. He started to wake up and repeated the cycle that he was living with the bandits. After his unfortunate death, he saw the world in a different way, somehow less muted. He'd kept up his daily visits and chats with Raven, talking with other tribe members, or........entertaining himself with the female members. But for Raven, other times they talked about lighter things like entertainment, fighting styles or even places they'd been and sights they'd seen. Roland was at least a friendly face, but since he trained Vernal daily, that meant approaching him was a bad idea.

Of course, Vernal still found and forced him into at least one spar a day. The brat was persistent, but learning quickly when it comes to fighting.

Most of the time, he spent with Raven however, and it came as something of a surprise to realise just how normal she was, which was kind of stupid in hindsight. Sure, being a bandit have it's quirks, like any other human being, Raven had to live life day by day and deal with normal things like laundry, cooking and chatting with the person who she challenged into a fight.

In a way, he felt she enjoyed it too. They weren't close, not at all, but he was 'new' and in a tribe where she saw the same people day in, day out, that probably counted for something. More than that, he wasn't afraid of her and thus could hold his own when they disagreed on something. There were times when the discussions got so heated she reached for her weapon, but he pointed it out each time and she would relent, frustrated – and even a little surprised – that someone had pushed her so far.

He had a feeling no one in the tribe did that, whether out of fear or inability.

Raven delighted in it, if only because it broke up the mediocrity of life.

And then, with the coming of the fourth dawn, that all changed. Toji noticed the people in the tribe are quiet than usual. There was a buzz in the camp, with people whispering in low voices and many congregating toward the centre where Raven's tent lay. It was almost as though they'd formed a circle around it to watch a fight. That had happened once or twice when she sparred with someone, though it never brought so large a crowd.

People saw that he was approaching towards the source, so the brains that they have knowing that they need to get out the way for his arrival. His reputation among the tribe had grown enough that none challenged him twice. Those who hadn't seen or experienced him first hand knew of him from others, or had watched in awe and a little jealousy at the easy way he interacted with their fearsome leader.

As he approached, he heard some voices, one of them belonged to Raven's.

"You come here and make demands of me, traitor? You have a lot of nerve. I've half a mind to cut your tongue from your mouth."

"Wouldn't be the first time you've threatened that and I'm still talking," the other taunted.

It was gruff and yet not, lacking a certain edge. "Besides, I'm not here to fight. I'm here to talk some sense into you and convince you to come back. He wants to talk to you."

"Oh? And here I was under the impression he had moved on. I doubt my reappearance would have the desired effect."

"I'm talking about Ozpin," the man was looking laid back, having no care in the world.

Raven's sword cleared its sheathe in an instant and tickled the underside of the man's chin.

"Choose your next words carefully, Qrow. I do not answer to that man anymore. I am no one's slave."

Toji stares at the newcomer known as Qrow. He looked back and forth between the two and realize they were siblings. Twins, to be exact.

'And they're named after birds. What a coincidence.' He thought while rolling his eyes.

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