Chapter 12

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While Ozpin and Mr. Azure-Blaine exchanged pleasantries and updates on each other's lives, Toji settled into a nearby chair with his customary air of indifference. He couldn't help but notice the reactions of the other hospital visitors around him. A mother, with a subtle urgency, ushered her children away from him, as if fearing his mere presence. Toji's rugged appearance made people look at him like a monster not wanted to be provoked.

People stared at him with a mix of admiration for Ozpin and apprehension of his imposing figure. Glynda, seemingly unfazed by the lack of attention, observed the scene with her usual poised demeanor.

Toji's eyes darted between the interactions and the passing time, wondering how much longer this seemingly endless hospital visit would continue. He kept a stern watch on the surroundings, determined to conclude this experience as quickly as possible.

As Toji stepped into Summer Rose's hospital room, his gaze fell upon the young couple within. Taiyang, with a name that hinted at Chinese origins, possessed a striking American appearance. Toji couldn't help but twitch, reminded of the complex blend of cultures and appearances that the world of remnant had to offer. However, it was when his eyes met Summer Rose's that he felt a profound shift within him.

Despite her lost eyesight, the room seemed to brighten with her presence. A radiant smile graced her face, reminiscent of the brightness that had once shone in the eyes of his late wife. It was a haunting familiarity, a touch of warmth amid the coldness of the world he now found himself in. Memories of his own past, of a woman who had loved him despite his flaws, resurfaced for a brief, poignant moment.

Toji stood in silence, his stoic exterior momentarily cracked, as he observed the young couple before him, each carrying their own burdens and scars in this tumultuous world, just as he did.

Toji blinked in mild surprise as the patient woman, Summer Rose, thanked him for saving her from the scorpion Faunus attack. He responded with his typical brevity, "No worry. You're alive. That's all that matters."

But Summer wasn't done. She cleared her throat, straightening her back, and her silver eye shone with gratitude as she continued, "No, I mean, really, thank you. If you hadn't come along..."

Toji listened attentively, sensing the sincerity in her words. Before she could finish her sentence, her husband, Taiyang, interjected, his head slightly bowed, "Please, if you ever need anything—"

Toji's response was characteristically blunt and laced with his disinterest in pleasantries, "Fuck off with that shit." Both Summer and Taiyang blinked in disbelief at the unexpected rudeness from the enigmatic and unpredictable Zen'in. It was clear that Toji was not one for sentimental exchanges or empty gestures, remaining true to his no-nonsense approach. He doesn't need it. He never did.

Summer started, her voice soft and tentative, "Mr. Toji—"

"Just Toji," he interjected, a smirk playing on his lips. He couldn't help but find amusement in her attempt at formality. The contrast between her blush and her desire to be proper with him was a source of intrigue in this otherwise grim world of Remnant. It was a reminder of the nuances that still existed in a place ravaged by chaos and danger.

She took a deep breath, regaining her composure, and continued, "Toji, I just wanted to express my gratitude. What you did, it meant more than words can convey."

Toji leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, his eyes fixed on Summer. Despite his gruff exterior, her sincerity seemed to resonate with him. "Don't mention it. I'm just here to do what needs to be done."

Summer nodded, her silver eye reflecting a mix of emotions. Summer's sentence hung in the air, carrying unspoken thoughts that seemed to linger. Taiyang sensed the need to ease the tension, and he jumped in with an offer of hospitality, saying, "How about this? If you're ever in town, we'll give you the best meal on the continent."

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