Chpater 16

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Toji walked through the bustling streets of Vale, Neo's small hand firmly grasping his own. The city around them hummed with activity, a melting pot of cultures and species coexisting in relative harmony. Vale was known for its diversity, a place where Faunus and humans alike found common ground, albeit not without its tensions.

As they navigated through the throngs of people, Toji felt a sense of unease settling in. He wasn't used to having someone dependent on him, especially a child. Neo's presence reminded him of a vulnerability he had long buried beneath layers of cynicism and detachment. Yet, there was something about her quiet resilience that touched him, a reminder of innocence lost in a world that often showed its harsher side.

Toji sighed inwardly, swiping a hand across his face as he tried to think of what to do with Neo. He wasn't accustomed to caring for others, let alone a child who had already faced more hardships than most adults. But then an idea struck him, a fleeting thought that seemed both reckless and compassionate at the same time.

He glanced down at Neo, noticing the determination in her eyes despite the hardships she had endured. Without saying a word, he altered their course, guiding her through the streets towards a quieter, less crowded part of Vale. Here, nestled between the towering buildings and bustling marketplaces, lay a small park—a sanctuary amidst the urban chaos.

Toji led Neo to a bench beneath the shade of a sprawling tree, where they sat in companionable silence. The park offered a moment of respite from the noise and chaos of the city, a rare opportunity for peace and reflection.

"So, kid," Toji began, his voice softer than usual. "Ever been to a park like this before?"

Neo shook her head, her eyes wide with curiosity as she took in her surroundings. It was clear that this was a new experience for her, a chance to glimpse a world beyond survival and necessity.

Toji leaned back against the bench, his thoughts drifting to his own turbulent past. He had grown up without the luxury of parks and peaceful moments, always on the move, always looking over his shoulder. And yet, here he was, offering Neo a glimpse of normalcy—a simple gesture that felt strangely significant.

"You know," Toji said, his tone thoughtful. "This place ain't half bad. Quiet, peaceful... reminds me of a time when things were simpler."

Neo looked up at him, her expression unreadable yet filled with curiosity. She had been through so much at such a young age, yet there was a resilience in her gaze that spoke volumes.

Meanwhile, Toji grabbed his scroll to try to find a name to call. The scroll ringing and ringing until the other line was able to answer.


Scene Change

Summer sighed as Yang finally drifted off into sleep, clinging tightly onto Ruby. Carefully, she pulled her arm out from under her daughter's head, lowering her against the pillow. She took a moment to brush hair out of Yang's face, studying her features, and doing the same with Ruby.

She'd almost lost them. She'd come within seconds of—

She pulled back with a harsh gasp, heart thundering in her chest. Her left eye—rather, the space where her used to be—throbbed, pain lancing along the scars marring her face.

"Sweetie?" Lost in her thoughts, Summer was startled when Taiyang's voice broke through the silence. His concern was evident as he approached her, his presence a comforting anchor in the aftermath of their ordeal. His gentle inquiry brought her back to the present, to the warmth of their shared love and the safety of their family.

"I-I'm fine...really." Mumbling Summer. At once, her anxiety over...past events subsided. Taiyang reached out, his hand finding hers, offering silent support and understanding. Together, they sat in the quiet room, the soft breathing of their daughters a soothing backdrop. Despite the scars of their past and the uncertainty of their future, they found solace in each other's presence, drawing strength from their bond as a family.

Taiyang sat beside Summer, his concern evident in the furrow of his brow as he watched her tend to their daughters. Despite the reassurance of their safety now, he couldn't shake off the worry that lingered in the aftermath of the recent events.

"Are you going to be okay?" Taiyang asked softly, his voice laced with genuine concern. He reached out, gently placing a hand on Summer's shoulder, offering comfort in the only way he knew how.

Summer looked up at him, her eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and lingering anxiety. She offered a weak smile, trying to reassure him as much as herself. "Yeah, I'm good! I'm a big girl, mister!" she exclaimed, her voice wavering slightly. "I don't think I should need this protection from you after everything that happened. I mean, I appreciate it, but you know..."

Taiyang listened attentively as Summer ranted, understanding the weight of her words. He nodded empathetically, letting her express her feelings without interruption. He knew she needed to voice her concerns, to process the trauma they had all just endured.

When Summer finally paused, Taiyang gently squeezed her shoulder. "Are you done?" he asked with a soft smile, trying to lighten the mood.

She sighed deeply, her shoulders relaxing a fraction. "Yeah," she admitted quietly, meeting his gaze with gratitude for his patience and support.

Taiyang pulled her into a comforting embrace, wrapping his arms around her as if to shield her from any lingering fear or doubt. "It's okay to feel overwhelmed, Summer," he murmured into her hair. "We've been through a lot, but we're here together. That's what matters."

Summer leaned into his embrace, finding solace in his steady presence. She closed her eyes briefly, feeling the warmth of Taiyang's love enveloping her, grounding her in the midst of uncertainty. "I know," she whispered softly, her voice barely audible. "Thank you, Tai."

As Summer and Taiyang sat together in the quiet room, their daughters peacefully asleep nearby, the tension from recent events slowly began to dissipate. The tranquility was interrupted by the ringing of Summer's scroll, breaking the peaceful atmosphere.

"Oh, who could it be?" Summer mused aloud, picking up her scroll and glancing at the caller ID. Her eyes widened in recognition. "Oh snap!" she exclaimed, swiping to answer the call.

"Toji!" she greeted warmly as his voice came through the other line.

"Yo. Been awhile," Toji replied casually.

"It sure has," Summer agreed with a hint of nostalgia. "Life hasn't exactly been easy, but we're managing."

"I guess so. Anyway, are you busy with shit or something?" Toji asked, getting straight to the point.

"Not really," Summer answered, casting a glance at Taiyang who nodded in agreement. "Tai and I are just relaxing for a bit while the kids are asleep."

"Yeah, kids," Toji muttered, his tone somewhat reflective. "Anyway, I got a favor to ask."

Curiosity piqued, Summer leaned in slightly. "What is it, Toji?"

"It's a surprise," Toji teased. "I just need the address and then I'll explain. I mean, it's just a little favor, right?"

Summer furrowed her brow slightly, trying to decipher Toji's intentions. "Of course! I'll do it, especially after you know, the whole 'saving my life' phase," she replied with a hint of amusement.

"Great! Just send the addy and I'll pull up," Toji said eagerly.

"Sure! I'll send—" Summer began, but the call abruptly ended on Toji's end. She sighed, looking at Taiyang with a bemused expression. "Toji's coming to visit, says he needs a favor. I wonder what it could be."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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