Chapter 7

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Rays of sunlight peeked through the tent flaps and poked him in the eye. Toji fought against it for as long as he could, but when not even rolling over got rid of it, he groaned and opened his eyes, pushing himself up on his hands. He felt the coldness of his skin by the breeze of wind coming from the tent. He groaned and opened his eyes, pushing himself up on his hands.

Long, flowing, black hair greeted him.

His eyes widened. Did they...oh they actually did it. The impact of his hangover struck first, followed by reality as he noticed that not only was Raven was half naked in the bed beside him. She was half slumped on her cot, one arm and leg over the edge of the bed, a beer bottle hanging on her hand.

Had they really drunk themselves to fucking? That felt remarkably unlike him, and her to be honest, but that was only because he still struggled to see her as anything other than a power-obsessed vixen. He started to remember some of the events that transpired in their "intimate" encounter with each other. Then again, she was a Branwen. He was more surprised she felt comfortable enough to fall asleep near him. Did she trust him so much that she felt no fear letting her guard down?

He rubbed his eyes to to make sure the crest of his eyes while bumping Raven's thigh to wake her up. As much as she looks good right now, he had things to do. "Raven, wake up."


"Raven!" He shook her a little harder. "Hangover or not, I gotta go."

"Ngh." Raven's brow creased, but she slowly started to wake up. Like him, she sought to escape the light by rolling over, this time so that her face was buried in his chest. Her fingers gripped at the skin of his back. "You smell good," she whispered sleepily, eyes cracking open. She smiled and nuzzled against him. "Come back to bed, Tai..."

"It's Toji, beautiful." Toji smirked.

Raven's eyes snapped open. Her hand, still bunched in his chest, pushed away with sudden force, hurling him back into the table with a crack. When he shook away the shock, he was in time to see Raven stand and turn away, brushing a hand through her hair.

When she turned back, her face was business-like, with no sign of her earlier behaviour and a frown in place. "What are you doing in my tent?"

Toji look up at the half naked with a smirk. "Good morning, but we got a wardrobe malfunction in both parties." Raven didn't get it at first until she felt the breeze onto her skin. She blinked at realization of her appearance, having a loose bra strap hanging on the side, while her black panties being in display. She quickly grabbed the massive blanket that was on the bed to cover herself.

She stared with a ghosted expression with what had transpired last night. "No.....".

"Relax, we were both drunk. I don't remember either, but I could tell we were...wild from our little meeting." Said Toji. That statement gave him a glare from the Bandit Queen.

"That's doesn't make anything else better, you idiot!" Yelled Raven.

"Then what the hell do you want me to do about it?! Face it, we did it and now we both gotta go our separate ways, remember? I did your shit and now you owe me." He started to put on his shirt. Raven was still glaring at the man until taking deep breaths to handle her emotions.

"Alright fine. Fine!" She went over to peek out the tent flap, shielding her bloodshot eyes from the light. "The sun is up. Someone will be making breakfast."

"Raven, you-"

"Shut. Up. I'll get ready and then we'll have breakfast. Then I'll portal your ass outta here."

She wasn't even in the mood for the banter with the scar man. Now having a black out sex with a somewhat stranger is not the day to start with. Raven's mood persisted for at least another hour or two, long enough for them to eat in relative silence and for her to bark critique at several bandits sparing nearby. Toji somewhat was training Vernal again, having to throw her down and she just keep on coming back up. She shows determination as usual, but the attitude still need some work. If she were in the Zen'in clan, she'll be miserable and be a control killer with the "right" teaching. He hoped his son wasn't brought into the clan. The blue eyed bastard better do his part.

It was closer to noon when she finally calmed down enough to draw him aside, outside of the camp and in a small thicket of trees that concealed them from view. "My Semblance allows me to create portals," she explained, "I can make you one to Patch, which is a small island a short journey from Vale. You will need to secure a ferry for yourself, but that should not be hard."

"I'll manage. Thank you for this, and for saving me," he added. "You put me up for almost three weeks and helped me heal. I appreciate that."

"Don't ruin what respect I have for you by crying," Raven said. Her lips tugged up just a fraction. "I'm not that grateful."

"How cruel. Still, it was enjoyable while it lasted." She made it seem like admitting that physically hurt. "Are you sure I cannot convince you to join the Branwen tribe? You would be a fine addition and I would welcome you."

"You can't. I have places to be."

"A shame..." Raven laughed. "But I could tell as much. Still, it does not hurt to ask." She turned a little to the side and concentrated on the space before her, slowly willing a portal to life.

"We shall see one another again."

Would they, or was that just some means to make him feel better? He had no idea and Raven wasn't saying, her knowing smile the only answer he received.

"If you say so..."

With a deep breath, he stepped through the portal.

The cold hit him first. He wasn't actually sure what season it was, but it was a little later in the day and the breeze was far stronger than it had been in Mistral, with a salty air that told him the ocean was nearby. His feet landed on soft grass, and when he looked behind him the portal was already winking out of existence. Raven was apparently a lot better at goodbyes than he was.

He was outside what looked to be a pub or inn of some kind, with him being in an alleyway off to the side. It was made of wood with simple decoration and a sign hanging over the door marking it as the 'Huntsman's Pride'.

He roll his neck to get ready for his journey. He gave his signature smile.

"Well, let's get started, shall we?"

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