Chapter 9

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The man named Hazel paled, stumbling backwards as he held his hands up in front of him. His eyes then darted to the woman, still lying face-down in the dirt. Toji slowly walk over the woman body to protect from the big bastard.

Hazel knew it would be suicidal to try to talk the sorcerer out of this. Even if he try, he needs to complete killing off the woman. In Toji's perspective, he knew he had him the ropes. Hazel reacted quickly, pulling out a dust vial. He jabbed it into his arms, and his entire body began to glow blue.

Toji's eyes widened at the action that Hazel has done. It looked like a booster or a special ability that he could to fight.  And as Toji bent down low, bringing his sword back, Hazel spun on his heel, crashing through the stone beasts and disappearing into the woods.

The sorcerer killer frowned as the hulking man vanished from sight, putting the cursed blade into the cursed slug. "Smart man," he said with a light chuckle. He turned to the downed woman, crouching down and turning her over.

"...Aaaahh," she sighed weakly as he laid her on her back. As Toji predicted, her pure white coat was covered in not only her blood, but dirt. Her face was a bloody mess of bleeding gashes, obscuring her features—save for the fact that she had dark hair. Some of the hair—drenched red in her own blood—was matted down harder one the left side of her face. Gehrman brushed it aside, frowning as he saw that her left eye was gone—burst apart, by the look of it—a gaping, bloody, dirt-packed hole in its place.

"Taaaiii," she gasped deliriously, her good eye shutting tighter, "Qrrrrow, Yannnng, Ruuubyyy," she slurred out names, "Sooorryy..."

Toji sighed, running his hand down his hand, trying to make his next move. The slug went over the shoulder to spit out some bandages and some special treatment to take care of most of the wounds.

The gaping hole where her left eye should be was still there, but the blood flow seemed to stop, at least. He still had no idea what he was going to do with her; but at least she was less likely to die before sunrise.

As he was doing his best to clean up the woman's face, he noticed something odd in her hair. He brushed it aside, tilting his head at the small gray...thing clipped onto her ear, which blinked green at specific intervals.

'Must be mic. The technology seem to get impressive every time.' He thought.

"Summer! Come in, Summer!" a man's voice suddenly shouted in his head. Toji grimaced at the loudness of the man that he was being. "Summer?! Summer, you cut off, are you alright?!" the man shouted once more.

Toji hummed, pressing the groove once more.

"Summer? Summer, speak up!"

Toji pressed the groove once more, this time saying, "This is not Summer."

He released the groove, met only by silence. Then, the man's voice returned, grave and solemn. "Who is this?" It might have sounded intimidating, but Toji had faced far worse disembodied voices. He wanted to laugh at the man, but the situation dire.

"Alright, tuff guy. The name's Toji and the woman injury right now. She was jumped by some men, but luckily, your's truly stopped them before going forward. Beaten up a little bit, but she fixed up. For the most part."

"...Okay, okay, okay, okay," the man said rapidly. "Toji, was it?"

"Yeah, man. Is someone gonna pick us up?"

"Right. Listen, just stay put, alright? We've got a lock on your location, a Bullhead will be there in ten minutes. Just sit still for...ten minutes, alright."

"Just hurrying up, the Grimm ain't waiting for ten minutes." Toji and took the device off his ear. He let out breath, propping his chin in his hand. He let the slug turn into the small ball again to swallow for safe keeping.

Scene Change

A low whirring far to his left broke Toji from his musings. 'Finally' he thought.

The Bull's Head came to an abrupt halt overhead. As it landed, it turned around, so that its back end was facing Toji. When it landed, there another, different, whirring sound, and a piece of the Bull's Head lowered onto the grass like a drawbridge.

Then, a blonde, pale man in a black uniform, with a gray wolf's tail jumped down from the still lowering mechanism.

"Yo!" Toji shouted at the man. He waved with Summer on his back. The group went over the pair.

"You're covered in blood, man." The tailed man said exasperatedly.

"Ok, and I'm still standing." Replied Toji. The trio stared at Toji incredulously. He stared blankly back.

"Aaaaahhh..." Summer moaned.

"Shit, Summer!" The woman shouted, her and the wolf-man running towards her. Upon reaching her, she said, "Oh! She's actually...looking okay. Well, minus the eye."

"The patch sort of came in handy." He muttered.

The bald man shook his head. "Er, you said you killed one of her attackers?"

"Yea, a man with a scorpion tail. Killed that fucker, but his partner, Patel? Hotel....? Whatever his name is got away."

The bald man sweat dropped at his explanation. "Can you give a description?"

"Get me some ink and paper and I can draw you his face," Toji replied.

The bald man nodded, eyeing his companions as they carefully carried Summer into the Bull's Head. "Later. Where's the other one?"

Toji just chuckled and pointed over to the corpse behind him. The man looked over, pulling a face. "W-What the hell did you do to him?" the man asked, disgust clear in his voice.

Toji turned, looking down defective corpse of the Faunus. "I killed him." Simply stated from the assassin. He shrugged it off like it was like another Monday. "It was really simply for a idiot with malice not knowing disadvantages from a predator."

The bald man's stare intensified, until he finally regained his composure, setting his face in stone. He gruffly turned around, walking towards the Bull's Head, "Come aboard," was all he said.

The scar man simply nodded with the no care in the world. Until something hit him.

' I get paid for this?' He wondered.

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